Mutually inspired trust.

Feb 21, 2007 19:43

Who: Miniyal and D'ven
Where: Weyrlingmaster's office
When: 16:33 on day 14, month 4, turn 3 of the 7th Pass.
What: Even though he likes her mommy, Miniyal still considers D'ven a potential client. So she approaches him and earns points for at least being upfront and honest about the reason for her visit. She also shares a bit of information pertaining to a greenrider and those who took an interest in what she had to say.


At High Reaches Weyr, it is 16:33 on day 14, month 4, turn 3 of the 7th Pass.

It's late afternoon and D'ven is between batches of work. He's just finished putting everything back in its place, the office kept compulsively neat. Currently the Weyrlingmaster is leaning back in his chair, fingers steepled in front of his face as he mulls over various things.

While it's been awhile since Miniyal has made her way to this office she still does know where it is located. This can be told simply by the fact she heads right for it in her usual manner. She doesn't speak to anyone on her way and the only difference in her manner between this visit and the last (and this weyrlingmaster and the last) is that when she reaches the door she does not just barge in. Instead the hand not holding something rises to knock politely and she awaits for an answer.

"Enter!" D'ven calls out, straightening up in his chair and dropping his hands. Clearing his head of the thoughts that were occupying him, the bronzerider does his best to look alert and focussed. And just a little fearsome, in case it's a weyrling who has come a calling.

Miniyal steps into the room and gives the door a push shut behind her before she looks about to locate the room's occupant. "Am I interrupting?" Although there is no one about so she will take it to mean she is not and bring herself and the bottle in her hand over towards the desk. "I've been remiss in not offering congratulations so I brought you a gift. It's one of the best in my collection."

D'ven smiles, shaking his head. "No, not at all. Please, have a seat." At the mention of a gift, his smile grows. "You really are too kind, Miniyal. This is quite the unexpected suprise." There's a pause, to let her settle. "How have you been? Can I get you anything?"

"Thank you. And, not at all." The bottle was likely a gift or bribe to her before now and she just passes it along. "Besides, it's red. I'm not overly fond of reds." Miniyal grins as she sets it down and then seats herself. With hands folded in her lap she tilts her head to one side. "I'm fine, thank you. Well, that answers both questions well enough I think. I was at loose ends for some time after Roa let me go, but it's employment I've come to speak to you about."

Taking the bottle and setting it on the desk, D'ven returns the grin. He seems about to ask something else, likely more small talk, and then Miniyal mentions employment and his attention is diverted. There's a slight inclination of his head, a gesture of interest and curiosity. "Employment, you say? Well, speak away."

Small talk usually leads her to trouble. Perhaps this is why Miniyal presses forward with her reason for coming to visit. "It has lately come to my attention that there are certain aspects of doing one's job well that are not often easily seen to." One hand rises to absently tuck a lock of hair behind her ear before folding once more with the other in her lap. "Information, D'ven. Everyone needs it. And it can be hard to find someone to gather it who can be trusted to separate the useful from the useless."

D'ven does his best to hide his suprise, and instead looks thoughtful. "There is a certain something in what you say." He agrees with a nod. "And I am a busy man. Even if I had the time to go around gathering information, people arn't so talkative around me as they used to be." A sigh there, and a pause. "Tell me, what do you consider to be 'the useful'?"

Miniyal's head shakes and she smiles for just a moment. "I cannot say what might be useful to you. I could likely guess, but it would not be an overly educated one and so I would ask you not to make me speak about it right now. However, /you/ know what is useful to you. I find out what my clients wish to be found out. Oh, I can't guarantee finding exactly the right bit of information, but there's no one here who could do that. What I can do is listen specifically."

"You have a point there." D'ven agrees, seeming fairly impressed. "I admire your....attitude. You're not dancing around anything, just coming in and laying it on the table. It's refreshing. Between you and me, I don't really like politics. And what is it you want, in return for this service? You seem to have everything thought out, I'm guessing you've already considered this too."

"I'm not good at hinting at things to be perfectly honest. And. . .well, the work I offer to do doesn't exactly inspire trust owing to its nature. So I find it's best to just be as open as I can when beginning negotiations." Miniyal shrugs her shoulders at this and grins faintly. "For some reason people are not inclined to trust those who admit to wishing to assist by, well, you know. Gathering information covertly." Being sneaky and spying. "Of course. Well, there are conditions that are attached to my doing this work for you. Shall we discuss them first? You may decide to say no thanks."

D'ven nods. "I thought there might be." He comments with a thoughtful smile, seeming to be enjoying this little exchange. "Please, let us discuss your conditions. As you say, no sense beating about the bush. After all, people are not inclined to trust those who admit to wishing to purchase such assistance either." It dosn't seem to be a tease, or a joke, merely his summation of the situation.

