A woman's work is never done.

Feb 23, 2007 23:00

Who: Miniyal and Paige
Where: Miniyal and G'thon's room
When: Morning on day 18, month 4, turn 3 of the 7th Pass.
What: Paige arrives to take the laundry away. Miniyal has been waiting for her to do just that so she can give her an assignment. Lalala. Snoop on the headmaster? Why, I would never want someone to do that!


At High Reaches Weyr, it is morning on day 18, month 4, turn 3 of the 7th Pass.

Midmorning in the weyr and the hallway outside is slowing down its traffic. Other than those who earn their keep at the weyr by cleaning none seem to be hurrying along this stretch. Sometimes a caucus student will make their way to a particular door although most have learned by now not to bother trying to gain entrance until after lunch or tea. That would be because sometimes G'thon is not home leaving just Miniyal to man the door. And she is less than kind to most people who come to invade her space. Still, sometimes they do come and so she does not have the door pushed entirely closed, just almost so. Bare of foot she reclines on the divan with a book in one hand and a cup of tea in the other. It is a lazy morning for her it would appear.

And it's about to be interrupted. Paige arrives on the other side of that slightly ajar door and raps her knuckles against it twice. Without waiting for permission to enter she pushes it open with her hip and shows herself in. "Laundry pickup." Somehow that's said with even less enthusiasm than usual. She is /not/ happy to be here.

Unhappy as she may be, she is likely to get even unhappier. Miniyal looks up from her book and then leans over to set down her cup, on the saucer or else someone will have a fit. Then a ribbon is placed in her book and she rises to her feet. "Of course." Near the door to the other room is a basket already and she walks over to it and tilts her head to one side as if determining if it is enough. "A pleasure to see you again, Paige. I've been hoping you would stop by."

"Well here I am," Paige, well, chirps. Yes. Here she is and she's the most bushy-tailed. If she isn't bright-eyed it's only because the displeasure is being kept in there, away from her face. Then, neither moving to the basket or saying anything further, she clasps her hands in front of her and lifts her eyebrows. Because, see, she wants to let Miniyal lead this little game.

"Yes, so I see. Have you been well?" Miniyal holds up a hand and disappears into the other room a moment. A moment later she reappears with a few more items to add to her basket. Once that is done she nods her head. "I need a favor." This said as she nudges the basket with her foot towards the other woman.

There it is. Paige purses her lips and nods very slowly, quiet acceptance of her own prediction coming to fruition. So, skipping past the pleasantries, she keeps her posture straight and says in a calm, even voice, "Just tell me what you need."

Miniyal's head shakes and she makes a soft tsking sound. "There's no reason we cannot be pleasant about this, Paige. We are involved in a business arrangement, sure, but that doesn't mean we must be all stiff." Another nudge of her foot brings the basket closer. "I need information on the caucus headmaster. I would see to it myself, but it would draw too much attention were I to be seen going into his room. Him and the new counselor. I'm sure you can arrange it."

Paige says nothing regarding 'pleasant'. She just stares, blandly, at Miniyal and forces her face to stay that way, just like that, all emotionless. But her eyebrows do end up twitching together, their own fault, when the headmaster is brought up. "So you want me to go into his room and snoop around and find... what, exactly?"

"Oh, whatever you can. What's reading, what he's drinking. Anything he might have taken notes on. Trash by his desk. Just whatever seems like it might be useful." Miniyal shrugs her shoulders and waves her hand a little. "It's not so hard. I can tell you when he is most likely to not be around so you do not have to worry about that. I doubt he keeps much written, but anything he might have. That would be good. And do let me know what is in there that is locked. Desk drawer or trunk, you know? Gives me a good idea of what I need." Another kick to the laundry.

And more ignoring of the laundry. "Why would what he's drinking and reading be of any use to you?" Paige isn't yet convinced enough to go about her merry little way, not when so much of this 'favor' seems so... dubious.

Miniyal's head tips to the side and her hands find their way into the pockets of her dress. "Because I wish to know. And, I cannot find out for myself. So you can find out for me." See? Simple. Plain and simple. The laundry gets another kick with her foot and she smiles briefly. "I figure it shouldn't take more than a couple of sevens for you to arrange this. By the fifth of next month."

Though Paige's eyebrows become an interrupted line above her eyes, a wrinkle between them, she only ends up taking a deep breath, not asking further questions, and bending to take that basket up and set it against a hip. "Fine." And, turning, she reaches out for the door handle.

"Do try not to get caught, please. I would hate to lose your services." Miniyal at least sounds sincere in this. Even if likely it is because of self-interest. "Although I am sure you are smart enough to not have a problem." Returning to where she was before she sits down and opens her book once more to take up where she left off.

The door opens and closes without so much as a sigh from Paige. It isn't until she's well away, down the hallway, that she makes a face and mimics, in very unflattering ways, Miniyal's parting words, mouthing, 'Hate to lose your services' and feeling slightly vindicated, if only for now.


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