Gossipy old woman needed: apply within

Nov 28, 2006 22:46

Who: Miniyal and Roa
Where: Records Room
When: 21:26 on day 12, month 11, turn 2 of the 7th Pass.
What: Roa comes by with work for Miniyal. See? Simple.


At High Reaches Weyr, it is 21:26 on day 12, month 11, turn 2 of the 7th Pass.

This time of night most of the weyr has retired to their beds. A few people are still up, of course they're not working for the most part. They're heading to or from entertainment, drinking, gambling, indecent activities. In records it's always quiet this time of day. Most times of day really unless there are a lot of students in doing their gadding about pretending to be working. None of them are here now. There is just Miniyal, looking over the book that records what has been taken out by what person. Nosy. As if that is a surprise. As she looks at it she consults a scrap of hide in her hand as if looking for something or working through something. It appears as if she's alone in here now. No other scuffing about in any direction.

Quiet and Miniyal happen to the the two things Roa is looking for just now, so it's rather convenient that they go together at the moment. The little weyrwoman makes her way towards the solitary figure and stops, hands clasped in front of her, waiting for her assistant/advisor to finish her current task before speaking.

"It's interesting the people things will check out." Said without lifting her head up. Miniyal closes the book and then looks up, the scrap of hide tucked into the curve of her hand. "I suppose I shouldn't be looking, but I can't help it and as long as no one knows what is the harm?" And who can know what she knows if no one knows? "Was there something you needed? Or was this a random encounter?"

"Oh," Roa laughs softly, "I can think of some harm people can do, even if no one knows. Are we...is anyone else here? I'd like to speak with you. But in private." Roa turns away for a moment to seek out another chair.

A flicker of a smile before Miniyal glances around. "There's no harm when I know things. Would be hard to hide considering how much I know. But there's no one here." Looking about she gestures to the room. "Not a soul but me and now you. Is something wrong?"

"Yes." Roa nods once as she pulls up a chair and plops down besides Miniyal. "You keep an ear to the ground, don't you? Have you heard that latest bit of gossip from Telgar?" Her brows lift, her head tipping a bit to the side.

"I'm afraid my ears are not that big, Roa." Miniyal says with a shake of her head and a smile. "I can't do much beyond my home. I'm working on it, but it's hard. Here I know the people." Head tilting she looks at the other woman. "Bad?"

"Strange greenrider showed up a bit ago and stayed around for two sevens. Panicked, under a queen's control, flashing images of her rider badly hurt. The word is her rider was from Ista and recovering from severe wounds at Telgar. S'lien. He's so helpful, you know." Roa's smile is utterly artificial. "It's just funny, though, because I could have sworn there was something about a green getting grounded over Greenfields. Returning one of those boys."

Hands folding on the table, Miniyal gives what is said her utmost attention. A frown tugs her lips down as she listens. "You've heard? From where are you hearing things? Because these things you are hearing are certainly interesting." Just interesting, said so casually.

"I've heard. From a friend at Telgar who felt compelled to share this news with me." There's that tiny hint of unhappy smile again. "After I asked him." Roa leans forward a bit, lowering her voice. "Do you think you could help me make sure that everybody hears? I want this rumor all over. I want it building. I want everyone wondering about Telgar and this unknown green."

"Roa," gentle chiding in Miniyal's tone as she tsks softly. "I do not spread rumors. I would never talk out of place." Tilting her head to the side she asks, "If this is important why play around? Why not just go to J'cor? I've been talking to him about some things and it's, I mean he's not so bad." Sighing she shakes her head. "Anyway, if you want it spread it will be. That's not a problem. How far?"

"As far as you can." Roa chews her lower lip briefly. "I can't just come to him. J'cor is a good man, but this isn't something I should know. If he were to ask how I'd gotten this information, or why I'd thought to ask, I'd have to lie. I'd prefer not to. I prefer to have a place to start and nudge from there. Cleaner that way, I think."

"It's sort of the same as lying I think. But, I can do what I can do." Miniyal sighs quietly and looks down at her hands. "Can I ask why? What's going on? Why is this important to you?"

