Dec 26, 2004 02:52
The beauty of an embrace a place
To lay down the pain
Where blood and fire bring rest and peace.
More and more I become me. Its hard to know how much conflict is acceptable. The line I have decided upon is that if somelse actually knew how conflicted i was they would recommend professional help. I dont think I am at that point currently, yet im far too paranoid to let you all, let alone anyone, know how i am really, incase i was too far past when i started looking for the line that I'll never see it.
I want to meet the sick fuck who gave desires desirability levels rangeing over more then 2 outcomes, and mixed analysis methods. I bet they are incredibly interesting and the type you want on your side of a fight (just not too close).
right now life is the entirety of the hieghts of granduer the lows of survival, and all the inbetweens. beginning to understand being in multiple places on the spectrum.
Thank you. I dont let my appreciation show enuff.
hf, gl, dd.