Things are meant that, perhaps, someone is not getting.

Nov 06, 2006 00:18

Who: Miniyal and Issa
Where: Random hall off the upper cavern
When: Late afternoon on day 22, month 9, turn 2 of the 7th Pass.
What: Because Gans wanted her to she had to. No, really. Evil charming old man! Issa is tracked down and an invitation is put forth. In so many words.


At High Reaches Weyr, it is afternoon on day 22, month 9, turn 2 of the 7th Pass.

Somewhere in the day then, sometime before dinner, but with the afternoon waning. Most people are about their work and that leaves a lot of places quiet. This hallway in particular is quiet. It leads somewhere from one spot to the next. As hallways tend to do. Miniyal has been lurking about. Trying to find someone and at the same time trying to not find someone. She's a bundle of contractions, but it's cute. Well, someone thinks so and that leaves her unwilling to quite fix these glaring personality problems. There is a book in her hand that she leafs through as she lurks. The door behind her is one used sometimes for meetings, sometimes for storage, sometimes as a place where residents will crash when too drunk from dinner to make it to their cot.

Issa is neither meeting, storing, nor crashing, however. The greenrider walks leisurely from further down the hall, the site of her mother's workroom, with a sampling of sheet music held out in front of her. By her expression, Issa herself doesn't know why she's carrying it, a puzzled frown falling over her gaze as she picks through the bars and marks stretched across the hide. But the frown lifts quickly at the sight of another person in the hall, eyebrows flung up into something more akin to surprise as she recognizes the recordskeeper. "Miniyal," she greets with a short smile and a nod, still walking on her way past.

That would be the voice she has spent the day trying to locate and so Miniyal closes the book and looks ready to speak. Of course, she's not fast enough to speak before Issa is past her and continuing her trek down the hallway. So she will get several paces farther away before a voice is found. "Issa," she returns belatedly. "I was, umm. Do you have a minute? I mean, are you busy? If you are it's not a big deal. I mean, if you're busy. It can wait." Whatever it is, it can wait. The book is held loosely in one hand and she doesn't move from her spot because, well, it's a good spot.

That found voice causes a pause in Issa's progression and she turns to catch Miniyal in an over-the-shoulder glance, mouth held open slightly to form a response. That is, if Miniyal would stop babbling. Once she has stopped, Issa responds with a simple, "Um, no. No, I've a while to spare." Lips quirk into an amused smile as her half-turn is completed and she comes to face Miniyal, still a few paces distant. "Especially for such a talented mapmaker," she adds, teasingly hinting at past favors rendered. "What did you need?"

Miniyal ducks her head at the babbling because it's not as if she doesn't know what she is doing. However, she has started the conversation and therefore she must continue it. "Oh, it won't take. Well, just a moment. Really." Biting her lip she tries a smile to see if it works. And it does a little, but not enough to really go past her lips. "I was. That is, we. That is, well." Stop. Deep breath. "Gans and I would like to invite you and umm Reyce to dinner." There, see. No one died in the offering of dinner. It was a rushed invitation, sure, but still coherent enough that she shouldn't miss what was said. Asked.

"Oh." Simple surprise flows in that single utterance, though the sentiment is reflected in only the very subtle lift of a single eyebrow, her pleasant smile left untouched. "Oh well, that sounds wonderful," Issa continues, hands idly rolling up those hides she holds. The brief pause flirts on the edges of an uncomfortable silence punctuated only by the rustling of those sheets and then the greenrider's speaking once again. "I'd love to come. Though I can't promise Reyce's presence, really. He's not the most sociable, you may have noticed." The teasing observation is made fondly and without any hint of implication of Miniyal's own ineptness. "I'll do my best to convince him, though," she adds with a brightened smile and a quick nod. "Did you have a night in mind, or..."

"I've never had the pleasure of meeting him," Miniyal answers calmly, socially correct. Because of course it would be a pleasure regardless of what she has heard about him. "If he is not willing then, well, feel free to bring someone else. I guess. I mean, yes. That is, well, he said both of you, but that means he's planning for four so if he decides not to come then, well, yes." Clearly she did not get enough coaching on this whole 'engage others in social chit chat' part of the program. "Sometime in the next seven would be fine. There was no date set. With everyone's schedules, well. Sometime in the next seven if that works for you and him." Since she has a book in her hands she uses it to cling to. So much better than not having anything to do with one's hands when nervous. She flips the pages, not looking at the words that pass by with the rifling of fingers.

