Subjective truth

Feb 22, 2007 18:44

Who: Dendani, Fienne, M'eri, Miniyal, Rysia, Sivoril
Where: Living cavern
When: 16:13 on day 16, month 4, turn 3 of the 7th Pass.
What: Miniyal is on her way home for dinner and she detours for a cup of klah and winds up with conversation. She's not really stalking Fienne. It just appears that way. As they talk other people come by and there is something of a debate on truth. Maps, the caucus, truth. All of her favorite topics and so the lucky dogs in the living cavern get an earful! The conversation continued after I left, but I was called away to another scene.


At High Reaches Weyr, it is 16:10 on day 16, month 4, turn 3 of the 7th Pass.

The afternoon begins to wane, but the meal tables still hold the scant between-meal offerings of meatrolls and a few other odds and ends. From the tantalizing scents wafting out of the kitchen dinner is on the way, but for now the crowd is as slim as the food choices. A gaggle of Caucus students have claimed a few long tables, rearranging them into a sort of triangle so they can all study (more commonly known as loudly chat and gossip) together. A few tables away Fienne sits at a round table by herself, her studying much more focused than the choatic group off to her side. A frown wrinkles her brow and her rosebud lips move silently, one finger painstakingly running along the line as she reads. A few pastries sit on a plate in front of the spread of books and notebooks, forgotten.

It's only been a little over twelve hours since Miniyal was in here. She's quite a bit more sober than last time at least. Also, she has shoes on. In one hand she carries a mug, empty by the way it dangles from her fingers, and in the other a book. The caucus students earn a look and a loud sigh. Giving them a wide berth she heads towards where the klah is and pours herself a cup without adding anything to it. Once she has her drink she peers around the cavern with narrowed eyes. When her gaze settles on Fienne she tips her head to one side and then heads for her table. Knowing better than to walk and drink at the same time she pauses a couple of times to sip from her drink while it is still hot. "Mind if I sit here?" asked when she's in front of Fienne. "I won't bother you."

Easily startled in the best of times, the utterly focused Fienne gives a little jump at the voice and the person it came from - suddenly right beside her. "Oh, gosh, Miniyal you startled me." As if that weren't obvious enough from her reaction. Widened eyes blink, and she peeks down to make sure she hasn't lost her place, repositioning that fingertip with a firm tap to the line of writing. "Mmm, you can sit if you'd like. I'm just trying to slog through my homework here. It's sort of..." pursing her lips together she tips her curly head toward the caucus students. "Sort of noisy in here anyhow. I should probably do this somewhere else later." Still she keeps that finger tightly in place, but her gaze goes from study-related things to a careful assessment of Miniyal. "How are you feeling?"

Apologetic, Miniyal takes a step back from the table when Fienne appears startled. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to. . .right. Well, I can-Oh. If you don't mind?" Glancing towards those other students she nods her head before setting down her book and taking a seat. "There are definitely quieter places to study. And dinner will be out soon and it will only get worse." Hands wrapped around her mug she tilts her head to one side. "How am I? Oh. Fine. Why? Do I look as if there is something wrong? I was just taking a round about way back home to be there in time for dinner and saw you and thought to say hello."

With her free hand Fienne scouts around, ruffling through the bookbag at her feet and finally coming up with a slim pink ribbon. "Oh, don't apologize. I just get sort of... absorbed? This math stuff hurts my brain. I don't need letters to keep track of what we need to tithe, you know?" A quick peek at the text and she shakes her head with a hint of exasperation, though a faintly sheepish smile clings to her lips. Marking her place with the ribbon, she smooths the paper then slips the book shut. "I heard some people talk about the records room but I know how annoyed /I'd/ be if a bunch of students suddenly stormed /my/ records room." As she speaks her quick-moving little hands methodically stack her things neatly, then push them off to the side. The glance Miniyal gets is a brief upward flicker through a veil of lashes, followed by a shrug. "You look... fine. It was just you know, small talk?" That or she's too polite to pry into anything she might see, or might have heard.

