My Weekend

Jun 29, 2008 12:09

I thought this weekend was totally going to suck because everyone was gone, but luckily it wasn't so bad. I just kept myself busy with work. And with a cute boss I didn't mind. Unfortunately I had to wake at at 4:30am on Friday and be at school at 5am. It was reunion weekend, and I was helping. There was a golf tournament on Friday so I stood at Hole 3 all day with my friend Christine and hung out with Fr. Bill, the president of UP. He was intimidating at first, but then he warmed up after he made a hole in one. He was an awesome golfer and fun to watch. But I basically got paid to sit in the sun and read for six hours. All in all though it turned out to be a 14.5 hour work day because I helped on campus register people for a dinner. On Saturday I got to wake up at the same time. I volunteered to take Adele and Andrew to the airport. But because Adele is so slow they missed their flight. Anyways I got home around 5:30 and went back to sleep. Then got to school at 8am to help with Reunion. I was one of  the only workers up that early. I kind of felt important bc I got my own golf cart to drive around and was the only student with access to Walshmidt. I ran around all day doing a bunch of different stuff. Then around 4pm I got to hang out with Tim, my boss a bunch. He was in charge of  registration. Tim is a 22 year old UP Alumn and grad student. He's super cute. He's  not hot, but he a dorky kind of cute. And you all know how I like dorky guys. Apparently he is going to invite me to lunch for all my hard the And then he and another Alumn and I decided we would all go to PCG for Happy Hour, and I would be DD. I think that was them drunk talking. Anyways I registered people and met a bunch if different alumni. It was great. I even met the Corrado's who have donated a lot of money to our school. Around 9pm I stopped working and decided to go hang out with some alumni and  staff. I spent the rest of the night hanging out with the director of the PACE program and some PACE student. They were actually a fun group, but also kind of awkward. I also hung out with Geoffrey Hazelett. He graduated in '06 and actually was my leader for something my freshman year. I can't remember what. It must have been the Freshman Escape. He was a lot of fun. He too is dorky and super funny. He was fun to flirt with. Well we all danced to some oldies and had a good time until about 11:30pm. Man was I pooped. I worked a 13 hour day. My favorite part of the night was when Ken H., Geoffrey, Tim, and were talking and Ken commented on my shirt. I had a tank top on and had rolled my t-shirt up to just under my boobs bc I was hot. So he laughed at me and then the three of them tried to imitate me by rolling their shits up. Man was that funny/ awkward. Ken is a big guy so that was not pretty, and Tim and Geoffrey are skinny white boys. OH goodness. Well I finally passed out around midnight with a GIANT headache from the heat and 2 pain killers. I slept very well!

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