An update? NO WAY!

Oct 19, 2013 04:44

I've all ready written about five hundred words today, and that was on a short story that's the ultra-realist take on a supernatural Winnipeg-era short story. It's coming out a might bit different and is probably going to want to be called something other than its original title. It also has a completely different approach than before - with this one being not quite as dark and unforgiving as the original, but yet retaining some of that bleak, hard and cold perspective of the original. It's now a determinist v. free will piece, that makes a compatibilist argument regarding personal choice. The darkness, of course, comes in the descriptions. An interesting note about characterization that I've discovered during the rewrite is that We're not meant to like any of these characters - we're supposed to identify with them. There are likeable things about each of them, and there are hard, despicable things, cowardly things, terrifying things.

There's a scene coming up where a woman is brutally gang-raped that I'm going to have a really really hard time writing. I had a hard time the first time, and the second time, and the third time, and eventually wimped out and alluded to the act when I realized that my personal constitution isn't exactly down for visualizing the things that are done the woman. Now, I think I just have to grit my teeth and take it one word at a time. I think the time to figure out what goes where and what needs to be rewritten is during the revision phase, not the first-writing. I don't think I'm going to like myself very much after writing this, and it's going to be even worse when I send it out. I've given up on the idea that my ideas are my own, though. I put one aside and it keeps coming back in different incarnations, and soon enough, I find myself writing it again. If I get it finished, then maybe just maybe it'll leave me be. That was the way Mythras was. It wanted to be written and wouldn't let me write anything else. It's almost like it took on a life of its own. But let's not get crazy here.

That being said, I have two short stories to figure out what to do with. These are inspired by my years and experiences growing up in Belleville, and I'm sure that in one or two places, they're going to need to be revamped and overhauled, but I'm only doing it once before I send them out to Beta. When that's done, I think I'll get a writers market guide and see about getting this show on the road.

I have one more night at work and then two weeks off, so I should spend it writing, sleeping during the day like a normal human being, and will probably spend it attending events where I intend on dancing up a sweat, doing a little drinking, some impact play, and maybe meeting new ladies and gentlemen with whom to have some fun with in the future. We can't attend Sin City's Hallowe'en bash because I don't have any fetishwear and tickets are at the door only, but Noir seems nice. I may finally get to meet Rieve, and see about writing for Erotic Vancouver. Although I'm so new to this community that I'm not sure what I'd have to write about. I am making the rounds, though, courtesy of Cristiana.

I'm reading Foucault's Pendulum again and understanding it this time. Daria always thought that Eco was pretentious, and I suppose I can see why. I disagree, though. It's slightly more difficult to get through than say, Fifty Shades of Grey or Twilight, and so i'd definitely say it's not a populist novel. But populist does not necessarily equal pretentious, in my opinion. The second time through I find it holds up. I think it's pretty smart, but only if you can slog your way through the pseudo-history and semiotics. I love both so it's right up my alley.

Anyway, if you'll all excuse me, I'm off to drive a tram. Good to see you all again.
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