Gather Day One, Part Two

Oct 18, 2006 10:57

Who: Aida, Miniyal, Nari, Roa, Vanya and Bothal (NPC)
Where: Gather Field, High Reaches Hold.
When: Afternoon, day 12, month 8, turn 2 of the 7th Pass.
What: Assorted people from HRW attend the gather and magically run into each other. Magically!

It just so happens that one or two rows over is where Roa is wandering with Aida. The weyrwoman is far less adept at crowds. Instead of gathering her confidence to her as Aida does, Roa is much more of the duck-and-dodge version of navigation. As in duck under this arm and dodge through this gap. She sneaks, really. Creeps. It doesn't quite line up with the title she carries but, well, it gets her through. And, suddenly, face to face with someone familiar. Blink. "Hullo, Miniyal."

Drawing up at Roa's side when the other woman stops, Aida immediately lets a smile light up her face. "Miniyal," she greets, dipping her head forward in greeting, letting her chin stay down for two heartbeats before it lifts again. "It's good to see you." Her hands start to unfold, one beginning to reach up towards her hair -- she remembers she is not supposed to be mussing it before the motion is complete, and so fingers wind back together again. No fidgets allowed today.

Blink indeed. Hearing her name from a familiar voice, Miniyal comes to a stop and finds a more socially polite expression from her scowl that lingers. "Oh, Roa," she says with a nod of her head. And then Aida so she says, "And Aida. Hello." Blinking again she does lift a hand to smooth back her hair before that hand meets the other and she twists at her ring. Huzzah for new nervous mannerisms adapted so quickly. "What a surprise. I don't suppose you've seen Gans? No, probably not. Well, I'll find him eventually. How are you two doing?" Looking about she cringes some. "It's rather. . .crowded." Well, it being a gather and all.

Eyes go to the ring. There's hand motions and twisting after all. Blue gaze studies blue stone and the weyrwoman's head tips to the side as she looks back up at Miniyal. But what Roa says is, "I'm afraid I haven't seen him. I haven't seen much of anyone, really, that I know. Except Aida. We're hunting for things that can wholly belong to a ten-turn-old. Would you like to hunt with us?" Her shoulders shrug to better settle the shawl in the crook of her elbows.

Aida, perhaps mimicking Roa, glances to the ring as well. An eyebrow quirks, but she says nothing about it, only refocusing up on Niya's face and offering another warm smile as she shakes her head in an echo of the answer to the question of whether Gans has been seen. Nope. "We've only just arrived," she explains, voice light. "It is rather crowded though, yes; I've seen worse, though." Or better, depending on one's perspective. "And I am well enough. Enjoying the opportunity to relax, finally."

"Ten?" Miniyal asks, lips pursing as she lets her head tilt from one side to the other. "Well, what does this ten turn old like? Is it a boy or a girl?" Glancing around the stalls she frowns thoughtfully, pondering. "Oh, we were here this morning. I mean, last night. I mean, well, we came early." Cheeks turn somewhat pink, but she carries on. "Umm. Anyway. I'm sure I'll find him. It's no big deal." Perhaps she did notice the glances to her finger because she mumbles, "It was my birthday yesterday." Then she asks, "Well, the gift? Who is it for? I can help." Blink. She can help?

"Aida sister. She's ten and she likes pretty or fanciful things that aren't quite toys and probably aren't jewelry either. But might possibly be boxes that lock." All of this is said quite solemnly, well, except for a certain brightness in Roa's eyes. A certain dancing quality. "Happy Birthday, Miniyal. It's beautiful."

Rolling her eyes at Roa's explanation, Aida laughs again, turning her head enough to flash her grin Roa-wards before she refocuses on Miniyal. "It is as she's said -- mostly, I've been just musing aloud as to what she might like," she explains. "It's been some time since I've seen her. And yes -- happy birthday, Miniyal. It sounds as if you had a lovely time of it, and I'm very glad for that."