"Oh. Well, that's fine. I thought maybe something looked wrong. If you're having trouble with math I hear Reyce is the one to talk to." Miniyal wrinkles her nose at the name and releases her cup to fold her hands on the table. "He's an ass, but if you don't mind sneering and insults you might consider speaking to him." She really needs to find someone she can say something nice about. "The records room can get a bit. . .annoying. However, the head of records does a decent job keeping things in line I think. It's not really mine anyway. Not anymore. So I shouldn't be bothered by the noise and such, but mostly I just only go in there when no one else is about. The classrooms when not used are pretty quiet I hear." Pulling her book closer to her she peers down at it. "Oh. When there's no eggs on the sands the hatching galleries are pretty quiet as well. People that go there are looking for quiet and it's rarely rowdy."

Perhaps doing away with all of her study materials was a mistake, as it leaves Fienne with nothing to fiddle with - nothing to reasonably draw her eyes. She starts by folding her hands in her lap, but then she spots her forgotten pastries and seizes upon those, dragging the plate over and tearing off a bite of one. "Reyce? Of Benden?" Teeth graze her lower lip and she flicks a quick glance around as if he's the sort who might be in the middle of the chaotic caucus group. "I don't know if he'd help even if I asked. He's... sort of..." she breaks off as if unable to find an adequate word, and ends up just shaking her head. "I don't know him well enough." That bit of pastry finds its way to her mouth and as she chews she nods thoughtfully. "Those others are good ideas though. Once the eggs hatch."

The flicker of a grin appears for a moment on Miniyal's face and then it vanishes behind her klah. "Oh, like I said, he's an ass all right. You just have to keep in mind he's that way to everyone. I don't know beyond ledgers and such so if it's worse math than that I certainly could not help." She gives the pastries a thoughtful look, but seems to decide they don't look tasty enough to try to get one for herself. "How are you settling in? Are things making a little more sense now? Or are you at least not getting lost? Oh. I was going to. . .well. That is, if you're free some night we would love to have you come to dinner." Best to just toss out invites when they pertain to no part of the conversation at all.

There's a bit of a nose-wrinkle for the assumption that Fienne was agreeing that Reyce is an ass. Her mouth opens as if to refute it, but then Miniyal is breezing onward so she just shuts it again, this time around a second piece of pastry. "It's worse than that. Ledgers I can do." The acursed math text gets a little peek, then a soft sigh escapes. "I might have to ask him. Sometime." Catching the glance but not interpreting the end of it correctly, Fienne nudges the plate that still holds a few pastries toward Miniyal without actually voicing the offer. "I'm not getting lost anymore at all, I got a map!" This is said with a bit more pride than is strictly necessary, all thoughts of Reyce and math banished with a bright grin. "And things weren't ever all that confusing... not really." Right. The invite, random as it might have been, brings an even brighter smile to Fienne's lips - nearly blinding really, a flash of teeth and wide blue eyes. "Oh, gosh, really? I'd love that. Er, um, you and who else makes we, again?"

"Oh, well, not quite settled then. Or at least not as aware." Miniyal teases, almost. Nearly. It's not an easy thing for her to do and especially around those she is unsure of the teasing sometimes falls flat. "Myself and G'thon. Weyrleader before J'cor." There is no change in tone to give away what she might think of the most recent former weyrleader. Only a brief glance downward and a larger drink of her klah to settle whatever thoughts she might be having. "I'll have to speak to him and see when might be good. Before the hatching I think if we've time. My mother prepares excellent meals when we entertain at least. Better than what you will get in here. Not that what is in here is not poorly done. Oh! Right. You mentioned a map." Leap from conversational topic to another with no map for that. "Maps are very important."

Fienne blinks, a bit overwhelmed by the rapid fire bouncing from topic to topic perhaps. Still, she retains that earnest little smile though her eyes do have a hint of a blank glaze to them. "Oh. G'thon, of course." That at least she managed to skim off the top of all the rest. "I'd be honored to join you, at your convenience. Assuming it's not during classes, of course." Which is really all Fienne has on her 'calendar' after all. "Maps. Yes, I find them helpful. Though really I'm not using mine all that much unless I am going somewhere new. I thought you said you didn't need maps... you can usually find your way around anywhere unless you get lost- er, on purpose." That whole thing is still a bit befuddling to the girl, or at least that's implied by her stop and start words and the faltering quality to her purposefully held smile.

