Nov 24, 2010 19:31
We bought a 1996 Subaru Outback Legacy 'cause we really need a second car after being 5 years with only one car. Yesterday I got out of work and we raced to the DMV to pick up the plates before the DMV closed at 5. Got up early this morning and drove over to Bow NH to pick up the car. Had to be back by 3:30 to get it inspected. My heart attack moment was looking through the big glass window when my car was up on the lift and seeing the technician pull another technician and then his manager over to look at the car. Apparently they had never seen such an amazing job patching rusty metal as on this vehicle. It passed inspection, though, and is good to go. Has more mileage on it than I have on me and that's A LOT but it's paid for and it runs fine. We named it Irwin after the late Steve Irwin, you know, the Crocodile Hunter. We have a second set of wheels. Yayyy us!