Generaly, I am a slacker.

Jan 18, 2011 19:16

I am sitting here posting to livejournal whilst my roommate is doing work. I am so bad.

In other news, I got rid of many of my earthly possessions over break. It was liberating. Not only do I own less stuff, but I am also less owned by my stuff!

No new years' resolutions to speak of, other than the usual no fast food. Other than that, the weight loss thing, the going to the gym thing, well I do those things already. I have always thought it was a little bit silly to just arbitrarily decide that my life was going to be different because there was a shift in the calendar.

I am back at school, and there is nothing quite like being back with a roommate who you are pretty sure is smarter than you (she is definitely more well-informed; she spends HOURS online!), and who is in one of your classes. Competition might well be the kick in the ass that makes me a better student.

Things I miss: My boyfriend, my mom, Neal, the cat, the food, my job, the weather.
Things I do not miss: Not having a license to get around rural Missouri, cat pee.
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