Chewing on her lower lip, Min glances around again. "Does she like. . .I saw at one of the stalls there was this little kit. Little river rocks and paints. With little pictures to copy." Coming up with a faint smile she looks at the other two. "Thanks. It was. . nice. I mean. Yea, we had a nice time." Shuffling her feet some she stuffs her hands into the skirt of her dress. "Do you think she might like paints? I know a little about them because Corin does. But not on rocks. But it sounded interesting. Because, well, rocks are everywhere. I figure."

"I think Aida gets to decide on that one. I don't know her sister at all." The weyrwoman glances over to Aida and then back to Miniyal. "If it were me at ten I...well...if it were me at eight, I would have thought it was a wonderful gift. And it gives her a way to make anything fanciful all on her own." It seems like Roa might add more but then, suddenly, her expression falls. "Oh." Wince. "Oh shells. Aida, I have to break our agreement. I have to go..."

Starting to summon up her own reply to add it to Roa's, Aida pauses at the break in the woman's words, eyebrows shooting up and concern touching her eyes at the shift in expression. "Go," she offers softly, after a moment of studying Roa fairly intently. "I'll be here; you can find me." A reassuring smile follows those words, though the concern is clearly lingering. Even so, she does note towards Miniyal, "It sounds perfect, actually. Entirely so."

Somewhat lost at the moment, Miniyal falls silent and takes a step back to let the other two talk. She watches the crowd, looking around at them. All she offers is a quick, quiet, "Good bye, Roa."

"I'm sorry," Roa's gaze flits between the two girls so that the apology moves to both. But then, more directly to Aida, "I shouldn't be too long. Tia and I will be back to get you at the very least." But she's bunching her skirts up in her hands and already regretting that she agreed to heels. Because running is so much harder in them. And run she does, ducking, weaving, and shoving when needed, to make her way back the path she came.

Letting the frown appear only after Roa has turned and started bolting off, Aida...looks distinctly worried. She even shifts on her feet to watch the little weyrwoman until she's out of sight. Only then does she shake her head, exhaling a soft sigh and putting her smile back on as she turns back. "A healer's work is never done," she explains quietly. "Ah well. Paint kit, you said? That's a very good idea, I think. She is quite artistic, or she was a turn ago. Lead on? And tell me about your birthday and the ring, if you would? I'd like to hear about it."

Watching Roa go, Miniyal shakes her head slowly. "Well, you can stay with me if you like until she returns," she offers to Aida with a timid smile. "You can dine with Gans and I if she's not back. He can pester you about his appointment to the caucus I think." Shaking her head she looks at Aida and then around to get her bearings. "It was over here," she says and leads the way with no hesitation. "And, there's not much. . .I mean, to tell. I didn't. . .my parents had told him it was coming and I'm not sure where he found out. I didn't tell." Biting her lip she sighs. "He is horrid about finding things out. You can't keep secrets from him." Which is horrid. But she still speaks fondly of the old man.

Miniyal is subjected to the same amount of attentiveness that Roa was; Aida turns to follow along at Miniyal's side now, letting her lead the way and letting the bulk of her focus fall with her new companion. "Thank you," she offers to that initial offer, her smile warming up a bit further. "I'd like dining with the two of you, if it would not be an imposition upon your personal time." She does exhale a quiet chuckle at the description of G'thon and secrets, nodding her head and letting her smile touch towards wry. "I managed to sneak by this turn without anyone figuring out it was my birthday, thank goodness. Still, it sounds as if you had a lovely time of it and a beautiful present, so perhaps this time being found out was not an entirely unpleasant thing?"

"It's no problem, really. I'm sure he gets quite tired of my company all the time. And he enjoys visiting with people." Sort of social in his own way. A few more stalls as Miniyal peers about for the one she is seeking. Biting her lip she glances towards Aida and smiles very briefly. "It was nice. And, I could have made it if Corin hadn't given it away at that. . .dinner." She comes to a stop where an older woman is selling those little paint kits. "It is nice," she admits, glancing down at her ring. "I. . .it's so pretty. He's so wonderful. I. . .well, there's rumors. . .I'm sorry, Aida. We can not talk about him. I mean, you know."