The topic of maps will earn Fienne hours of talk. Hours and hours of detailing what wonderful things they are. Maybe not. Well, either way Miniyal gives her head a shake and does smile. "Maps. With maps you can learn anything. I don't need them now usually, but they are so very important. And it is by studying them that I have gotten where I am. Did you know many of the maps in out records room have been done by me? Not some of the originals, but when things change they come to me to make adjustments. It's an amazing field of study." Here she pauses for a breath and a small sip once more. "I took a class. When I was younger. There was a cartography class in the caucus and the instructor insisted. He had some of the most amazing maps and I learned quite a bit from him. It's a fascinating field. Cartography. I suppose not one most people need to have an interest in, but you have one. . ." Now she drifts off, perhaps realising her own obsession with such things is not really shared.

Oh dear. To say the least. Fienne's fingers, clasped around a bite of sweetroll, hover in midair a handspan away from her mouth. Her lips are parted, partially awaiting the arrival of the food but mostly just a sort of suspension in time due to shock. When Miniyal finally drifts off she manages to blink, and coax that hand to finish its journey to her lips. A moment of chewing then Fienne lamely asks, "So... you were in caucus? Or you just took that one class? The, um, cat..cartgra... the map one?" Clearing her throat, Fienne grabs her own mug of long cooled klah, finding something in its depths ever so interesting. Enough to draw her eyes and keep them there anyhow.

Miniyal's nose wrinkles and she laughs softly. "No. I was never in caucus. I'm just a weyr resident. No one important enough to attend those pointless classes." Oh, she sounds ever so mocking of the whole institution. "The man teaching the class insisted I attend and in return I got to copy. . .well. He has some unique maps. He honored me by allowing me to copy them and I learned a lot. It is the only time I attended- Well, I did attend Gans' first ethics class, but his students bored me." She waves away those students with a flick of her hand. "I'm sorry. I went on, didn't I? Maps are sort of. . .I'm good at them. I like them. I have a gift. I wish I could find things no one had mapped before and make my own."

It's late afternoon, somewhere in that little nebulous span of time between lunch and dinner where the living cavern is somewhat empty. Of course the usual meatrolls, klah, and a few other bits are available, but the aromas of dinner are growing stronger by the minute. There are the usual scattered pairs and trios, and a group of caucus students sit together causing most of the ambient noise in the large space. A bit away from them at a circular table Fienne and Miniyal sit, the former with a stack of study materials and a plate of pastries, the latter with klah and a book of her own. "Do you really think all of caucus is pointless? I mean, gosh, I think I'm learning a lot, and you learned a lot in the one class you took. And G'thon teaches all of us a lot and makes us think. I think." Why she's encouraging Miniyal to expand on her obviously poor opinion is anyone's guess. "But, maps. I like them well enough myself when they help me get around. And the ones with colors and neat symbols are nice." Apparently she is not getting the passion for cartography here, but she does brighten a bit, her smile returning. "But see, I told you that you're good at lots of things."

"I think in its current incarnation it is not so much pointless as dangerous. But I won't. . .Well, I am making the attempt to not speak so frankly to you since it appeared to bother you when I did so before." Because she was insulting the headmaster and all. Oh, and the weyrleaders. . .well, yes. Miniyal is trying to not do that this time. "Gans is an exceptional teacher I think. However, I find much of the people he is forced to teach to not quite worthy of what he says in that they don't truly comprehend it I think. But, that is just my opinion. As for- Well. Maps. It's not the colors and the symbols, you know. It's the representation of real life. The surety that when done properly you can look at a map and /know/ something. You can have the truth of a place, if only its geography, and no one can take that from you." She dismisses the comment about her being good at things by simply not referring to it.

That's the sort of talk that would give a counselor pause. Dendani, bustling by with a mug of klah, slows, offering a smile to the girls. "The truth of a place. In that case, I could use a map or two." She chuckles at herself, with a shake of the head, but doesn't entirely stop. After all, she's no student - intrusion isnt' a good way to make a good impression.

Rather than looking disapproving or annoyed at Miniyal's words, Fienne just looks thoughtful. Rather pointedly thoughtful with a crinkle to her brow and front teeth brushing her lower lip. "I do want your opinion though. I just have to remember we all have opinions and they can be different. See, that's something that caucus gives you - lot of opinions. Though I guess you might be right in some ways. /I/ probably don't really comrehend most of what G'thon says myself." Then it's back to maps, although in this case the words are more revealing than simple talk of copying someone else's work. Fienne's brows slip upward, and then there is a beat of liquid blue eyes narrowing, a mere flicker of assessment before she pulls that innocent little round-eyed smile back in place. "I s'pose you're right about that at least. It's... hmmm. It's sort of like how you feel when your columns of sums add up and you know you've accounted for all the cloth in the store room you're inventoring. Sort of?" Maybe not.

