Exchanging favors.

Mar 16, 2007 16:50

Who: Miniyal and Roa
Where: Roa's weyr
When: Evening on day 4, month 6, turn 3 of the 7th Pass.
What: Miniyal has to, umm, bring a book to Roa like she promised. Because she promised. So, she does that after dinner. Because you can't /not/ do something you've promised the senior. That would be wrong. Oh, and there's some talking. Like old friends. Sisters. Best buddies! (Yea, I know no one is buying it.)


At High Reaches Weyr, it is after dinner on day 4, month 6, turn 3 of the 7th Pass.

It is later in the evening which has been, usually, not so good for little weyrwomen as of late. Things seem to be a bit better than last time a reluctant and chessplaying guest entered, because Roa is curled up on the couch reading, a mug of something cooling near a tidy stack of hides. Also on the table are a pair of lit scented candles. Tialith rests on the other side of the weyr, and her occasional sighs or shifts send a bit of air moving though the room anf make the little flames dance and twitch on their wicks.

Try the entire day for not a good time! Still, following dinner, Miniyal does manage to get away. In one hand she holds a book, likely the way she got away with getting away. Must take book to weyrwoman, yes. No, no, very important. I'll be back, yes, yes. Or something like that. So making her way around to the door she knocks on it softly and waits for an answer inside. There is only a moment of pressing ear to door to be sure there are not sounds of someone being ill inside.

No sounds of illness. Just an occasional 'slrp' as tea is sipped. And then, more audibly, "Come in!" Roa sets down her hidework and slides off the couch, standing to begin to make her way over to the door. The warming weather allow for bare feet, so that's what she has. One hand tucks a small wisp of hair behind her ear.

The door opens and Miniyal steps inside. She closes the door behind her with a soft push from the book free hand. The other hand, once she's spied where Roa stands, comes up in a rather lazy salute. It's better than what R'vain gets, but not as precise as what she bothers with for D'ven. "Ma'am. I hope I'm not interrupting, ma'am?" Oh, she's amused, but other than a tiny thread of such in her voice and a vague sparkle in her eyes. . .no, she's amused. No hiding it at all.

"Of course not." Pause. "Weyrling." Pause. "Please come in." Roa begins moving backwards towards couch and chairs and table. On the other side of the weyr, Tialith cracks open one large and glowing eye. Miniyal has never warranted a greeting from the queen before, but now she gets a courteous rumble and a faint 'chuff' of air.

"You know, ma'am. I'm going to get awfully sick of that word in the next couple of turns. Ma'am. Like we've all lost our names." Miniyal rolls her eyes, but she steps farther in, following along to where Roa wants to sit. Blinking she turns her gaze to Tialith a moment and inclines her head. "Ma'am." Then back to Roa, with a smile. "I have this book I thought you might like to read. And. . .well, saying that got me away for a few minutes."

The weyrwoman chuckles. "I expect that's the point of it. You're not you, anymore. You're something else. Part of a group. At least, that's my guess for what the Weyrlingmaster is after, but tell you what. I'll trade in 'weyrling' for 'Miniyal' when we're in here, if you'll trade in 'ma'am' for 'Roa'." She sinks back down onto the couch and stretches out her legs. One hand is held up and out for the book. "I'll mention to D'ven how much I enjoyed it," she notes idly, before looking at the cover.

"Sure, until I do something wrong and you tattle on me." She's teasing, holding the book out to be taken. It's a book from the last Pass. A romance about star crossed lovers at different weyrs who find each other again only in the end for him to die tragically in 'Fall. Sappy, romantic drivel. If she's actually read it is anyone's guess. Miniyal grins as the book is taken. "It's a stupid point. His system is flawed, but of course pointing that out did me no good so I will just have to document everything for when I am free of him."

"His system is what it is. Nothing is going to be perfect, but he's trying." Roa's lips quirk as she flips the book over and then opens it to flick through the first few pages. "You may not wish to make an enemy of him, you know," she adds idly. "Even after you graduate."

Miniyal's eyes roll and she waves one of her hands about dismissively. "It's flawed. I am not saying it does not have some redeeming value, but overall, so far, I can see several areas where problems will arise." Folding her hands in front of her, she shrugs. "I am not making an enemy of him. I wouldn't do that. But, if one is not open to hearing constructive criticism, well. . .it hardly seems right."

"I do not imagine he is open to hearing constructive criticism from someone in his program. Perhaps, once you aren't any longer, you can talk to him. But. He thinks he's doing it the right way. If that's not so, he may need to experience those troubles you expect before he notices things might not be as he thinks." Roa closes the book again, leaning forward to set it down. "How's Peloth?"

A quiet sigh follows Roa's words and there is just a slight nod for them. "Yes. He's rather rigid. I've noticed that. It's a failing. I am going to try to cure him of it. It will do him good." Miniyal smiles at this, all helpful, see? And then she smiles again, although it's an entirely different expression, one that softens her voice when she speaks. "Peloth is doing fine, thank you. She's doing wonderfully."

"Miniyal." One brow lifts and Roa says, quiet and sure, "No. You are not." Going to cure D'ven. "Leave it be for now." Then the tiny smile reappears and she has to add, "Tell me about her."

"Fine." Ignore the slightly petulant tone and the way she doesn't promise anything. Miniyal lets out another heavy sigh. "Everyone keeps telling me I can't do what I need to do. You're all completely underestimating me, you know." Or scarily accurate as to ideas of what she might get up to. However, since the distracting question has come up she lets it go. "I don't know. . I mean, I don't know what to say without sounding like a gushing idiot." Which she will do anyway. "She's so smart. And she's so beautiful, don't you think? She's the prettiest one there. She's no trouble at all, really. I don't regret it at all. I mean, how could I when she's so perfect?" Which tells so little. About the dragon. All that she said.

The weyrwoman listens to all of that. "She is beautiful," Roa agrees. It's the easy thing to agree with, "and she seemed to know just what she wanted. Listen, can I ask you to do something? As a favor to me?" Roa cants her haad to the side, adding carefully, "As a favor I have every expectation that you will call in once you have graduated?"

Whatever 'pretty baby talk about the pretty baby' state Miniyal was in at first it goes away when the favor thing is brought up. She tips her head from one side to the other and then just nods slightly. "I will listen to what you have to say. I cannot promise anything without hearing what it is first though." Well, it's not a no, right? So, that's something.

"That sounds fair enough," Roa agrees. "What I would like is your word that you will not, please, attempt to amend, improve, change or otherwise tamper with the weyrling program or the Weyrlingmaster while you are still in the program itself. Your word," that last is stressed again. As if Roa might suppose said word would be adhered to.

She spoils all the fun. Miniyal doesn't say this, of course. That would be much too childish. But, she doesn't answer either. Likely she is looking for loopholes. "I can do that on one condition." Hey, why hold on to a favor when you can use it now?

"I think I'd need to hear your condition before a can agree to it," Roa notes.

"You should. And, when I know what it is I'll let you know." Miniyal smiles at this. Ohh. Excuse to get out of barracks again. "I shall need some time to consider it. I shall give you my word until I have considered it and discussed terms with you I will not do anything at all. I can come see you again in. . . a seven? If you could just send a note that day to D'ven saying you need me after dinner."

Roa nods slightly and then shakes her ehad as her expression turns bemused. Rueful. "Deal," she agrees, "and thank you. I appreciate it."

Miniyal tosses off a merry salute and a smile. "Right then, ma'am. I'll let you get back to your work. Thank you for your time." About face, out the door she goes. Whee.


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