Giving a little toss of her head as she steps up to the stall, Aida shifts on her feet to stand sideways at it, letting the bulk of her attention remain upon Miniyal as she vaguely peruses the kits. It does at least give the impression she's more interested in conversation than purchases, at least. The hesitation, the offer -- these things have her shaking her head quickly and offering another warm smile. "There's no need to apologize," she says. "If I didn't want to hear about it, I wouldn't have asked. It's good, to hear you happy. He really is wonderful, and so very good for you." She seems sincere about this, too. Seeing Miniyal smiling, well. Clearly, the man is good for her. With a glance to the stall and the woman behind it, Aida reaches to take up one of the kits, inspecting all of it with idle curiosity, and yet very careful hands.

The afternoon is lingering on, but soon enough it will be more like the hour people seek dinner. Lots of stalls are slowly winding up their business for this first gather day and the music and noise near the dance square is growing louder with each passing minute. And yet, the crowd is not thinning anywhere really. Lots of people heading this way and that, kids racing about, last minute deals being made. It makes for a busy crowd. And loud. Did we mention loud? Well, it is. But there are pockets here and there where it is not so much.

Miniyal stands near Aida at a stall somewhere near the edge of the collection of such. The woman running it sells small paint kits and a brushes and the like. "I. . .yea. I think he is," the recordskeeper admits. "He's. . .I can't even explain." Biting her lip she tucks a lock of hair behind her ear. "And I really wish he were not going to be teaching at the caucus no matter how good it will be for him."

Attempting a dismount from a dragon in a wrap skirt takes skill, coordination and practice. In Nari's case, two out of three means that she lands on her feet and manages, thankfully, not to flash the entire gather thereby causing her to launch herself permanantly Between. A somewhat late arrival to this portion of the Gather, Nari thumps Zalmayth and sends the green up to the heights to sun with the rest. Adjusting her skirt with a flick of the wrist and a look of partial self-consciousness, the solo rider takes a deep breath and begins wading through the crowd.

"Why not?" Aida asks conversationally, sending another glance up Miniyal's way, quirking an eyebrow. Curiosity, there -- nothing offended or annoyed, certainly. "Him having to deal with certain people, or just that you're so not fond of it? And I understand what you mean -- if it helps, there aren't really words for it at all." Still, she's inspecting the kit idly. After a moment, she glances over at the woman running the stall, offers a smile and makes her first offer -- something just shy of laughable. And so the haggling begins, though it's done around conversation, some of her attention remaining upon Miniyal.

"I just have issues with it," Miniyal says with a shrug of her shoulders. Yay for shrugs, her gesture of choice. "It's not just because it means there's a chance I will have to deal with Sefton. There's little secret in how I feel about him. I. . .it's nothing." Twist, twist, twist goes the ring around her finger several times as she talks. "Still, it will be so very good for him. I am glad it has finally happened." As the haggling begins she examines the other wares at the stall. Nothing seems to catch her eye however so she doesn't try to examine anything or make any deals for herself. "It was nice to, you know, run into you."

Either drawn to the same stall or merely deposited there by the crowd, Nari makes her way over towards Miniyal and Aida. She offers a blankly friendly smile to Miniyal and the vendor, though there is a slight doubletake when she spies Aida. The smile does falter, though the look that replaces it is concern and compassion. Those emotions fly from the rider's expressive face as fast as they arrived, replaced again with another smile. "Aida... hello." Nari nods to Miniyal as well when it becomes clear the pair are conversing.

