Greetings from the year 2008. There's been a year and a half of activity to catch up on here, but I'm not going to do that. I've got an old school paper journal that's been taking the brunt of that burden. Maybe later on I'll do a few recaps, or reveal intriguing details in the way of flashbacks, but that's not the point of this entry.
So then why start this up again now? I've been digitally silent for a while, so maybe this is a way to reconnect. I guess it really boils down to the fact that electronically it's harder (or at least requires more page clicking) to look at past entries, so I won't be as embarrassed by the horrendous nature of my writing online as opposed to on paper.
It has come to my attention that college in a four year sense is probably not for me. There have been several setbacks over the years, with the end result leaving me nowhere near to graduation nearly a year after it was "supposed" to happen. As it stands, I will very likely be moving back to Appleton within the next few months. To be honest, this is the only thing that I am sure about. I have vague ideas of what else I want to do, but ideally the first priority would be getting a job. That is, a real job, where wages are commonly measured in years rather than hours, and the only uniform required involves nice shirts and ties.
Of course, that goal is still probably a little bit away, as I currently have no degree beyond the high school level. Technical college is looking like my best option at the moment, and weirdly enough, there was a letter from ITT waiting for me at my mom's house the other day. Classes there start in March, so it is almost assured that I will have left Milwaukee by then.
I'll end this first new post by admitting that it is a New Year Resolution of mine that also had some impact on restarting this journal. I vowed to restart this and update at least once every two days. Being a realistic person, I estimate the resolution will have a maximum lifespan of 75 hours, but we'll see how things play out.