How come trust always comes up?

Mar 12, 2007 20:52

Who: B'ren, J'sek, Miniyal
Where: Northern Bowl
When: Dinnertime on day 24, month 5, turn 3 of the 7th Pass.
What: On her way to dinner, Miniyal runs into B'ren and they have a chance to chat briefly about different weyrlings and the like. J'sek comes along as well and while he doesn't break Min he leaves her confused. And fleeing.


At High Reaches Weyr, it is 17:37 on day 24, month 5, turn 3 of the 7th Pass.

It is currently late spring. The only word to describe a spring day such as this one is soggy. Rain falls in a constant shower of silver from the skies above, sometimes retreating into a misty drizzle, sometimes strengthening into a downpour that threatens to soak anyone who ventures outside.

It's dinnertime and that means everyone gets to eat, yea? Even poor put upon weyrlings. So Miniyal appears in the bowl, hands shoved into the pockets of her pants as she takes her time to get through the rain. Rain is not something that has ever bothered her so there's no rush. Besides, it's not like she's going to eat when she reaches the living cavern so she may as well enjoy these few moments of freedom.

Miyamurath backwings to a landing in the bowl, her wings remaining spread so she can shelter her rider from the rain as he slides down off and squelches to the ground. She warbles softly and his gaze sweeps around as he lifts his visor, "Miniyal!" the greenrider calls, "Congratulations!"

Dinnertime it is and it would appear Miniyal isn't the only weyrling out and about. J'sek has Areteth land nearby to Miyamurath, the dark hued blue rumbling a deep greeting to the older green as his rider dismounts. J'sek looks like he's been out in the rain for some time now, so not much of his attention if focused on staying dry. Instead, his gaze settles on Miniyal not long after B'ren's call to her. A light smile forms on his lips and he gets the salutes over with. One to B'ren, one to Miniyal, and all that done so D'ven can't get on his case about it. "Heading for dinner?" he calls out himself, most likely directed to both greenrider and weyrling.

Her name. Which she recognizes. Miniyal lifts her head and peers through the rain. And from a person she recognizes. Ok, she can deal with this. Changing course she heads towards where B'ren is. "B'ren, hello. Umm. Thanks. It's sort of weird. Being congratulated when all I did was stand there." Looking away towards the sound of the new voice, J'sek gets a little tentative wave. "Umm. Dinner, yea. Eventually." Awkward a little. The salute seems to have thrown her. At least she wasn't called weyrwoman.

B'ren returns J'sek's salute with a casual wave of his fingers near his forehead. He flashes a grin to Miniyal, "Yeah, I know, you didn't do anything but still. It's exciting, no?" He tilts his head and gives her a wink, "How is Peloth?" Miyamurath shifts her wing to cover her rider and the weyrling both with a warm croon. "I was hoping to find food in the chaos," B'ren answers J'sek with a grin. "How are you and Areteth?"

J'sek doesn't seem aware of Miniyal's awkwardness, at least not until the tentative wave. Briefly, he seems a little puzzled, but does offer her another light smile at least. To B'ren, however, his smile widens a little. "Chaos is putting it lightly, I think." He remarks with a bit of a soft chuckle. "We're fine and just returning from drills and the like, same old routine." The last is said with more of a smirk then a smile.

Miniyal blinks when the rain stops falling on her. "Thank you, Miya," is murmured with a grin towards the green umbrella. "It's. . .exciting, yea. Scary. Weird. I'm not quite sure what it is yet, but it's good." Tilting her head down she lifts a hand like she's going to brush her hair back, but since it's all braided up there's nothing to brush and her hand falls again. "Peloth is doing well, thanks. Wait until you meet her. She's amazing." Quieting down she lets J'sek speak and offers him just another nod and a quiet, "It's been awhile. I'm glad you're doing well."

B'ren flashes a grin, "I can't wait to meet her," the greenrider says. Miyamurath croons her agreement to that statement. "It is strange though. Give it some time, you'll get used to the extra presence in your head." He turns to J'sek and studies the young man, "I forget, have you flown Fall yet? If not, those drills are vital. If you have, then you know how important they are." The greenrider sounds suddenly stern, "So make sure you take them seriously."

J'sek tilts his head a little as Miniyal speaks, smile returning to replace the smirk again. He too, nods, but doesn't say as quietly as she did. "It has, hasn't it? Thanks. I'm happy to hear you're doing well. I would've come by to say congratulations...I was watching...but everything was busy enough in the end. Figured we'd get enough time to talk at some point, seeing as we're all crammed in the barracks for awhile..." He's rambling again and abruptly he stops, only to lapse into a longer pause by B'ren's reply. "Yes, Sir." He says in a tone that's half serious, half amused. "But to answer your question...I've flown resupply a few times. I know perfectly well and D'ven isn't about to let us forget."