Miniyal hides a laugh behind her hand that then moves on to smooth down her hair once more. "I promise they are none too horrid. The first is simply that you do not tell anyone I am doing this for you. No one. Any information I give you that you go on to use can be attributed to whatever method you like so long as it is not my work." Pausing here she tilts her head again, thoughtfully considering her hands. "You may, of course, ask where information comes from, but I am not obliged to answer. I will not lie, D'ven. It is not my nature to be dishonest, but I protect secrets that are not my own which works to your benefit as well since I will not tell anyone who I work for. And you cannot tell me how to do my job."

"I find these conditions amenable." D'ven replies after a moment's though. "Revealing my source seems...counter-productive, since it then compromises said source. There is no sense in putting a rock in the river, if you wish to collect the water lower down. I have my own secrets to protect, what man dosn't. So, I understand. If sometimes you cannot say, you cannot say." There's a smile then, the Weyrlingmaster seeming amused at the idea of telling Miniyal how to do her job. "As to the last...I have no wish to tell you how to do your job. Indeed, I don't really wish to know how you do your job. I have enough on my plate with my own work, hence why this appeals to me."

"Here is where, usually, you lay out any conditions you might have that just now occur to you." Miniyal says it in a tone that is lightly teasing. "I don't require or expect any long term contract. And should you wish to stop making use of my services at any time I understand that. But you did ask what I wished from it?" Her tone which had lightened up some returns to being serious. "Nothing in particular. I am well provided for as it stands and have no need of marks in truth. Not that I would turn down any gifts offered to me in thanks. Mostly, since we are being honest, I believe there may come a time when I might wish you to help me with something. Or at least hear me out on something I think you might help me on. I expect no firm support, but merely someone being willingly to consider what I say."

D'ven smiles at the teasing tone. "I think you touched on all of it. A mutual need for privacy and secrets, a desire that our arrangement never become known to anyone, and the lack of, and lack of the need for, interference." There's a slow nod then. "That sounds most reasonable. Since I am willing to listen to you for...useful information, it is fair to say I would be willing to consider your words on other matters."

Miniyal wrinkles her nose and plucks absently at her dress before she settles her fidgeting and looks over once more. "There is, ah, one more thing I feel we should discuss before we consider any deal set. In the interest of full disclosure. . .well. I spoke to the weyrleader recently and am likely, well, possibly. Well, it is not for certain, but I believe it possibly will be. Right. Well, I'm going to stand, you see. Which means there is a chance, however slim, that we might have to have a relationship other than the one we discuss now."

"I see." D'ven frowns for a moment, though it's an expression of intense thought more than it is displeasure. Finally, he comes to a conclusion. "As you say, it is not a long term contract you are expecting. Should we come to this bridge, we shall cross it then one way or another. In the meantime, it seems...wasteful not to take this oppertunity for a mutually benefical relationship. Congratulations, by the way, on your decision to stand. I wish you the best of luck with it. Should you Impress, if you can bring the directness you display in speech to fighting Thread, I think you would have a long and distinguished career."

"I'm not sure congratulations are anything. . .well. Anyway, regardless of what happens I don't plan on quite giving up my work in this regard." Miniyal smiles, but only for a moment and it's more to herself than anything for him. "I am still formulating plans on the off chance I do not leave the sands as I came. It will be tricky, I admit, but I believe I can make it work. After all, no matter what happens with me I will still have the same sources. Well, should it come to that I will, of course, discuss it with you and what I might still do for you. Now. Is there anything you wish for me to be listening for?"

"Yes, several things." D'ven replies with a nod. "Anything criminal, from small to big. I wish this Weyr to remain safe and stable, I don't want a repeat of Aivey and E'sere. And all the small stuff adds up, sooner or later. It probably goes without saying, but I shall say it. The Instigators are of especial interest to me. They flew Nabol, they have a queen and weyrlings, they took the aforementioned pair. I do not pretend to know where this is going, but I am certain it is nowhere good." There's a pause. "Anything related to my charges would also be gratefully recieved. I cannot be ever present in their lives, whatever I may try and pursade them to believe."

Miniyal's smile this time is for him and while it doesn't last overly the remains linger in her eyes for sometime. "That is exactly what I think. Too often the smaller pieces would give away the larger picture if only someone were paying attention to them. I cannot forgive myself for not picking up on E'sere and Aivey. Somehow I missed it entirely. Well, I've learned from that mistake and I assure you it will not happen again." Teeth worry at her lower lip and she tips her head to one side. "What do you think of them? Those out on the island, I mean and not the weyrlings."

