(no subject)

Oct 12, 2013 00:13

So, here we go again! This is my art for the fic the amazing scarletphoenix1 wrote for the DeanCas BigBang 2013.

I don't have words to describe how much I loved this story, and if you haven't read it yet, you should do it right now.

The cover art was actually so last minute that I fear the shadows are all over the place, but I kind of like them like that so I'm not touching them anymore.

This is the picture I drew in the first place. I fell in love with this scene and I think it reflects perfectly the relationship between the four of them and how the girls make Dean and Cas do whatever they want. It's absolutely adorable fantastic if I may say.

Final note:
It was a pleasure working with you, Parrish, and I hope you find the picture does some kind of justice to your story :)

emma winchester, castiel, claire novak, destiel, bigbang, dean winchester

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