Fienne flicks a quick look up as Dendani slips past with only a brief comment. The passing counselor gets a faint, polite smile, but then she is gone, leaving Fienne to turn her eyes back to Miniyal.

Head tipping to one side, Miniyal glances up at the new voice. It belonging to someone she is not familiar with she gives the older woman a moment of her attention. And an answer even if she's not going to stop. The words can drift after her. "The geographic truth of a place. There are many more truths that one can only discover when they have made that first step. Not that it requires that step to be first. But one cannot learn the whole without first sorting out the pieces. And geological or geographical truth is less likely to trade at the mere whim of someone." And back to Fienne she simply smiles. "Exactly. It's a knowing. As to opinions, that is true. It is a shame most of them are not worth hearing."

Outside, it really is quite cold, even for spring. The winds have driven many inside once they are finished their work and Sivoril is no exception. His clothing is stained with a bit of mud here and there in the manner to suggest that he has been involved in heavy work outside. A vauge moisture that clings to his forehead seems to confirm this as well as he makes his way towards offered food -- just so happening to pick a serving table near to where Miniyal and Fienne are engaged in their conversation. With a drink of something in his hand he is manuvering his way through the crowd towards somewhere to sit and is momentarialy distracted by the conversation that is ongoing. He listens for a moment or two, considering for a second. "Are you a cartographer, then?" He queries. "From what I understand, Moon Bay Hold has been clamoring for updated map work. And offering a fair sum as well."

Hah. A reply. Dendani stops then, and turns back, blowing on her klah. "So you think that some forms of truth aren't constants. Interesting." Her brow raises, and she takes a thoughtful sip. "More than that, that one person's opinion can change a truth." Quite the philosophical discussion for a blustery afternoon in the living cavern, but it's the sort of thing that intrigues our counselor. Sivoril gets a nod and a smile - a solid reality seeker he seems to be, and her smile is warm as though she is recognizing the kinship.

Not only does the counselor turn back around, but there's a second unknown person who arrives, and both seem intent on speaking to Miniyal. That seems to work just fine for Fienne, who gives each of them a polite albeit slightly blank smile and a nod. Then her eyes drop to her cool klah, fingers wrapped around the clay surface of the mug. A tiny little sip shows it to be terribly unappetizing but she swallows it stubbornly, then just settles the mug on the tabletop with fingers firmly attached. All the talk of truths solid and insubstantial go right over her head, or at least it /appears/ that way, long lashes blinking over wide blue eyes as she looks from one to the other. Sivoril's mention of Moon Bay Hold at least snags her attention and for him her smile deepens a shade. "Oh, is that where you're from?"

It is Sivoril's question that earns her answer first. "I am, yes. I've nearly ten turns of experience at it. However, I am not able to leave the weyr. Well, that is not entirely true. I simply do not wish to be away from it for as long as updating map work would take. I fear that I find the thought of leaving my home a tedious one for the most part. My own work is rather time sensitive. It is information I shall keep in mind. I might know of some people almost as skilled as I who would wish for the work." Almost, but not as. There are few things Miniyal is always vain about, but her skills with a map is one of those things. When Dendani pauses her words are attended with a thoughtful frown and a drink of her klah. "Truth changes shape as it passes from one to another. As it is filtered through society's lenses. It cannot be constant for then it ceases to be Truth and is merely an artifact to be studied and learned from. The stagnation of Truth leads to the stagnation of society which leads to its downfall. Maps must ever change to be sure they are up to date. Not just the ones that tell us where we are physically, but where we stand as individuals and a society." Since Fienne has asked a question of him she does spare Sivoril her attention a moment before rising. "Cold klah is the worst. I'll just grab another pitcher for us all." Expecting, it seems, the other two to hang around if not sit and join them.

