Feb 10, 2011 08:15
[Well this wasn't supposed to happen. Right? No, this wasn't supposed to happen. Because Link is pretty sure the Minish Woods was not a strange room. Link is cautious as he moves around the room. And when he spies the capybara, he waaaaahs and reaches for his sword. That's not there.
Except the capybara is nice and makes a happy grunt as it nudges against Link. Awww aren't you sweet. Link gingerly pats the beast's head before he realizes something. Ezlo is missing. Ezlo is missing. He checks his head just to make sure and oh god he really is gone. Nooooo.
Link begins tearing the room apart, looking for the bird-hat. He's got to be here. He's got to be here. He needs to be here. Link is kind of lost without his guide. In the process of yanking the sheets off the bed, he jostles the communicator and it switches on just in time to catch a single word from the normally quiet hero.]
oh woe,
a link without a cap,