Thinking...again....different topic

May 14, 2005 18:59

I laugh at these people. These people who say they are lonely. The ones who have a different "girlfriend" every week. The ones who complain about how "shitty" their life is. When they really have not faced reality. There is someone who has it worse. If you are reading this now, u dont have a shitty life. For one, u can afford a computer. Take a random guess how many people can not afford computers, and clothes on ur back, and the food u eat every night. How about this, take a field trip, down to chi town, or new york, or even philadelphia. Ask the ones u see laying on the street, what do they look like? hmm... lets see... ripped up clothes, beggin for money, asking for food, and their home is a box. I bet the PC is like 1/4 of the size of their home. Do u know how tiny that is? and u say ur life sucks... yeah i dont think so. I am not the one who has life easy either. I have issues, everyone does, but that doesnt mean u have to say ur life sucks.

I laugh at these people who say they love someone, when really they dont. I laugh when people say they are lonely, and hate it. They just never think about their surroundings. Like me, i dont care that ive been single for a few years. Because i know....somewhere out there.... someone has never had someone to hold, to care for, to talk to. So please, dont say ur life sucks, and ur lonely, someone always has it worse. I dont care if u dont read this, i dont care if its not colored, big bold words. I dont care... im just the typer, your the reader.
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