It's been almost 2 months since I've updated, I think, Gaaah. So I guessss I'll post.
I'm kinda sick of live journal. It's too dramatic and people talk to much shit.
I've been working at Cold Stone for 8 months now. I need a new job bad. My finger still sticks even after the surgery so I have the same surgery on December 21 except this time I have to be awake and watch while they slice me so I can move my hand and blah blah blah. I'm gonna file for workers comp this time. Hollla.
Since it's been raining a lot lately there's a lot of mud down at Rio's Canyon, and what do bro's like better than mud right? Welll besides Kottomouth Kings and there lifted trucks. Muahahahaha.
I haddd to froad my car. Drrrr.
But then my tire popped off the bead after hitting a rut and doing too many donuts. I'm so badass.
Gosh Kelli you're such a bro hoe.