That smile is returned, and D'ven merely nods at her words until the question comes. "An interesting question, with a lengthy answer. At first when I was younger, I hated them with a passion. But I believed they would be die, be forgotten, we would heal. This is not so. For people exiled, they are very...present. Always over our shoulders, at the back of our minds." Strangely, there's no trace of paranoia in his tone. "As they moved forward in the public eye in recent times, I debated the issue several times with friends. I wanted very much to believe the idea put forward, that a man can after some time be forgiven for mistakes...for his past. That after time outside the structure they sought to topple, they now saw the necessity of it. The flew Nabol, and though it angered me I must conceede I thought it maybe, just maybe, a good sign. Perhaps they were ready to rejoin society. All for the best, given their weyrlings who came from the mainland will wish to return, and may want to bring friends." There's a pause, as if to gather his thoughts. "And then they took E'sere and Aivey. And that is...incomprehensible to me. It is as if they are two seperate groups of people, entirely different. Unless of course, their flying of Nabol was meant to encourage us, trick us, into thinking well of them, and the situation with E'sere and Aivey forced them to tip their hand. I believe if they do have any intention of 'rejoining' society, it will be on their own terms and they will be seeking to succeed where they failed not reintegrate in having learned their lesson."

Since he is willing to talk, Miniyal will listen. Her hands remain folded in her lap with no trace of fidgeting as she gives him all of her attention. There is not even a nod anywhere as she listens to his words. Instead it is all silence and attention until he finishes and then she nods her head once. "It is a disturbing issue. I admit I believe that people can be rehabilitated. I am not sure what to make of everything they have done. I. . .do not approve of killing. Or violence of any sort. So while I do not wish them to go unpunished. . .it is a convoluted issue that I am thankfully not required to solve." Hair that doesn't need it gets tucked back into place behind her ear. "I certainly do not think because they were convicted of a crime that means they should be harmed in the manner in which some seem to think is acceptable."

D'ven looks thoughtful for a moment, eyes fixing on Miniyal. Finally, he decides to take a gamble. "You refer to the problem of Telgar." It's not quite a question, and not quite a statement either. As he sometimes does when thinking important and complicate thoughts, the Weyrlingmaster steeples his fingers together.

Miniyal's head inclines a fraction of an inch. "I refer exactly to Telgar. And what their weyrleader did to one of the Instigators. It's not. . .it's not something that should be allowed to happen. No matter whom the victim was." Frowning lightly she shakes her head. "Well, there is not much to be done now but wait and see what others will do. It is all over my head now with weyrleaders and the masterharper and so on and so forth. I can only concentrate on my work."

"No, there are some things which..." D'ven shakes his head, clearly in agreement. "Masterharper? Interesting, I did not realise it had gotten such attention. The last I knew, it was known to a small group most of whom had no proof and merely the word of a trusted associate to go on. I am glad to hear it has progressed beyond that."

"It seems to me I might be able to tell you something now then." Miniyal smiles at this and twists at the ring on her finger for a moment. "Although if I'm going to visit much longer, perhaps I might get a drink from you? All this talking."

D'ven smiles, seeming both pleased by the idea of information and the request for a drink. "Certainly What would you like? I don't keep much here, but I do have one or two things hidden away."

Miniyal lifts a hand and gives an open palmed wave. "Anything that might be a bit on the sweeter side." Hand back in her lap she taps a foot on the floor softly. "I'm not sure how much you know already. Perhaps you could tell me while you get the drink? That way I don't waste our time sharing what is already known."

"Certainly." D'ven replies, rising and heading to a cupboard to remove a bottle and two glasses. "A while ago, a green was downed at Greenfields returning some of the boys who didn't Impress. Meanwhile, a green turns up at Telgar flashing images of an injured rider. S'lien says she's from Ista, she vanishes after two weeks. The green is kept mindlocked by a Queen." Drinks are poured, and one glass slid over to Miniyal. "It's a funny thing, but I went over to Ista myself shortly after. Spoke to some friends there. There was no Istan green."

When the glass appears, Miniyal leans forward to take it up and try a sip. She has a second before he finishes talking and then grins with a shake of her head. "Actually, I believe she was originally from Ista. Although she no longer resides there. I don't imagine the weyr would claim her as their own anyway." Another shake of her head as she holds her glass in her lap with one hand. "Leaving out any names, I'm sure you understand they are not mine to give, I can say that she was approached through someone else and asked if she would return to the mainland to testify to what was done to her. Eventually she agreed and representatives from two weyrs and both healer and harper went along. Her testimony was taken and now there is a bit of a waiting game going on to see what is done." Head tilting to one side she toys with the glass in her hand before taking a drink. "Although rumor has it the masterharper recently went to Telgar."

