(no subject)

Sep 27, 2005 22:26

Well, I'm having a lovely time. Very relaxing here, amongst the birdsong, sun and pals. So damned happy to be with bridie and groc.

I've had a few symptoms brought on by the travelling and my cold the other week, but nothing that a few pain-killers won't knock out. Doctor said this crap would go on for a few months or so - apparently radiation is also bad for you? Huh.

I've been shopping! I'd also ordered a bunch of DVD's from the Amazon dot Com sale before I left home, coz they were really cheap, and I could bring them home rather than pay the postage. So with that included I have spent a small fortune, and am now the proud owner of:

CSI seasons 1 and 2 - Amazingly cheap in the sale $30 each series, which is about 17 quid or so.

Angel season 5 (at last!)

The 7up series. Which is a really interesting documentary and makes a fascinating social document. An established series of films which revisits the lives of a bunch of English kids every 7 years, starting when they are 7. Highly recommended if for no other reason that the massive insight it gives you into every aspect of life of the period. The first was made in 1964 I think. There is a reasonable review of the series here at amazon - scroll down. I saw the first few of these in school, and then on telly, but lost track at about 28up or so. I was surprised to find that these had been released in the US but not the UK. Good stuff.

Also purchased Sin City and Constantine - second hand (previously viewed!) Heh.


4 Shirts, all really similar and all totally to my taste.

Little things with flashing lights for the boys and Yoshi, and candy type stuff for helenraven.

Still hunting for something for a few other folk, and for my Mum. It must be clothing, of a very certain green colour for me to think she will really like it. That or an automatic pepper grinder - hers is crap!

We've been watching Firefly every day so we will be totally ready for the viewing, which is booked for 11am Friday morning! Squeee Eee Eee! With that in mind:

When you see this, post a Firefly quote:

Mal: "Well, my days of taking you seriously are certainly coming to a middle."
