Recall versus opinion.

Dec 27, 2006 22:19

Who: Miniyal and Sinopa
Where: Sinopa's Weyr
When: Morning on day 14, month 13, turn 2 of the 7th Pass.
What: Miniyal pays a visit to Sinopa to discuss her history project. As always, it goes swimmingly.


At High Reaches Weyr, it is mid-norning on day 14, month 13, turn 2 of the 7th Pass.

It's mid-morning and the north weyr is cozy and warm despite the blustery weather that is typical of the region's winter. A small fire burns in the brazier that is located in the sitting area, which is where Sinopa waits for her next appointment. A pot of klah is near the warmth-providing brazier with clothes provided as insulation against the hot pot. Empty, but clean, mugs are nearby on a table, as are a few hides and various documents, likely intended for other visitors that may be arriving later. Currently the weyrwoman is going over a ledger as she waits, frowning slightly as she reviews it.

For once, owing to the woman she is on her way to visit, Miniyal did not cut across the bowl. Instead she took the long way around to be able to arrive without appearing windblown, cold, wet and whatever else the day's weather has brought to the weyr. She's a few minutes early and because of that she lingers in the hallway a moment before she lifts a hand to knock, twice. Once that is done she passes a hand through her hair to make sure it's as presentable as it will get. Then she adjusts her grip on the little case she carries with her writing tools when she is out on interviews.

Sinopa lifts her head at the knock, attention torn away from whatever item she was perusing. There's a moment of waiting on her part before she sets aside the current item of interest and stands up to answer it, perhaps due to most of her appointments being familiar enough to knock and then enter on their own. "Good morning," she greets brightly after opening the door, affording Miniyal a good view of the room. "Come on in and make yourself comfortable," she invites, opening the door further and talking a step back to afford Miniyal entrance.

Miniyal is the sort of person who still has trouble remembering she does not have to knock before entering her room. So stepping into the weyrwoman's room without some acceptance of her presence just would not occur. However, once she is invited in she gives a polite, respectful inclination of her head and does just that. The room is given a cursory glance before she turns back to her hostess. "Thank you for seeing me. I appreciate you taking time out of your schedule to speak to me." That said she gets her bearings with another look about the room and then moves herself to the sitting area to sit down, case balanced on her knees in her lap.

"You're very welcome," Sinopa replies, voice and word choice remaining formal, as is customary for Reaches' own goldrider when dealing with those she is on unfamiliar terms with. The goldrider follows behind Miniyal, taking her own spot, "I've some fresh klah, if you'd like."

Miniyal's head shakes once and she opens her case. "Oh, no thank you. I am fine, thank you." For her part she is carefully polite as she does try to be when dealing with those in authority. "I'll try not to take up too much of your time. I am sure you are quite busy, especially now." The pause between the rest of the sentence and those last two words is brief, but noticeable.

"Just let me know if you change your mind," Sinopa replies with a short nod. "Mmm, it has been busy as of late, now that we're unexpectedly short-handed. But as I recall, you were interested in... interviewing me, was it? About... anything in particular?"

"About the recent history of the weyr." Agreement from Miniyal comes with a nod of her head as she unstops her ink and checks her pen. "Since the beginning of the pass is what I have been focusing on. Although the answers I have gotten have led previous interviews to stray to farther back and to considerations for the future." Dipping her pen in ink she glances up as she waits, poised to record words. "I try to get an idea of what my subject wishes to say. So, is there anything in particular you would like to be sure is recorded? Any ideas or recollections that you consider to be important?"

Now that it's clear that her guest is mostly comfortable, or about as comfortable as anyone else can make her, Sinopa relaxes slightly in her seat. Legs are crossed and she leans back into her chair. There's a brief nod at the mention of 'history of the weyr' and then for a moment the weyrwoman looks away, eyes focusing on some vague spot on the wall as she considers. Then her eyes flicker back to Miniyal and she lifts a brow, "Beginning of the pass, you say?" she queries, a hint of curiousity tinging her voice. "Isn't it a bit... too recent to be asking people for their perspectives on such matters?" A moment or two after the question has been asked the goldrider then asks, "Are you looking for anything specific? About the first Fall, perhaps?"

Head tilting to one side there is small note made as Miniyal shakes her head. "I do not. With everything that has happened from Yevide to E'sere and Aivey and J'cor. . .These are the sorts of things that should be gotten down now while people remember them. Not turns from now when some harper finally thinks it important and tries to find those will remember and be willing to talk." Frowning a moment she looks down at the hide on her makeshift desk. "As High Reaches' last native weyrwoman and current senior I feel your perspective will be important. I've nothing specific I wish to ask about it. However, I would be interested in taking down your recollection of it."

Miniyal's clarification earns her a moment of careful consideration. "These are the sorts of questions that you ought to be asking in ten years," she points out, once more on that same vein of thought as her previous statements. "It has been a rather... chaotic start to the Pass, I would say," the goldrider adds, apparently willing to indulge Ganathon's woman with a few words, "And most worrisome to me is that all these upsets occur at a time when we most need stability." A pause follows these words as she watches the woman in front of her.