D'ven takes a deep breath, considering this for a long moment. Then he downs his drink in one smooth motion. "I am...pleased to hear that this is being taken seriously. And troubles me, that this is happening. For these are the same people who took E'sere and Aivey. It also troubles me that, according to what you say, there are those who have communication with the exiles. However, in the balance of things, it is important that the situation with Telgar be put to rest.:

Miniyal has another drink, but has had no cause yet to empty her glass. "Sometimes. . .sometimes people must bend rules in order to right a wrong. I do not believe that their assistance of E'sere and Aivey gives anyone the right to have someone tortured and raped." Her tone is even as she gives her opinion, if firmer than usual. "I do not know what will happen. I fear in the end not much, but I hold out hope that people will look past the label and see that it was a person who was hurt. It is time we started to look to the future and not live in the past."

"No, it does not." D'ven agrees. "However, I find it extremely...." There's a pause, and then he moves on without finding the word. "That they flout the law openly, then run to its protection when it suits them." At the mention of the future, he sighs. "The future is..problematic. It is inevitable, and yet incredibly dangerous if allowed to just happen unchecked and unguided."

"I do not think it quite happened that way. They were. . .well, from what I know they were approached and did not seek out anyone to see this thing done." Miniyal now takes a larger drink of her wine and goes on to empty her glass. Worrying at her lower lip she stares down into the empty glass. "They were not willing at first I believe. The fact they did proved I think they wished to try to work somewhat within the system. Even if they still believe the entire system is flawed." Leaning forward she sets the glass atop the desk. "There are different methods of guiding the future."

D'ven considers this for a long moment. "So they were approached, and somehow persuaded. To work within a system they believe is flawed and corrupted. Either they are very trusting, and I do not think anyone would suggest that, or the person who persuaded them was already known and trusted by them. I find this...disturbing." At her latter words, there's a nod. "Yes, there are. Many."

Miniyal shakes her head slowly. "Actually, I'd never met them until that day. And while I don't think I am all that persuasive I do like to think I can present a reasonable case when the situation warrants it." Calm enough as she says it there's nowhere to look but down at her hands afterwards. Lalala. What did I do? Not a thing. So calm. "There was certainly not a lot of trust. But I think there are people on both sides who wish to establish some form of relationship."

"Intriguing." D'ven replies after a very long silence, his voice low and level. "At every turn, this gets more complicated. More involved. So, now I suppose it is my turn to ask you what you think of our..aquaintances on the island. Do you think it wise, to establish a relationship with people who wish to destroy our way of life and replace it with chaos?"

"I think it wise to know what they plan. I think it wise to find out how far they are willing to go /this/ time in order to accomplish whatever their goals might be." Miniyal folds her hands once more and shrugs. "And, I felt it important someone who no bias went in to meet them. More importantly, someone with nothing to lose if they were caught." Frowning thoughtfully when she pauses there is just a little sigh to herald the next statement she makes. "I think some of their ideas hold merit. I do not agree we need to entirely rearrange society. But I feel there are problems with what we have and that perhaps a blending of the new and the traditional might create solutions. I doubt it will happen, but I've hopes. And I guide the future how I may with what little influence I have."

D'ven nods, clearly noting all this down in his head. "I see. I find it quite interesting to hear your points of view on this, especially knowing you've actually been there and met with them. I can't say I agree with your conclusions, but then I don't think there's ever been a time where everybody agreed on everything."

Miniyal laughs at his words, nothing but amused for a brief moment. "I find I rarely agree with most people ever. But, well, I cannot find a side I choose to entirely align myself with. Moderation, I believe, is the key. I did not meet with but two of them and one not resident there so long. Diya and I have a history so I would not dare speak of her without having to determine the difference between what I saw so briefly and what I knew for turns. My opinion on them can be summed up simply. We should not, as a society, throw people away. No matter their crimes for few people are truly beyond redemption."

"Few people are truly beyond redemption. No matter their crimes." D'ven echoes. "Redemption." He rolls the word around his mouth, his tone soft. Almost a whisper, in fact. "Redemption." There's a thoughtful smile, and a shake of his head as if to clear it. "It has been most interesting talking to you, Miniyal. I'm glad you stopped by. Unfortunately, I think I should probably be getting back to work."

Miniyal rises to her feet when he declares the conversation over. "It was my pleasure, sir. Should I hear anything which might be of interest to you I will come by. My ears will be open." Her hands move into the pockets of her dress and it is this way she leaves, other than when she must open the door and close it softly behind her.

D'ven smiles. "Give my regards to your mother, and to G'thon." He murmurs, before his gaze drops to the desk and one hand goes to the drawer to find some documents. Formations, from the look of them, for the Weyrling wing.


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