In which our heroine goes about her work.

Feb 13, 2007 02:34

Who: Miniyal and Paige
Where: Miniyal's room
When: BACKDATED - Somewhere between the 17th-20th day of month 2, turn 3 of the 7th Pass.
What: Paige has a seeeeecret. It's just not as well kept as she would like. This is a nice look at how Miniyal acquires those who tell her things and owe her favors.
Note: Charactery secret stuff in here that is not general knowledge to PCs.


The turn has begun and things around the weyr are pretty quiet for the most part. The months are going on and the second one is well under way. Some people might have gotten to a few things sooner, but Miniyal did have a horrible start of the turn after she got back from her vacation. She's just now starting to get things under way again and that means she's been piecing things together that have occurred to her since she returned. Which explains why she's been sending for someone to fetch the laundry more often. Usually, other than bedding she has no trouble carrying the clothes from this room down to the laundry and picking it up. Lately she has not been doing that. A laundress arrives and picks things up and she sends them off with few words. Likely this assignment is making the rounds and it's only a matter of time, she assumes, until she gets whom she wants.

Today she's sent word again asking for a few things to be picked up. The items are carefully folded in a basket by the door. The door is open an inch or so as it often is when there is someone home. The person inside is Miniyal, sitting at the desk and writing in a notebook as she drinks from a glass of wine. Waiting. Alone.

The laundry girl Miniyal nabs this time is Paige, the dark-haired one with the melancholy eyes. Accustomed to such requests from those in private quarters, she's no less hesitant about approaching this particular door. She's never been here before. The fact that it's ajar doesn't make her feel any more welcome either. Her hand lifts and she knocks, then pushes herself in and calls out, "Here to pick up your dirty-" Oh. Spotting the basket, she bends to pick it up.

At the knock, Miniyal sets down the pen she uses and rises to her feet. Habit now to stop doing whatever she is doing and see to the door. So even though she's expecting a laundress she still does just that. Her wine glass is lifted in one hand to be carried with her. "There's not much." Offered with a faint, brief smile. "I should have just brought it down myself. I apologise for that. I just had some things to get written down before I forgot them and. . .well. Anyway, I am sorry to make more work for you."

Paige, still bent at the waist, glances up rather awkwardly to watch Miniyal come closer. Hefting the basket with both hands, then standing and shifting it to her hip, she gives a full-mouthed smile. "It's really no trouble. I-- we get sent for all the time." There's a pause, silence on her end, then she's awkwardly ducking her head and saying, "I'll get started on these." She turns to the door. "They'll be dropped off sometime tomorrow I think. Have a nice day."

Miniyal shakes her head slowly. "No, I'm still sorry. I do try not to make work more hard for people." When Paige makes to leave she tips her head to one side. "You're Paige right? Your brother works in the kitchen? I've seen you there. When I'm visiting my mother." There's no physical move to stop her from leaving. Just a few casual remarks to see if that will slow her down.

It does. While she's anxious to get out of here, not used to being engaged in conversation while making such visits, Paige is by no means rude. So she stops, her hand out to pull the door further open to accomodate her and the basket, and falters before turning halfway so Miniyal comes back into view. Giving the other woman her profile, she smiles again. "Yes. Ferris. He's one of the reasons my mother and I came here. Ah. Your mother also works in the kitchen then?" She's well-versed in polite conversation at least.

"Yes, Corin. Your brother likely knows her. You've likely seen her holding court in there when in there at some point." Miniyal frowns a moment. "I'm so sorry about your mother. It must be very hard on you to have to take care of her and tend to your duties." Lifting her glass for a drink she swirls the remaining wine around when done. "Sorry, I don't mean to keep you. You probably hate when people randomly engage you in conversation. I always hated it when I was working anyway."

The recognition of the name 'Corin' that fleets through Paige's expression is short-lived. Whatever she was going to say about the woman remains unsaid. Instead she lowers her eyes to the basket, her smile fading but only briefly. "You do what you can for the people you love," is all she says. She's quick to reassure her then, turning more so it isn't just the side of her face within eyesight. "No, it's just... Not many do. I come in and leave." Her eyebrows twitch together and she adds, her mouth quirked, "I don't think people even remember me."

