The gig was good. They played in this tiny lil bar with a hot chick taking our money...The same hot chick I could have had...if I had went to this party in no..too far away!! She was hot though and I got a kiss from her at the end so I was happy =D
But I digress...
The gig was good, they didn't come on until 11pm though. Rik and I had rushed there along with Bruno as the thing said "doors at 7" thinking the band would be on 7.30 - 8ish... so 9pm came and went and finally Bruno asked and found out they wouldn't be on until 11pm!! *rage* However it was good...seeing the pop was weird...not what I expected..tiny lil stage...hardly any room to dance (tho I did..) and then we got into trouble for smoking Joints in the pub...after we had already had 4!!
After it, went to Cathouse where Bruno and I sat spying on hot chicks in PVC and Rik danced. Met Mhairi outside who invited us back to her flat. I had an exploding headache and turned it down as all I wanted to do was sleep. Rik went back to theres and I crashed at Bruno's as there was no way I was getting a bus and a taxi back to my dad's alone in the state I was in.
Went back to my dad's in the morning who kindly drove me up to glasgow for my bus. Went to bed last night at 10pm as I was absolutely shattered out of my mind.
The pop was good, Oli you're a tit for cancelling on it!! Meant in the nicest way possible. I thought I had taken pics of the gig...turns out I only took pics of the lead singer's arse!! She's not even that hot lol!! I'm sure there was a point to taking the pics...but I can't remember!
So...I'm off to see Laura today and swap prezzies and smoke alot. My head still feels a bit heavy which I'm hoping will pass soon. I really can't be arsed doing anything today, but if I go out then I don't have to tidy =D Back to work tomorrow for a whole 3 days whooopeee!! Then I go home for Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!