(no subject)

Sep 14, 2005 14:51

Hiya folks.

Cold much better - merely a sniffle now, with the odd hacking cough for punctuation. I managed to get to the trade fair yesterday and stayed for 3 hours marvelling at how everyone has the same stock, and all the salespersons are terribly well dressed, and there was absolutely nothing funky, interesting and cheap for me to stock in the shop this xmas.

I always feel a bit like a poor second cousin at these events. I'm not a clothes horse, my hair is a bit birds-nesty, and make-up and me don't go. All the people there are terribly chic, well groomed and icy. Makes me nervous as hell. It was in the grand hall at Olympia, and I sniffled my way around miles and miles of posh little booths with thin, varnished women in them selling ugly overpriced jewellery and gifts. It was horrible!

I was made a bit happier by finding a few of my regular suppliers, all of whom seem to be grouped in the bad-boys corner. They gave me tea and buns and were welcoming and lovely, wearing hand-knitted jumpers with crumbs down them, and not trying to sell me stuff at all. Which meant I spent far more with them than I should have in reaction against the general feeling of frosty-posh. Do you think I can possibly get rid of two dozen foot-high cow shaped money boxes? Nah, me neither. We shall be sporting a rural feel in the gift window for months! *g*

On the advice of my f/l I am currently d/l Supernatural and Bones. Supernatural is whizzing down the pipe, wheras Bones is dripping - backwards! That's of course the one I really want to see. Da Boy! Plus, it's a procedural type thing, which I have a real love of. Any other recs from the new line up folks? I'm suddenly up for telly again. Woo-Hoo!

Huge congrats to the sparkling karenbear for getting the job. Damn fine work darling - I hope it turns out to be everything you were after. Now you're working, can you lend me a fiver? *g*

I fly off to LA next week Thursday, so am in a hightened state of 'almost starting to think about thinking about getting readyness'. Do I *have* a suitcase? Money - I have to get funny foreign money. New knickers for travelling - You have to get new knickers in case your luggage gets searched and they laugh at your old knickers. I *do* so enjoy worrying. *g* On the other hand, it's a good excuse to spend excessive money on new knickers and suitcases...

Apart from that, all seems right with the world. Oh, I know it isn't, that everything is grim and awful in the world, but for once, today, I'm not actually *feeling* it. Which is nice.

Good Wednesday guys. Beep!

(Extra points to net-trivia-geeks who knows where the dancing rodent comes from.)