"He can be difficult," Aida sympathizes, sending another smile over towards Miniyal. "I can't imagine he's anything like someone you would like very much at all. Still, I agree that it will be good for G'thon. Even the prettiest flowers have their thorns, mm? It's been nice running into you, as well. It's good to catch you on one of the days that I don't have a thousand things chasing on my heels." After that, there's a moment of consideration -- she starts to look back to the vendor, but is given pause by her catching Nari's voice. Her head turns, and she promptly smiles again. "Nari! Hello. This is Miniyal -- Miniyal, Nari." With introduction made, she spouts a final offer to the woman selling the kit, lifting an eyebrow. Well? It's accepted, and Aida tugs the marks out from the inside of the waistband of her skirt to pay for it. She could've gotten a better deal, perhaps, had she been more genuinely focused on the haggling, but she's got it. The little paint kit is shifted to her left hand, and then she's turning away from the stall entirely to look to the other two more squarely.

"Gans is coming every day. Here. I mean, I don't know if I will. But. . .yea. Anyway. A last few days before he starts his new. Oh, umm. Hi." The last as Nari arrives and it brings her meandering words to a close. Shuffling her feet she tucks her hair behind her ear and then glances from Aida to Nari curiously. When names are given she bites her lip and then offers a brief shy smile. "Oh, umm. Hello, Nari." Then more silence. Yay for silence. Something down the way catches her eyes and she turns some to peer, shaking her head and nearly chuckling at whatever it is she sees. Then her attention drifts back to look at the other two close by.

Oh discomfort! Nari quickly hides any she may be feeling behind a suitably happy mask. Eyes glimmering and a bright smile on her mouth. She looks to Miniyal and bobs her head. "Pleasure to meet you, Miniyal." Then she's looking back to Aida, eyes briefly dropping to the recently purchased paint kit. "Finding things that strike your fancy?"

Is there awkwardness? What awkwardness? Aida is as cheerful as she always is, her smile warm and no extra tension in her shoulders. "Gifts," she explains, lifting the paint kit in indication. "Well, the start of them, at least. I've a sister I need to send things to." Pause. "Shall we wander some more?" This question is asked as she glances to Miniyal, though she does look back to Nari to ensure that it's clear she is included, as well. She shifts back, starts to turn, and then comments to Miniyal more directly, "I intend to spend as much time here as I can manage, so hopefully I will luck out and get to see more of you here. These things are always so much more tolerable in good company."

"I had to trade some hours in records," Miniyal informs Aida with a small smile. "To get to not work today. Since, you know, I mean, we spent the night last night and all." Yes, awkward. Not that she would normally pick up on social tension. But with her own nerves so shot at being around so many people she is completely oblivious. "We can wander more. I can't be too long. I have to meet Gans for dinner like I said, but he'll be ages talking to people and stuff. He'll probably forget about me." Well, not likely, but she would think so. "Do you live at the weyr?" is asked of Nari. Attempt at being social!

Nodding to Miniyal Nari answers, "Yes. I'm Zalmayth's rider." Nari's smile is faint but distinctly proud. She looks over at Aida and smiles in return. "I /love/ your skirt. It's extremely flattering." Nari clasps her hands together, just blinking at Aida. There's another moment of quiet and then she asks rather circumspectly, "So... how are you doing, Aida?"

"Trading hours is certainly worth it," Aida says lightly, setting the back of her free hand at the small of her back, now that the fingers of the other are occupied. She turns to wander, her pace slow and casual, no attempt made now to fight with the crowd. The booths are examined from steps away, and she pays no mind at all to vendors trying to catch the trio's attention. "And I understand -- I'd like to get a bit of shopping in before we step off, but do just say when." That is for Miniyal as well, and then she's smiling at Nari again. "Thank you; I was lucky that it was done by today. I am well enough, Nari. Well enough."

Head tipping to one side, there is another glance between the other two woman, but Miniyal shrugs off whatever is going on since she is clueless. "Of course. Besides, he'll be pleased enough when I show up with a friend." Looking at Nari she smiles again, a brief shy little thing. "Oh. A transfer, right? Zalmayth's not from Reaches. At least not any clutch since I've been in records and you're not old enough to be from before then. I hope you two are settled in then. You certainly showed up at an. . .interesting time." Her attention drifts to a stall, but she doesn't go over.