Issa's chuckle surfaces, light and trickling, as Miniyal admits she 'never had the pleasure,' though it fades into nothing more than an amused smile once the recordskeeper resumes speaking. "Sometime in the next seven," the greenrider agrees with another quick nod, letting the hides release themselves from their rolled strain as she loosens her grip. "Did he say why?" she asks with an evident curiousity, letting her head drop into a leaning tilt. "I can't imagine," she adds with the laughter pressed under her words this time, "him singling the pair of us out for pleasant dinner company."

The laughter only serves to make Niya that much more uncomfortable. However, she continues on with her mission because she was suckered into it and therefore must complete it. Glancing at her book she closes it and then holds it firmly in both hands. At the question there is a moment's puzzlement and then her head shakes. "What? Oh. Reason? Well, he said he wishes to begin having people over to dine with us. That he has been a bit, well, distanced from people lately and he wishes to change that."And she is being dragged along for the ride need not be said as it is inferred. "I, umm. Why not?" Because the last sentence has her confused enough her head tips towards one side and she looks lost.

"Oh, well, Reyce isn't very chatty, that's all. You'll see," Issa promises good-naturedly, her own fingers rifling across the still-rolled ends of her hides. "And I'm not sure my charm and wit fully compensate." Briefly her smile brightens before it's pulled down to something much more manageable. She lets settle an appropriate silence, eyes skipping down the hallway for the second or two it takes, then she turns her gaze, holding a newly curious intent. "So how are you and... Gans doing?" One would think that the slip into the much more familiar name that Miniyal used earlier was just that-- an innocent slip-- for all her innocently polite expression gives away.

Niya remains standing near the door and while some might slouch against the wall she is not the sort who will. As much as she might give off the air of someone wishing to slouch right away to somewhere else. Instead she remains standing, hardly any fidgeting at all other than one hand releasing the book to smooth down an invisible wrinkle in her dress. "I'm sure it will be a lovely evening," she tries without, barely, shrugging as she says it. "How? Oh. We're fine. We're good." Here she smiles, bright and true as she adds, "We're good." In case it was missed. The whole woman in love softening of features and the way the thumb on one hand brushes across the ring on the other. If she was trying to hide something she failed. So she must not be quite aware of how she looks sometimes when speaking of him.

"I'm glad to hear it," Issa replies, glance flicking down to brush against that metallic flash of the ring before she tugs it back up to the woman's face. "Really glad." Those pale blue eyes of hers dance across the expression the recordskeeper offers, polite smile gradually begin to tip into something much more twisted with amusement. "You've been spending a lot of time together, yeah?" Just another innocent question.

"Oh? Well, thank you," Miniyal says quietly, a little surprised maybe at gladness on the part of someone else for her. Which she seems to think is quite real regardless of if that is exactly wise. "Not a lot. I mean, well, a lot. I mean, it's hard not to when you're sharing a room. We don't spend too much time together. I'm busy during the day and, well, I mean, evenings and it's just. Well, right." Not enough time for to have learned anything at all about polite conversation.

Well, no one expects them to be politely conversing in that little time they have. "I know how that works," Issa offers as if sharing some womanly confidence with Miniyal, tilting her head as her grin grows sweeter. "Well," she then says, interrupting whatever bond she was in the process of forming too soon, "I'll send word to you about what day we can make it then?" A moment's hesitation. "Or should I send the message to Gans, instead?" Again, the use of that name is glossed over, as if it were part of Issa's common vocabulary.

What little conversation there has been has flown past her. Or rather her understanding of what is going on is pretty much nonexistent. So, Miniyal falls back on polite smile and nods her head. "You can send word to us. Most of the kids who run messages know where our room is. Otherwise, well, I'm hard enough to pin down these days since Roa has me running all over. Just, yes. Just send word to our room. That will work. Or if you see one of us." The conversation is ending then and so she flickers towards Issa a smile that is a fraction more than just polite. Maybe she's been practicing. "Thank you, Issa. I shall look forward to dinner. I'd best. Well, go. I didn't mean to keep you for so long. Thank you."

"I'll do that," Issa promises amiably enough, giving one final nod as a cue that the conversation is, indeed, coming to a close. "No, it's fine. Anytime," the greenrider assures, brushing off the recordskeeper's thanks. "Right, I'll..." With her hides, she indicates the direction in which she was headed to begin with, meandering a step that way as she begins to turn back. "... see you later, then." There's a note of hesitation there, though she takes another step backwards, waiting to see if Miniyal has anything more to add before she coninues on her way once and for all.

"Right. Later. At dinner. Take care, Issa. Have a nice evening." That closes things out well enough for Miniyal. Another flickering smile and she turns to make her retreat. It's not fleeing because she never moves that fast. But she's clearly wanting to get away from things now and go hide for a bit. Possibly report something of a success in what she was coerced into doing.


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