There are few glances down as the pen starts to move on the hide. She doesn't have to look down it would seem although Miniyal does not look over at the weyrwoman either. There is some vague space between hide and subject that she finds with her eyes. "If you would rather wait ten turns I will return then. But your recollections will not be as sharp as they are now." This, offered after the other woman has finished speaking. After she has to pause to dip pen into ink. "Do you feel there is anything you might have done differently that would have helped create stabilization? As a leader. Or do you feel that events were such that no one could really stop it?"

"I suppose it depends on what you are looking for in your... reports," Sinopa replies simply, "If you are looking for a detailed account of what happened, then you are correct and now is a good time for an interview. But if you are looking for thoughts, ideas, and impressions on what happened, then I suggest you come back in ten turns." All the while Sinopa is nothing but formal - curt and cold, perhaps - but her words are clearly spoken and in a neutral, formal tone. After a moment of thinking on the question the goldrider replies, "Most of the events were... out of my control. They resulted from others making decisions alone, for the benefit of individuals, without consulting any others and without thinking on the consequences of such actions." Elaboration on the woman's statements does not follow, instead Sinopa watches Miniyal once more, her eyes focusing mostly on the movements of the pen in her hand.

"Most people have opinions now. Formed by the emotional and visceral connection to what has happened. They know people who have suffered. They are connected. They have suffered. It is these reactions that generally have more truth than ones thought on over time." Miniyal continues to write as she talks, carefully getting down everything said even if it means going over herself. Even with whatever odd shorthand she must have it requires a lot of writing. "So whom do you think people should have consulted? Should G'thon have discussed with the rest of the weyr's leadership what it was he intended? Should E'sere have approached others in charge to inform them he was going to do as he did? Or should they have, perhaps, talked to those not in charge? Learned what the people they were leading wanted? Cared what they wanted?"

"That may be true," Sinopa replies, "Though I think you'll have a better picture of the events at the beginning of the Pass once the consequences of such events have fully played out. Though as I said, it depends on what kind of report you are looking for." After another moment of consideration for the questions posed by Miniyal, Sinopa once more answers. "I think that if those making decisions had involved or informed others within the weyr's leadership then there would be the impression that decisions were not made on whims for the benefit of a single individual."

A brief smile, wry in tone, as Miniyal makes more notes. "As if there are not consequences enough now? I hardly think it will take the next ten turns for us to see how things play out." Here she pauses to once more ink her pen before she finishes her writing, all caught up. Then she looks up and tilts her head to the side. "So you think the blame falls squarely on one person? That all the blame for the horrors done here by those pretending to be well meaning should be placed on the shoulders of one person?"

"I think you'll find people are more inclined to speak about how they felt at the beginning of the Pass in ten turns than now." Accompanying this statement is a faint quirk of the weyrwoman's lips, as though in something akin to sympathy for the former recordskeeper. "Surely the blame for E'sere's acts does not fall on anyone but E'sere," Sinopa replies. "Everyone is responsible for their own actions, if that is what you are getting at. But I would say that the majority of decisions which have... fostered a negative atmosphere at the Reaches, can be traced to the decisions made by a few."

"People have suggested that to me in the past." Miniyal writes as she speaks. "That people are more willing to talk later. And yet none I have engaged in an interview have declined to give me their opinion." Another smiles at this, brief and directed down at her work that she once more sees to, writing something out. "I meant nothing. I merely was wanting to be sure I was clear on what you were saying." And she makes a few more notes and then pauses, pen poised to write more. "However. . .perhaps you are right. And I should not be in such a rush to record everything that people think. Oftentimes if they have considered them they have a chance to truly be meaningful." And it seems she has decided that she will wrap up then. Although she does not yet put her things away.

"I'd have to agree with them. If you come to interview me in ten or twenty turns, I assure you that my accounts will be more... complete and comprehensive. I may not remember what everyone was wearing at the Turn's End Ball," here the weyrwoman's eyes light up in a smile, "though I'm sure I'll remember the pertinent details of the Pass' beginning and all the important events. In ten turns I will not be that old." Emphasis on that. "Are there any other ques-" and here the weyrwoman is interrupted by a knock at the door, which prompts Sinopa to turn her head to look over to see who has just arrived, followed by the entrance of one of Hariet's assistants. The woman looks mildly chagrined at having interrupted the weyrwoman's previous appointment and backs out silently. "As I was going to say, do you have any more questions? I regret that I cannot spend more time with you, though I have time for one more question, I think. Of course, you're always welcome to make another appointment." And wait a couple months.

At the knock she begins to put her things away. There is not even a glance up at being told she may ask a final question. Instead Miniyal rises with her case and inclines her head. "Thank you for your time. I appreciate it. If I think of anything further I will try to make an appointment." She turns to head for the door and then pauses there, sidestepping the woman who is coming in. "I might recommend that you either make your assistant someone people can rely on to schedule things or you let it be known that they should simply bypass her and come right to you. As someone who has done the work I can say that keeping anyone waiting for so long after they have been trying to schedule something for so long is a bad move. Hardly befitting a junior, let alone a senior weyrwoman. Simply acting or no." And with an ever so polite smile she sees herself out.

history, sinopa

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