"Quite right, transferred in from Benden." Nari replies to Miniyal with an answering smile. The expression is friendly and open there there is a residual tiredness that lingers about her eyes. Glancing back to Aida, Nari takes in the girl's response and nods, slowly as if weighing Aida's words very carefully. "I'm glad. I was actually hoping to run into you. You've been in my thoughts a lot lately and I am very glad to see that you're alright."

"Oh, another from Benden. There did seem to be a fair number of you so I shouldn't be surprised," Miniyal answers as she drifts over towards a stall to examine a selection of wines. "Trading hours can be worth it. I am not convinced it will be, but I suppose I'll know by the time it is over. Besides, it does give me a chance to pick up a few things for our room." Shaking her head she leans on the counter and tries to wave the vintner over once he is done conversing with some pals out behind the stall.

"It will be good to see him, as well. I'm certainly looking forward to it. It will make today entirely perfect, I think," Aida tells Miniyal, lifting her chin and glancing in the direction of the stall where Niya's attention fled, and she shifts to start to drift in that direction before it's again changed so that she can follow Niya towards the vintner. Nari's words have her expression flickering with something darker for just an instant, but it's gone by the time she looks towards the greenrider to offer a smile. "I'm not going to get away with just not talking about this, am I?" Her own attention turns then, so she can start inspecting the bottles as well. Ooo, wine.

"You won't have to talk about anything you don't want to." Nari replies with her easy-going tone. She falls silent herself, inspecting the vinter's open selection with a Bendenite's eye. Her posture seems different in her current costume, she's holding herself differently; softer somehow. Demure.

The wines are examined carefully. More carefully, really, than they need to be since Miniyal has stopped trying to wave the vintner over and seems very uninterested in buying anything. Either she found prices or she didn't see anything she liked. However, since there seems to be something going on with the other two it seems safest to study the wines, worry at her ring, and generally remain silent and quite. . .uninterested in what is going on. Yes. No interest.

"Good, because part of my coming to this thing was to pretend entirely that I can be distracted by the shopping and the noise and the dancing and the people," Aida responds cheerfully, and then she's reaching to take a bottle up -- the surest way to bring the vintner over, after all. She straightens from the stall's counter, twisting it so that Miniyal can see the label. It's a dessert wine, at least. Sweet, too. She's learned a bit about wines in recent months, after all. "What do you think of this one, Miniyal?" Even as it's asked, she sends a sweet smile over Nari's way, assuring that she is neither upset nor offended. All is well!

Nari catches the smile and one is sent back in turn. Though the expression likely does not reach all the way to her eyes the rider gives it everything she's got. "Consider the subject never mentioned." She busies herself with wine selection, finding a burgundy to her liking.

Turning her head to examine the wine held out to her, Min worries at her lower lip. "Bad turn from that batch," she says with a shake of her head. "I had a bottle of it once and wasn't impressed. Besides, he's asking too much for it." A nod and she turns away from the stall. "I usually get my wine elsewhere, but I figured since I was here I might take a look. Sometimes there is something good I might not get otherwise. Of course, usually it is too expensive. I just won't pay that much for something that will only last me a short while. I should find that one man who sells tea. He was here last turn, but I only glanced because I don't drink it. Well, I didn't." Til she moved in with an old man who is obsessed with tea. /Now/ she drinks it.

The bottle goes right back into the rack, and Aida sends an apologetic smile towards the vintner; no more than that, and she's turning away again, glancing sidelong to Nari and nodding. "Thank you," she says, giving a dip of her head to go with it. No, she really doesn't want to talk about it, it seems. "And thank you," she says, this time for Miniyal. "I'd hate to buy a bottle from a bad batch, and my education in that arena is still a bit lacking. Tea. I...don't think I've seen anyone selling that, yet. If we can find him, though -- I should pick some up, myself."

Nari abandon's her wine choice, glancing up, eyes taking on the unfixed quality of a rider in conversation with their dragon. A faint frown puckers the greenrider's brow and she offers each of the women a distracted smile. "I hope you both enjoy the rest of the Gather." Nari dips her head to both women, looking ready to depart.