Sivoril nods in the direction of Fienne, giving a reserved smile that nonetheless manages to indicate a bit of pride for his home. It is Miniyal's response though, that catches his attention primarialy. "Don't worry about it." He says, reaching out a hand in an indicator that she not need stand. "I'll do it." And with that, quick as a tunnelsnake he turns and vanishes into the kitchens -- returning with a steaming pitcher and a few bits of confectionary. Helping himself to a seat he turns thoughtful expression towards Miniyal. "There have been some geological changes around home the last few turns, and some people would like to get those surveyed. As far as I know, anyway. I, well, rather understand the rest of your feelings. Work related or not, who wants to leave home for any extended period; or to be uprooted?" Miniyal and Fienne are currently sitting around a small round table, that Sivoril has just joined them at. Dendani is nearby. "Are you originally from High Reaches, then?"

The time, also, is somewhere between lunch and dinner with dinner approaching quickly, but not quick enough for the living cavern to be filling up just yet. Except for those annoying caucus students a few tables over.

Dendani takes a breath, smiling with a small shake of her head. "Ah, but see? The truth doesn't change. If your maps are accurate today, they speak the truth that will remain true - they are an accurate representation of what things are today. If it changes tomorrow, they are no less true for today." It's getting a bit complicated, so she lets it drop, turning then to Sivoril. "I'm afraid I'm unfamiliar with Moon Bay Hold." As the man takes a seat, she draws out a chair herself, claiming a spot. Why not? The talk of leaving home causes a wry smile. "Sometimes people need a fresh start, though." She shrugs a shoulder. "Me, for instance."

Whether it is the philisophical train of the conversation, or just that her own pastries are gone and the hour grows later, Fienne quietly slips her books into the wherhide satchel at her feet. As she fastens the flap over her study materials, she flicks a glance up at the returning Sivoril. "I'm Fienne, from High Reaches," she offers with a small smile. "I have a map of /this/ confusing place if you want to borrow it sometime." She casts a look at the hot klah, but then her eyes are drawn to the bowl and back to the growing crowd. "I really better go find a quiet place to finish this math or it'll never get done," she mumbles, not really to anyone in particular. "If you'll all excuse me..."

"I was born and raised here." Told to Sivoril as Miniyal takes up that pitcher of klah to refill her glass. "I shall spend the rest of my life here and am content to do so. I recently had an opportunity to move when offered a new job, but in the end my home was not a place I was willing to give up." There may have been other reasons. Ignore the little twisting of her ring after she sets her cup down. Dendani may want to change the topic, but Miniyal is enjoying it and so she blinks at the other woman. "No, no. It is not the same. We perceive the Truth differently each day and so it does change. Because we do. So how we view the map one day might alter the truth of it. Perhaps the core of it does not change, but with every new perception the layers of it does so." When Fienne announces her departure she stops what she was saying and looks at her with a light smile. "I'll see you later. As soon as I've spoken to Gans we can discuss when you might come to dinner. I know he'll be thrilled." She sounds as if she means it too. Well, she does know her old man.

The time, also, is somewhere between lunch and dinner with dinner approaching quickly, but not quick enough for the living cavern to be filling up just yet. Except for those annoying caucus students a few tables over. Sivoril and Dendani sit with Miniyal and Fienne is rising to leave.

Cool. Dendani has found someone willing to engage in all this philosophical talk. "Truth changes with our perception? I think not. Truth is greater than our perception. Our understanding of truth might change, but that doesn't change the truth itself." Dendani reaches for the klah pitcher, topping off her mug, then cradling it in two hands, elbows on the table. "Take, for instance, this recent geological upheaval in this young man's home." She nods in the direction of Sivoril. "The landscape may have changed, but if his father were to speak of how it was when he was a child, he would be speaking truth. Is that not right? The truth does not change." Dendani looks a bit satisfied, tilting her head in a challenge.

To say that M'eri ever makes a quiet entrance would obviously be the addled ramblings of a merry fool. The lean, lengthy bluerider meanders into the living caverns singing loudly in a fair baritone, his wild sable hair tumbled down over his forehead and his arms clasped loosely behind his head. It's just some cantering song that sounds to be about dragonriding, scenery, and a few comments on indecency. His gait is lazy and swaggering, each leg kicking out before his foot is glued to the ground, anchoring him for the next step. It's sort of hard to miss the group sitting off to one side, those sharp, curious blue eyes fixating on them momentarily but soon moving on so that he doesn't run into the meal table.