"It is crowded. I'm not used to it. It's been awhile since I've shared space. Well, with anyone but Gans." Miniyal shoves her hands back into her pockets. "It wasn't so bad. A little crazy, but yea. I was at the feast for a few minutes, but didn't stay long. Luckily between Jensen-whatever he's calling himself now, and Dara there wasn't much attention given to me. Some small things to be thankful for at least."

B'ren nods, "Right, why hasn't he shortened his name? And a blue choosing a female rider? That's pretty strange. But, Dara will be a fine rider." There, opinions stated. He nods at J'sek, "Good, it's nothing to laugh at. Especially since that bad Fall we had recently." The man scowls and then his expression smooths with a rapid mood shift. "I'm afraid I missed it. Lord Keogh thought he found a burrow and had Miyamurath and I fly all over his land."

"It's something I find you get used to over time. Eventually things are just so hectic; you're too tired by the end of the day to care anymore." J'sek says, still smiling to Miniyal. B'ren seems to answer his one question, however, in relation to Jensen but he too adds his own opinion of Dara. "And I agree as well that she'll a good rider, blue dragon or no." he says, his tone somewhat lower. J'sek then frowns towards B'ren, shifting a little in place as mention to a previous Fall is made. "Won't be forgetting that one, for awhile." He murmurs and then one brow quirks up. "All of it?"

Miniyal shrugs her shoulders and then shakes her head. "I think he's a bit upset. I mean, he should have been too old for that, yea? And he was a guard. I mean, you think guard and you think Jensen. J'en maybe? J'es? J'sen? I'm glad that's one thing I didn't have to worry about at least." Silence to listen to their opinions and she nods once. "You might be free with your opinions of Dara, I think. There will be those who are bothered by it and she'll need support. She deserves a chance to screw up the same as everyone without people bothering her." Looking at B'ren she shakes her head, "You missed it all? I can tell you all about sometime. Except the part I missed."

B'ren nods, "Aye, I missed all of it. Yes, I support Dara - not all girls would make good riders but I think she will. At any rate," he frowns as Miyamurath rumbles, "I'm needed across the bowl. Excuse me." He tosses the weyrlings a salute and climbs up onto his green - why walk when you can fly?

B'ren steps up to Miyamurath's raised foreleg, then pulls himself up onto her neck using the riding straps.

J'sek glances back to Miniyal and seems thoughtful for a moment. "I hadn't thought Jensen was that old? Then again, I've never met him personally, only heard of him." He adds when he can. He then chuckles again. "That's true. You don't have to worry about how your name will be shortened." Then his expression turns serious once more at the mention of Dara. "Yes, I do support her. And I'll defend that if anyone tries to tell me wrong. No one is perfect." B'ren's abrupt departure catches the senior weyrling off guard a little and J'sek has barely begun a farewell, let alone a salute, before both he and Miyamurath are off. "I...well, that was quick." He says, turning his full attention on Miniyal now. Areteth, who had been lounging quietly nearby, moves in to take in the role as umbrella, should it be welcomed.

Miniyal waves when B'ren takes his leave, left to the rain once more without a wing to shield her. At least until a new one arrives. This is good. Now she glances at Areteth. Another thanks are required so she smiles. "And thank you now then. No sense to get out of the rain, I'm told." Back to J'sek she looks. "So. How have you been?" When in doubt, go with an easy question.

Areteth only rumbles a little as he settles in easily enough with one wing open to shield against the rain. J'sek hadn't noticed the weather, really, until the lack of the rain causes him to glance up and over to his blue. At Miniyal's question, he shrugs lightly, slowly glancing back to her. "Not up to much aside from the usual scheduled training. So I suppose, that means I'm doing well." He says, his tone taking on a hint of amusement near the end. "Helps I'm getting sleep again, anyhow..." That is murmured, before he adds. "Aside from all the excitement and changes, how're you? Looking forwards to what's to come, training wise? The first few months are tough but some of the better ones, in my opinion." And for him, the not so easy questions.

Oh, fine. Ask the harder questions. Miniyal brushes rain from her face before stuffing her hand back into her pocket. "I think I am alright. It will take some getting used to, but anything new does and so I will do the best I can. It's not like I can not do this." Trapped! She knows this and glances away like it doesn't bother her at all. When she looks back there's a polite smile. "I'm not really looking forward to it, no. I mean, I don't know. It will be different. I've read up on different training methods. I did it when I thought to stand. To see what sorts of things to expect. I'm sure it will be horrid, but I will get through."