Worrying at her lower lip, Miniyal finishes her wine and then turns to set her empty wine glass on the desk. Turning back to her guest she nods once. "It's true. I'd do anything for my parents. It's hard when. . .well, someone you love is sick. I can only imagine what your mother would feel if she knew you were." She lets out a soft sigh and gives her head a shake. "And I'm overly morbid and shouldn't even bring things like that up. As to remembering people. . .habit. I used to keep track of who took what in records. You just sort of learn."

Listening, openly, Paige is still vaguely smiling up until the mention of who took what. Her expression changes subtly. "Who took what?"

"Right. In records. Before I was put in charge we had no real system. People could come in and take things and didn't have to tell people." Miniyal lets out a quiet sigh at this and folds her hands in front of her. "So I tried to keep track. It wasn't always easy, but I did a fair job. It's just a matter of paying attention. I think anyone does it with their work. Keep track of what is going on. I imagine Corin knows everything that happens in the kitchen." There's no reason at all to be worried, see? She's just making small talk.

"Oh." Paige's mouth has become an equivocal 'o' to match. After mulling that over, she tilts her head, hitches the basket up some and tries to seem just curious. "Like what /kinds/ of things?'

Head tipping to one side, Miniyal grins lightly. "Records. It is where I worked." Unfolding her hands she glances down for a moment at her hands, twisting the ring on her finger absently. "It's not as interesting, I think, as some places. Can you imagine how much you could learn about people working in someplace like the infirmary?"

Paige's eyebrows lift. She tries to make it seem like a smooth transition. Just never you mind the tightening of her hand around the basket's handle. "The infirmary?"

"Well, yes. I suppose it's a good thing healers are not supposed to tell what people come there for." Miniyal sounds relieved at this and even smiles for a moment. "I've always found it comforting. That some things we do we don't have to worry about other people knowing about. I mean, we all have our secrets I suppose."

"Yes." That was distracted. Paige is peering, narrow-eyed, at Miniyal now. Suspicious and a little concerned, she doesn't forge ahead with what she wants to say because what she wants to say probably runs somewhere along the lines of 'I don't take anything!' Instead she attempts to make it seem as though her curiosity has been further escalating; leaning forward she asks, in a conspiratorial fashion, "What sorts of things have you found out about people?"

When her head tips forward, Miniyal's hair makes a decent curtain from which to hide behind. It remains that way until Paige has finished speaking and then her sweeps it back over her shoulders and tucks it behind her ears. "Probably the same sorts of things you overheard. You said yourself no one remembers you. In your line of work you're sometimes practically invisible." Her shoulders shrug and she flashes a bright smile. "I certainly wouldn't tell if I overheard anything. I mean, secrets are important to keep. Don't you think?" She pauses here and lets out a quiet sigh. "I mean, sometimes I have to. But I do prefer not to."

One cannot deny something that's so obviously true. Besides, it isn't the remark about her being invisible that has Paige's heart beating faster. If she didn't have such a death grip on that basket it'd surely fall to the floor in her numbness. Finally she lowers her eyes, lashes casting shadows. "What is this about?" she asks evenly.

Her question is not answered right away. Instead Miniyal turns away and takes up her wine glass. She carries it to the bottle on the table and refills it before she turns once more to the laundress. A sip and then she hold the glass in both hands carefully. "I don't care. That you're abusing your position as your mother's caretaker. We should all be allowed to kill ourselves however we want. Personally, I prefer wine. Well, or brandy. Harder liquors when the occasion calls. But some people have to have what they have to have." She pauses here to lift her glass in a little toast before taking a drink. "However, some people find that sort of behavior distasteful."

Paige's eyes lift again, quick, so she can stare after Miniyal in her turning and her walking away. When she comes back they drop again and she tries to collect herself. The situation's gone from routine to completely out of her control too fast. "If you'll excuse my saying so, what I do is hardly any of your concern." Her voice is kept light, easy, despite the tightness in her jaw.

Miniyal inclines her head a fraction and has another sip of wine. "Yes. That is very true. However, it is the concern of the healers, the weyr staff. Your brother? Maybe your mother?" Shaking her head she has another sip of wine. "As I said, feel free to abuse yourself however you want. Do you take your mother's medication from her? Or do you just get extra? That's what I haven't figured out. I'm guessing just extra. You don't seem wrong. Just. . .well. Like you said, it's not my business. So I guess I don't have to keep it to myself."