Sivoril pauses for a moment or two, before he glances towards Dendani. "Are you speaking from what I just said, or do you have some familiariaty with Moon Bay?" He nods to Fienne as she makes her way out, throwing her a smile. "Good to meet you." And then his attention is back to Miniyal as he listens; leaning back in his chair and crossing his arms. "Sometimes." He says. "One has to make a decision, if they can better help their home by being at their home, or somewhere else. It's an interesting little conundrum, and one that I have been giving some thought over the last while. I must say though, one's first few weeks at a Weyr are.... rather eye opening." Proving that he is game for the intelleectual side of the conversation he responds to that, too. "I think it is not unlike klah. Each of us tastes it differently, and each has their view on it. Maps, and land and things are not unlike that." He ponders. "Also, dinner? I'm not interrupting anything, am I?"

Rysia makes her way into the cavern to take advantage of the lull in food and people to get some work done. At least, that's usually the case when she's got a basket filled with yarn and sharp pointy things over one arm. Absently bouncing off one table, she makes her way towards the klah jugs, and fixes herself a mug, overly heavy with the sweetner, before moving off to find a place to sit. Catching sight of a familiar face, maybe more, she makes her way towards the small group discussing truth.

"Incorrect." Miniyal tells Dendani with a shake of her head. She does notice the pastries Sivoril brought so one hand reaches out to take one. Chubby girls do not pass up sweets. It is written and it is law. So she takes a small nibble off it and then sets it on the table away from her book. The book is carefully moved so it might not be in the way of anyone else's drinks and the like. "The truth as he saw it as a child is not the truth as he remembers it. Because time changes our perceptions of the truth and in time that changes the truth because it is not a constant. It shifts and changes to what we wish it to be for our own purposes. Is it right that we do this? Of course not. But it does happen and we allow it to happen when it suits us. We only try to keep it from happening when we don't wish it to. As for home." Now she looks to Sivoril, ignoring the entrance of yet another rider. Really, they are all over. One has to ignore them or they never get any speaking done. "No interrupting. I do not even know the lady to whom I am speaking. Introductions I am often remiss it. I'm Miniyal." Just Miniyal with no title or anything. Well, she did say she was a resident at some point. To someone. Maybe.

Dendani opens her mouth to start to retort to the two in her quest for truth, then chuckles. "Introductions. That would be useful. Dendani. I'm the new counselor here. In search, of course, of the truth of all of you." She grins at that, and then lets down her mug. "See, I think you're confusing things. If you believed with all your heart and soul, for some reason, that I had blond hair, that wouldn't change a hair on my head to blond. The truth would be that I have dark hair. Your perception, your beliefs, your memories of it doesn't change a thing. If you think you laid down your papers in one place, and in truth, they were in another, it would not change where the papers were because of your belief. Truth!" Dendani smiles triumphantly. And then to Sivoril, she answers, "I'm just speaking from what I heard you say. Never been to Moon Bay. But your klah illustration is interesting. It goes to show that we /can/ perceive truth differently - but that doesn't change the basis of it, does it?" The newcomers get nods of greeting, but the conversation gets the brunt of her attention - even with M'eri's flamboyant entrance.

Sivoril nods to Miniyal, relaxing visibly as she states he was interrupting nothing. It's a little bit about his character that is visible in that he was actually a trifle upset at the idea of inviting himself and interrupting. But when all is revealed to be well he straightens out his legs and sinks down into the chair -- the exhaustion of the day slowly beginning to catch up with him now that he is actually sitting down. "Sivoril, of Moon Bay Hold." He doesn't give any indentification of his own role there, or for that matter what he is actually doing here. His eyes flit to Dendani thoughtfully. Curiously enough, he seems to shy away slightly when she introduces herself as a counsellor in the same way a mental paitent might a psycologist and it is almost thirty seconds before he speaks again. Nothing wrong with him. "No." He finally agrees. "It doesn't. But, there are some things that are up to the individual and some things that are universally true. For example, we all taste the klah differently. I can say how the klah tastes to me, but not to any of you. HOWEVER.." He thumps on the table with his free hand. "The table is solid. There's no changing that. It has to do alot with the various senses, I think. For example, I have been working with a maul all day. Miniyal might say that I smell like a herdbeast, while you might say that it's a nice, manly scent and raaaaar." He actually says raaar. "I think some senses are more open to interpertation than others."