J'sek folds his arms across his chest as he settles into a more relaxed standing position. He's silent as Miniyal speaks, with his expression mostly neutral, save for the occasional thoughtful frown. Near the end, the weyrling seems more puzzled then not yet still gives her one of his light smiles, perhaps a little more on the reassuring side. "I won't sugar coat it and tell you its all happiness and rainbows. Because it's not, it's far from it and I'm sorry if my questions edged a little on the uncomfortable side. But it's not all bad, and I doubt it'll be all bad for you. If you've already looked into it, you may not be as surprised as some. But yes, you will get through it." He says the last as though he's sure of it, as though he knows Miniyal well enough to say it. Apparently that's how he works with reassurances.

Miniyal stands as still as ever as she listens to what is said. Assurances of any type are met as silently as anything else and with the same neutral expression. "I hardly expect rainbows and happiness. Well. . .it's not unhappy." Smiling faintly she glances over her shoulder and then clears her throat. "Anyway, I'm not entirely prepared I suppose, but it seemed wise to know ahead of time what I might be getting in to. Experience will show more than records. It always does. And I have no choice but to get through it so I will. I'm sorry if I'm not. . .talking well. Right now. I apologise if I seem like I am not trying to be polite."

"Not only wise, but probably not something most do in this circumstance." J'sek says, before pausing again. Miniyal's apology, earns a bit of a surprised look from the senior weyrling, but he only shakes his head a bit, his smile more noticeable now. "No need to apologize and you're talking just fine. I'm asking rather...weird questions. I do that, a lot. Old habits die hard, I'm afraid." Another pause and his one hand frees itself to scrub lightly at the one side of his neck. "You and Peloth fit nicely together, I think." He eventually murmurs, before grinning slightly. "She's settling in well enough?" A slight change of subject for now and hopefully no further hard questions.

"If you ask me," and no one has and these words will be the bane of a certain weyrlingmaster's existence so very soon, "It would make sense to be sure potential weyrlings did do just that. It's all well and good to settle them down and explain the hatching, but what comes after. . .that should be explained too." Miniyal frowns thoughtfully at this and then nods her head. "It shouldn't be too hard. A few records gathered and some time from the weyrlingmaster or his assistant. To at least give people an idea of what they are getting in to." Tangents in conversation, she's famous for them. "But, umm. Yes. Thank you. She's amazing. I, you know, it's so embarrassing." Rolling her eyes she kicks at the ground with one foot. "When I saw her out there I wanted her so bad, but I didn't think she'd pick me. But, umm. Yea, she's settling in well. It's all eat sleep clean right now, but that's alright."

And it would seem someone's in agreement, as J'sek is keenly interested as Miniyal goes off on a rather interesting tangent indeed. "You've got a good idea brewing there, actually. And it's true, not many do know what happens after the hatching, really. Not to those who aren't already riders, anyhow. I might've liked to know a little more of what exactly I was stepping into. But even so, I don't think it would've changed my mind." Again, the rambling and he quits long enough to listen again, the one hand returning to hiding under his crossed arms. "Don't be embarrassed. She did pick you, after all. And I did something similar when Areteth hatched." He pauses long enough to chuckle lightly. "Yep, it'll be eat, sleep and clean for awhile. But it's a good time to bond and to know those around you a little better too."

Tapping a finger against her lower lip, Miniyal nods. "It really is not a bad idea. I'll have to bring it up. After I come up with a more definitive idea of what sorts of things should be covered. Well, I'll have plenty of time to think on it." He can tell her not to be embarrassed, but all it does is make her even more so. She was doing so well too. But now she just blushes and ducks her head again. "She's at least interesting when she's awake. I mean, I didn't think she wouldn't be after watching her, but there's still concern. . .so, yea. Yea, I'm more worried about the knowing people thing. It's not really. . .where my skills lie. I'm sure it's just a matter of time until they hate me." So sure of that at least in her tone.

"There's definitely plenty of time to work it out and think on it. Here, at least, it'll be awhile before the next clutch." J'sek says with another slight chuckle. However, any of that stops once Miniyal blushes and ducks her head away. The weyrling can only look a little embarrassed himself, mainly because he seems to do this a lot. "Concern?" he asks softly. "Why are you concerned? If you don't mind me asking." He then goes into another span of startled silence. Hate? "Again ... why? Okay, so maybe your not as sociable as most - and that's just me assuming - but I doubt that's a good reason to dislike you." Back to those tough questions again and J'sek tries not to look too confused.

