Nov 08, 2010 11:38
Thursday, Party Paul and I were going to get our mail together after our sociology class. Normally, there is nothing in my mailbox except the odd letter or card from home. Thursday, however, there was a package slip for a package originating in Tennessee.
Usually my books come from scattered locations. I thought "Did I order a book and then forget about it?" while I waited for Pat the Mail Guy to fetch my package. When he brought it out, I was astonished by the size and heft of the box. This was no paperback.
"What the hell is this?" I asked Pat, as if he was supposed to magically know.
"It's batteries," said Pat. And indeed, there was a sticker saying that there were batteries inside.
"It's a laptop," said Party Paul. It was laptop-shaped, but I wasn't going to get my hopes up. I've been wanting a new laptop since my iBook Lola ran out of uses in 2008.
We carried the oddly-shaped package all the way to Chapin and woke up my roommate. I opened it with bated breath, and goodness, there WAS a laptop inside!
It was a HP pavilion, brand new and shiny with pretty patterns on the outside.
And I did not order it.
Turns out, my grandparents had it specially made for me for my birthday. It wasn't supposed to be built until Nov. 8th, but here it is, in my room, all shiny and pretty-like.
I have awesome grandparents.