M'eri doesn't particularly know anyone at the table, which seems to be the hot spot of activity in the otherwise dead living cavern - he knows them to a degree, of course, but not to any sense of familiarity - and so once he has his klah and a bowl of something that could be identified as stew, he simply ambles off towards another table. He's stopped singing, at least, the song softened to more of a humming with randomly mumbled words.

"Mind a bit more company?" Rysia asks after a moment, lifting her basket, before adding, "Bit too warm for my tastes, over by the hearths." The singing, or rather the sudden stop as her looking over her shoulder a bit, and grinning, before turning back for the answer.

As she listens to what is said, Miniyal finishes off her pastry. "Oh, right. Brought in by the headmaster. Well, it makes sense. If anyone needs to have their heads examined it be those who choose to remain in the caucus. Well, not that most are smart enough to figure out exactly what is up with it." Shaking her head she licks her fingers and then has a sip of her klah. "Perception of truth. If in my truth my papers are in one place who is to say they are not? When I find them might I not decide they were there all along? As humans we shift truth to meet our needs. We twist it and force it to conform to what we want. It does not twist us. It might try and in some cases a small change might be made, but in the end. . .no. We grab it and jerk it around until it agrees to be what we want. The solidity of the table has not been brought into question so it has its own truth. However, there are things that can cut through it so it is not entirely solid in the sense of unchanging. We allow it to remain solid. Who is to say if as a whole society did not stare at this table and declare it liquid that it would not comply? There is no way to tell. Nothing should be taken for granted. Your hair is dark now. Perhaps as a baby it was not? We do not know. Perhaps in the future it will lighten to blonde before continuing to grey. Time. Time shifts Truth." Looking about, for an example perhaps, her gaze settles on M'eri. "Take that rider for example." He is gestured at and then Miniyal turns back to the table. "His truth of an incident we both shared might be entirely different than mine. It does not make either incorrect, but it does shift what the truth is. Because a compromise will be determined eventually." When Rysia appears, there is a shrug. "Heading off in a few minutes so ask the others."

Dendani leans back in her chair, klah still in her hand. "See, I'd say this could be a problem. A bit of a misunderstanding of reality. Perhaps you should come to my office... I'm sorry. I'm not sure I got your name in all the confusion." Spoken to Miniyal, of course. "If you truly believe that you can alter reality, then I think we've got some serious work to do." She takes a sip of her klah, a trace of concern on her features.

Whatever deep, eloquent comment that was going to come from Sivoril is silenced quickly as Dendani speaks. Eyes widen slightly. Well, that was pretty blunt. Settling back into his chair he sits to watch what is going to come of it, eyes flicking to Rysia, and back to Miniyal. He does offer up something though, perhaps out of politeness as much as anything else. Or because he thinks it's just that rude to let her know he's most interested in her response. "I think I understand what you're saying." He says. "So, you believe.. that the act of considering something potentially alters it? If you speak of perception, then it's enitrely possible, but..."

Rysia, not getting any refusals, at least, makes to go sit down. Of course, the conversation is a bit more deep then she was expecting, helping her miss the table with her basket. Luckly, the one ball of yarn that escapes bounces easy, and the young woman takes a moment to retrieve and replace it, before straightening up. The fact she doesn't have to add anything is just a bonus.

Miniyal's head tips to one side and she looks at Dendani unblinking. Then she breaks out into a smile and laughs softly. "Oh, you feel free to counsel or whatever it is the headmaster has you doing to those in his charge, but I assure you I'll not be speaking to you in your office." Reaching for another pastry she has a nibble from it before testing her klah to see if it is still warm enough to drink. It must be because she does so. "We can all alter reality. Perhaps your truth of reality leaves it untouched by anyone who exists, but I see no reason to believe that my existence here is meaningless. If I cannot shape things to make them better why should I bother to exist? No, there are no problems with me, counselor. But my name is Miniyal regardless of all that." Looking at Sivoril she nearly smiles at him, but it really only lights up her eyes for a moment without quite turning her lips upwards. "Perhaps I read too much philosophy these days. I find it a fascinating study if, in the end, rather useless to every day lie. But it does cause us to stretch the mind a bit, don't you think? Often in ways that I believe the author of such writing did not intend. Since most of them appear to have been pompous blowhards with little belief in anything but their own importance."

