May 09, 2005 15:25
god damn it! why the hell do people seriously need to carry on shit that isnt funny, or its just plain old. Alright the toher day when i was doing my speach i sqeeked a tiny bit, and now everyone is saqying i sqeeked like super fucking bad. FUCK THEM! Seriously it is pissing me off. "EUCALYPTUS" FUCK OFF! GOD FUCKING DAMN IT! It is really pissing me off because im giving in to it. im not defending my self, i dunno why, fuck! now everyone is saying i should go to weight lifting... how about no. they keep saying "go lift some weight, ur weak!" .......FUCK OFF. when i dont want to do soemthing i dont! i really dont think i need to go to that gay weight lifting. "come on lets do some more weight! hey look hes benching _______lbs!" yeah, i dont like huddling with guys and lifting the weight to see who maxes out last. Im an average kid, everyone thinks im this puny little kid. I use to be tiny, less than 5'0 LAST year. This year im like 5'5-5'6 fuck man... im not a little kid anymore. ive grown. i have average muscles. i dont think i need to go to a weight lifting place to "build my muscles" fuck that... pft i am happy with what i am now, and people are trying to change who i am and quick. fuck that... i am me, this is me, im happy with me, so back off.