Choosing not to answer any of those questions, Paige closes her eyes and concentrates on breathing. Sometime during the semi-barrage she loses her grip on the one handle and the basket tips and falls to the floor. Cursing, she drops to a crouch, her skirt pooling around her, to gather the clothing back up. "/Shit/."

More wine is sipped. Just a small fraction at a time as Miniyal watches the reaction she gets. When the laundry falls she lets out a little sigh and sets her wine glass down. However, she makes no move to step forward and help. Likely in the past her little meetings like this have resulted in bad things. Best to stay away until she knows if there will be violence. "As I said, I don't care what you do to yourself. I do care that you get around. You hear things. Things that I could use. You're not always noticed." Now she simply gets to the point.

Well there goes the 'what do you want from me?' question that was sure to be fired off any second. Paige's scrambling comes to a stop so she can stare up at Miniyal, stunned again. "That's the most absurd thing I've ever heard," she mutters. And then more scrambling, clothes haphazardly folded and replaced so she has something to do with her hands.

"Oh. More absurd then, 'I need to report someone for abusing fellis'? Or 'I'm very sorry, ma'am. Your daughter has been sent from the weyr. She'll not be taking care of you any longer.' More absurd then that? Because most people are not as. . .lenient as I am in regards to allowing people to abuse themselves. To take medicine that could be used by those in true need of it." Miniyal sighs again and rubs at her forehead. It's always difficult this part. Wine helps, certainly, so she has another sip. Yes, she lectures on addiction.

"You're threatening me," Paige directs downwards, hair having fallen forward to hide her face from view. It's cleared with a toss of her head and she's standing without the basket. "I don't abuse myself. And what could I possibly hear that would mean anything to you?"

Miniyal's fingers rub at her forehead again and empties her glass of wine. "Fuck. No. I am not threatening you. I'm pointing out what could happen if someone else finds out about your problem." The wine glass gets refilled and from it she takes another sip. "Why does this. . .Listen, Paige. If I were threatening you I'd have gotten right to the point. As for what you might hear I imagine all sorts of things. The workers in the lower caverns aren't seen often. Aren't noticed. They overhear conversations. They get told things. The big picture is pieced together from small things."

Paige, still in complete denial that this is actually happening, puts her hands on her hips and makes a face. It involves one eye more narrow than the other and a corner of her mouth pulled up. "What big picture? No. No, this is crazy." She bends to grab that basket, rough this time. "/You're/ crazy." And then she's turning, fumbling with her burden and trying to get to the door's handle.

"Well, oddly enough I've been told that before." Miniyal shrugs off being told she's crazy. She doesn't make any move to stop Paige from leaving either. Just stands there drinking her wine as calm as can be. "I'll keep your secret either way. But it'll be kept longer if it's worth my while. There's only so many I can keep and sometimes I have to let them go. I'm not asking you to snoop through people's things or commit any crimes. I just want to know what you hear. If you see anything interesting. Your call."

Her hand is on the handle and the door's open a crack before that sinks in. 'There's only so many I can keep'. With her eyes on her hand and a wrinkle in her forehead she stops. She doesn't bother to try getting her voice over her shoulder. It's quiet. "And if I do this you won't say anything to anyone?"

Most of the time they give in when all is said and done. Miniyal has likely spoken nearly these exact words in the past. They don't sound rehearsed, but there's no hesitation as she offers them. Nearly sympathetic in tone all things considered. "It's your secret now too, Paige. I tell anyone you just have to tell them I've known all this time and did nothing. Just come get the laundry at least once a month. If you hear anything interesting between then you're welcome to just come by. You'll figure out eventually what I need to hear and what's not important. I won't try to tell you. It's different all the time."

More silence, more pauses. Then, "Fine." Likely feeling like she just signed a contract in blood, all dirty and not good, Paige sets her jaw and pulls the door open all the way, clearly on her way out. Really.

Topping off her wine, Miniyal nods her head once. Unseen, sure, but she does it. "I'll come get the laundry tomorrow morning. There's no need to have someone send it back." She frowns and there might be a sigh, but it's very soft and almost drowned in wine so possibly missed by the departing laundress. Certainly Miniyal says nothing else and allows her to go.

Paige goes, then, out the door without another word. When she's gone a little down the hallway, her pace a hurried, chased quickness, she casts a look behind her, her face a tightened glare. It's a good thing nobody's near or else the 'fuck you' she whispers would likely draw attention.


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