Sivoril nods at Miniyal once again, settling back to digest all of what she said. "Hi." He says to Rysia, by way of acknowledging her. "You've waded into some pretty deep waters, here." Not that he's complaining. "I used to read, quite a bit. Although, I confess, Moon Bay's libraries did not quite have anything on that level. But, we had quite a bit on roots and insects." There is a little bit of a smile form him. "So, this is all a little bit new to me. But very interesting nonetheless. Even if it mildly makes my head ache." He lifts his hand to scratch at his forehead, considering for another moment. "You'll have to reccomend something to read, then, once I end up finishing my, ah, my role here." His expression looks to Dendani, studying her at length apparently. "So, you're the counsellor here? For Caucus students, or for everyone?"

Dendani is smiling as well, with a little headshake. "Didn't say it made your life meaningless, now did I? Certainly you can change how you choose to live your life. You might even change another's life. But that doesn't change solid truths." She shrugs a shoulder at the girls' dismissal of philosophical writing. "Some, I'd agree. Others, I think they had good points. Still, I think you'd benefit from a bit of counselling, Miniyal. It would be interesting, anyway." Dendani seems somewhat satisfied with herself as she turns to Sivoril. "The library here is quite extensive. I'm sure you'll find some books and scrolls to your interest here. And I'm primarily engaged for the students, but I'd be glad to see anyone. I've not been all that overwhelmed yet with work." She turns again to Miniyal. "Are you a caucus student? I assume so, with your talk of classes."

"I'm thinkin' I never learned to swim in this deep of water..." Rysia returns to Sivoril, before shaking her head, and after a sip of the klah, pulls out her current project, and starts to add stitches to it.

"If you're looking for things to read here in the records I can recommend several items. If you'd like a list I'd happily compile one for you." Miniyal offers this to Sivoril with a nod of her head. Following this she finishes off her pastry and once more licks her fingers. "It's no trouble. I was head of records here before retiring." After, a few months. But that doesn't need saying. When Dendani asks her question she gets the former head of records' attention once more. "Oh, that's thoughtful. But I'm fine, thank you. When I am in need of any sort of assistance. . .Well, I have someone who is most helpful to me when I am troubled. I wouldn't trust anyone but him." There is a stop here as she rises to her feet and takes up her book once more. "Actually, no. I'm not student. Even if I had the desire my work is far too demanding. I've no desire to give it up to play the headmaster's silly games. If you will all excuse me? I'm afraid I have an appointment I must try to get to before dinner."

Sivoril quirks at Miniyal for a moment. "Before retiring?" He inquires. "You seem to be a little bit young for that." As she makes her move to leave he offers a little bit of a smile. "It was good to meet you. We shall have to discuss reading materials sometime soon. Be well." To Rysia, he chuckles. "Don't worry about it. After awhile, it all starts making sense. Besides, it's interesting to consider instead of the usual.. oh, I'm well. Good. I'm glad your well. There aret things going on and..... it gets boring." To Dendani, he nods as well. "You never know." He says. "You might see me dropping in one of these days. It's quite a transition, from a small hold to a rather oversized Weyr."

"Ah. Well, at least I'm not directly responsible for your mental health," Dendani replies to Miniyal. This seems a large relief to Dendani, and she settles down in her chair, a bit more relaxed. "But it's been... interesting talking to you." She turns then to Sivoril. "and what you were saying is exactly right. Perception is altered. Not truth itself." A finger is raised to punctuate that, and she smiles to the man. "I'd be glad to have a visit or two. I can speak to that transition as well, having been here only a short time myself. This is an entirely different for me. In many ways." The knitter gets a smile then, as she turns to her. "What are you making?"

Rysia offers a quick grin at Miniyal, "Have a good afternoon..." before shaking her head at Sivoril, amusement not even bothering to hide, "Does that mean I'm borin'?" After a couple of stitches, she answers, "Afghan, again, or at least part. Maybe a scarf, if I end up gettin' frustrated."

With her book tucked under one arm, Miniyal does smile this time at Sivoril. "It was the position I was meant to fill. It was my goal, but was not my dream. Well, it's a long story." Dendani gets a faint polite nod of her head. "Yes, you'll work out well for him I imagine." Rysia gets a little nod since they didn't really talk. And with that she heads off to her meeting.

dendani, fienne, sivoril, m'eri, rysia

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