"Because," Roa murmurs, her own head lowering, "S'lien grounded an Instigator green, kept her rider, and tortured her for two sevens. For information his queens likely extracted from her green within an hour after she was caught. And then he sent her back. As a message." The litle goldrider lifts her head, expression neutral, eyes bright. "And I want to nail the son of a bitch."

"Then you should just tell me that." Again with the chiding. "Roa? Whatever you tell me remains in confidence. I'll not betray your words. But you have to tell me the truth. I mean, how else can I judge if I should help you or not?" Miniyal tips her head, looking at her hands. "In this case? I'll help. However I can."

A small nod. "I had to work up to it," Roa explains softly. "I think all we need is a bit of suspicion. The other Weyrs won't like the idea of S'lien secretly keeping an exile. If we can get them wondering that much, I believe the rest will fall into place. He's oily, but dragons don't lie." Another long pause as Roa studies the wood of the desk. "Thank you, Miniyal."

"I'm doing my job. Right?" That's all it is, sure. Miniyal toys with the scrap of hide in her hands. "I'm not good at things being worked up to. Or, well, no. I'm not good at working up to things. Although I think it's sort of the same thing. Listen, I've sent B'ren to Nabol to poke around. Just to be sure things are doing alright there. You want him sent somewhere else just let me know. I figure we can send him just about anywhere in our coverage at least without drawing too much attention."

"Actually," Roa begins slowly, "Do you suppose we could talk him into taking a little visit home to Ista? This greenrider, so badly injured, was supposedly from there. If he could come back saying that no rider was badly hurt or staying at Telgar..." Roa's brows arch and her shoulders lift and fall. The end of the sentence is left to attend itself. "Oh. And when you get the rumor going, push the fact that this green was lock down by a gold. That's unusual. Why lockdown a dragon whose rider is too ill to move? An ally?"

"He's got some new girl. I'm sure he'd love to take her there if he hasn't already. And if not, well, I will get him to go anyway." Miniyal seems sure of this, dismissing the fact she has to actually ask. "And since she's working in records. . ." Her own doing. Keeping tabs on her friend's friend. "Anyway, that shouldn't be a problem. I'll talk to him in the next day or so and get him out there. The more details I have the harder it is to be vague. But I'll make it work."

"All right. I'll leave you to it. Push the queen if you can, but better vague than suspicious. If it's done right, the thing should grow all on its own. I'd better...I have a night shift in the infirmary. Let me know when B'ren leaves, and how things are going." She pushes the chair back and then pauses. "You know...I've completely forgotten...it's been over a month. You're suppose to decide if you want to stay on. For a turn."

"Vague and detailed at the same time. That shouldn't be too hard." Miniyal grins at this and shakes her head. "Anyway, I'll let you know what B'ren tells me. Unless you'd rather I had him talk to you? At some point even he will figure out that some of things I ask him to do is for you since I work for you." Pushing hair behind her ears she sighs. "I don't. But I will."

"Just one detail," and now it's Roa's turn to sound chiding. "You don't," she repeats, "but you will. Why's that?"

"Because you need me." Simply stated and Miniyal looks directly at the weyrwoman as she says it. "Besides, if I don't everyone will just be hassling me to do something else." She nearly adds something else, mouth opening and then closing as she looks away.

"Yeh," a tiny nod, "I do," comes the quiet agreement. "At any rate, if you could manage B'ren this time, I'd appreciate it. I'm not inclined to be too obviously attached to this one, and besides," Roa's lips twitch upwards, "it sounds like he's used to taking orders from you."

"That's not the way it is. We're just friends. He wants to be useful, you know?" Miniyal shrugs her shoulders and looks embarrassed about the whole thing. "I let him take me dancing once ages ago. We bonded over my poor skills or something. Anyway, if you want out of it then you're not involved. No problem."

"Thanks," and this time Roa is actually standing. "Well. I'll see you, then." And she's turning and moving away.

"No way to avoid it." Miniyal opens the book again and goes back to snooping at what people are checking out.


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