"Yes, that's something of a problem, isn't it? Especially. . .well, hopefully we don't have another bad fall anytime soon. It feels like we're running a holding action and are not getting ahead in the least." Miniyal frowns again at this, shaking her head. "I wonder about the other weyrs. Well, more research I'll have to wait to do. Or get someone to do it for me. . .that might work." Distraction comes in many forms and she follows this thought through before nodding her head once. "I'll just have to send someone. Which is not as good, you know. Some people don't know how to interpret what they read. Reading is not the same as understanding." Stopping she blinks and then smiles, briefly. "Oh, no concern now! But, you know, the first day. . .and there's not much. . .well, to go on. I'm not concerned now. I couldn't be." More blinking before her shoulders shrug. "People don't. . .people don't naturally get along with me. Even when I try. I'm not, you know, one of those sorts. That do well in social situations."

This time it's J'sek's turn to glance away briefly, but only at the mention of the bad Fall. "Hmm, true. Hopefully we won't have too many Falls like that one." He says, mildly distracted before he glances back to Miniyal. A thought strikes his mind, however. "I could, if you want?" he offers. "I've more, wellokay maybe a teeny bit more freedom then you do right now. If it's records and the like, I can snatch a few here and there when I'm out and about and bring them to you." Eager, isn't he? But he settles down right enough as the conversation turns away from that. His head tilts a little, curiosity outweighing confusion for a moment. "Really? You don't seem like that to me. Not everyone does well under social situations, I suppose. I'm one, I guess, if by 'one of those' you mean 'staying in the back corner and minding your own business' types." By his tone, he's trying both to be serious and sarcastic, with whatever success that might lead to.

Hands settle into her pockets and then pull back out. In and out like she's not sure what to do with them. Finally, Miniyal just folds her arms over her chest and settles on that. Not the most friendly of postures, but it will have to do. "Well, I can get stuff from here. I mean, it's records. There's always going to be people who'll do for me there. But I might need some stuff from there. I'll have to think on it and let you know. Mostly I need to. . .you know, you could probably help me sometime. Once you can leave the weyr and all. I'm not real sure yet where my research should go so I don't know what records I will need yet. But thank you." Pausing here, a somewhat suspicious look is given towards J'sek. "Umm. Why do you want to help me? I mean, we don't even. . .we've barely talked." What she is or is not in public is let go by the wayside. As is what he is.

It'd probably be a good thing not to know what J'sek once was. However, what he is now is a little different. A little. If he's noticed Miniyal's fidgeting, he makes no comment on it. "Makes sense if the stuff you need is here. Take your time to think on it. I won't be too hard to find." The last is said almost jokingly. "As for leaving the weyr, I do suppose that's the one snag. I don't usually leave unless it's on duty. Stilland you're welcome." At the suspicious glance, however, his one brow quirks up a little. Now it's his turn to look a little embarrassed. "WellI was just being helpful. You seem nice enough and" And he's fumbling. "well I suppose I can say I've no reason not to trust you. So I do trust you and so I offered help when it seemed like you might need some. Maybe not now but maybe sometime soon?" And then he can only shrug helplessly, uncertain if that's the answer Miniyal was really waiting to hear.

"Wait. You. . .what?" Everything else is ignored. His long answer is recorded in her mind and she'll play it over later to pick it apart, but for now Miniyal finds one sentence to focus on. "Trust me? Wait. You. . .but. . .that doesn't make-" Something. Sense most likely. And it throws her. Enough that she takes a step back and shakes her head. "I'd better go. I mean, dinner. I mean, only so much time and. . .umm. We can talk, umm, another time. Yea. It was nice talking to you. Good evening." Confused retreat, another skill she has perfected over the turns and she does so, casting looks over her shoulder every now and again as she makes for the living cavern and what dinner she will eat.

Once again J'sek is startled by an abrupt departure. "Doesn't what...?" he begins to inquire, only to give up and simply shake his head as well as she steps back from him. His expression returns to neutral politeness as she begins to retreat. "Nice talking to you too and good evening." He returns with a slight smile. As she departs for the living caverns, J'sek looks up towards Areteth silently as the blue folds the one wing he had held extended for them. The senior weyrling, however, doesn't head for the living caverns and instead turns towards the barracks with Areteth lumbering awkwardly behind him.

b'ren, j'sek

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