"I don't know much," is admitted as Min smiles faintly at Aida. "I really only know about the stuff I like. If you're looking for a good pressing I can probably recommend some from somewhere else." Then she closes her eyes a moment and frowns before opening them to look around. "I get so lost at these things. Never know where I am because I am so bad at remembering where things are. And people wonder why I like remaining at the weyr. I never get lost there." A shake of her head and she looks around again before snapping her fingers. Which leaves her distracted by the ring she wears cause, dammit, give her a break. She's a girl. "In the corner. In the southeast. He sets up shop next to his wife who sells ribbons. That's how I know him. Because I buy from his wife." At Nari's words she glances at the rider and then bobs her head once. "Oh. Umm. It was nice to meet you. Have a nice evening."

There's a flinch, as Nari excuses herself -- it's a brief thing, but still, it's there. Aida gives the woman a terribly apologetic look, off balance for just a moment -- but she dips her head, and when she's straightened it her smile is back in place. "I hope to see you again sometime soon, Nari; take care." No protests to the woman's leaving, instead, she looks back to Miniyal. "I'd like it, if you could recommend some for me. I'm...well, I've gotten in the habit of having fine wine to drink, and yet left without the understanding that my taste demands. Shall we head towards the southeast, though?"

Nari catches the flinch and purses her lips before offering, "I just got called out. My parents are requesting a ride. I'll be sure to find you later, Aida. Again, nice meeting you, Miniyal. Take care, both of you." And then the slender rider is once again lost to the crowd.

Well, that wasn't awkward at all. Miniyal watches Nari go, curious, but since she doesn't really /know/ her doesn't think too much about it. Turning to Aida she nods her head, watching the other woman more carefully. "That would be good. And, I can recommend some reading materials on the subject. I've sort of fumbled my way through it and I admit I'm rather spoiled these days." Shaking her head as she sets off for the tea she admits with a somewhat embarrassed grin, "A former weyrleader has access to much better wines than a recordskeeper."

Exhaling another sigh -- that seems to be habit, as soon as people move out of ear shot -- Aida watches Nari go for a moment, then shakes her head and looks back to Miniyal, falling in beside her as she follows towards the tea. "Some reading material would be good," she agrees. "Anything, to learn. I'm spoiled, myself -- Br'ce had quite the taste for it, and...I'm finding that no, all wines are not actually tasty things." She puts on a mock grimace, giving a little shudder to go with it. This, it seems, is to demonstrate her experience in finding this out. Played up, of course.

Allowing her the sigh and such, because Miniyal understands people being frustrated, she walks silently for a bit. "It's true. You have to figure out what you like and then determine what is good out of what you like," she agrees with a faint smile, dodging people as best she can. "I really don't like the dry stuff. It tastes bad to me no matter how good it is. I like the sweeter wines. Have you tried the ice wines? Those are my favorites. I should appreciate more of them, but it's even harder now because Gans has this horrid sweet tooth and-" And, stop. Cut. She keeps walking, but falls utterly silent as her cheeks turn a brilliant shade of red. "Shells," she mutters to herself, not daring to look over towards Aida. "I sound like one of them. I'm so sorry. You should have told me. Bringing him up all the time. I sound like a complete featherbrain. I will be quiet. Promise. I won't say a word."

There might have been the start of an answer there, as far as the wines go -- but Miniyal's cutting off abruptly and then there's the apology that follows, and it chases words of wine right out of her head. Aida slips around another few people until she's back at the recordskeeper's side again, and then she's pointing out quietly, "Miniyal? It's okay -- you don't have to promise, or apologize. You don't sound like a featherbrain -- you're too smart, for that. You *sound* like somebody that's happy. I like it. I like hearing you talk about him, I like hearing that tone in your voice. It makes me happy, to hear you happy. I've had a rough time lately, and...well, it's good for me. Please. Talk about him as much as you'd like. Now, I don't think I've had an ice wine, before. If I have, I don't know it. They're sweet, I take it? Do you know of where I could find a bottle or two?"

She does not quite believe the words she hears, Min does not. For she keeps her head down for a bit, not running into people by some miracle. When she finally looks up she's at least got the blushing part under control. "Well, I mean, just tell me if I do," she mumbles before clearing her throat and moving on to the other subject. The safer subject. "You would know if you had. They're very sweet. I hear in some places they use them to pour over desserts. They come in little bottles." Since she's talking about something she knows a teeny bit about she can sound all knowing. It's just the way she is. "We could probably find some here. If not I bet there's some at the weyr. They make it by not picking all the grapes off the vines before it freezes. Then after they are frozen they press them and it's a more concentrated sort of thing." More people are dodged and a glance is spared towards Aida as she falls silent. "If you're sure," she finally says just loud enough to be heard through the din of the crowd. "I just. . .there's no one. I mean, most people don't want to hear it at all because they think it's weird or wrong or. . .stuff. Just because he's a little older." A little. "So I try not to speak of it much, but sometimes it's nice, you know? To be able to talk about him."

Slowing her pace a bit and lifting her chin to watch not only her own path, but Miniyal's as well for those moments when the other woman isn't, Aida offers no pressure or prodding for the silent moments, only nodding to those initial mumbled words and not pushing it any further. "Ah -- I have not, then," she replies lightly about the wine, once it's been described. "Hopefully I can find some here; it sounds lovely, really. I think that my mouth is watering just a bit already." When those quieter words are offered she glances sidelong to the other woman, considering for a moment before she nods just once. "You're happy, Miniyal," she points out, once Niya's finished speaking. "There's nothing weird or wrong about that." Or if she thinks there is, it's shoved so far down and back in her mind that her words are allowed to be spoken with full sincerity. "He makes you smile, and he's good to you. That's far more important than an age difference. Talk about him to your heart's content, and you will have an audience thrilled to hear your words." Beat. "That would be me." That last little bit is given with just a bit of something playful.

"Well, we will make Gans find us a bottle here so you can try it," is decided all at once. "I will tell him it must be part of my birthday present. Even if it is the next day. After all, I got him several little things. He can send someone to fetch one from somewhere. Or something." Miniyal will just order him about! Well, it won't quite come out that way and it doesn't even really /sound/ that way for all the words spoken might be interpreted that way. She stumbles around a corner, having forgotten the importance of her brain telling her body what to do and once she's back under control she gives Aida another smile, slightly less shy. "Thank you, Aida. That means so much to me. And. . .if there's ever anything you need just ask and if I can help I will. Really. Cause, well, cause we're like friends?" A pause here to battle down insecurities and she doesn't dare look over or anywhere but right in front. "Right?" is added so very softly it could almost be missed, as if she's afraid to ask for this last validation of what she has been brave enough to say.

"Sounds good to me," Aida offers cheerily enough to that initial decision, smile flashing bright and pleased. Sweet wine, dinner in good company -- just the things she needs, right now. There's a quick look of concern at the stumble, but it fades away as soon as the other woman recovers and goes on like nothing at all is wrong. Instead of that look, her lips curve up into another warm smile, and she gives a dip of her head in response to the words of thanks. It's the quietest word that catches the most of her attention; her gaze swings around, and this time it is hers to not watch where she is going. "We are," she replies, and though it's not so quietly spoken as Miniyal's word was, it is soft all the same. "We are most certainly friends, Miniyal. It..." Pause. "It is, I admit, reassuring to hear you say such. I haven't quite been certain that you felt that way." The solemn air with which those words are spoken is thrown entirely off by the squawk that escapes in the next moment, as she walks headlong right into a pole holding up some canvas over one of the stalls that's a bit further out than others have been. Thankfully? Neither she nor pole go down. Aida just stumbles back and brings a hand up to rub at her face. Ow.

**Fade here to sleep however the two went and chatted over looking at teas and the like before going to dinner.**


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