I'm back! He he. You'd think being jobless would give me more time to write-and it does. But I had to get over not having a job, and all the housework. A true housewife can totally stay busy keeping a house completely spotless. Personal I don't like when the highlight of my day is that the stain in the carpet came up. At least my chemistry engineering mind gets a workout with some of the stains and clogs I run into.
On to Easter. There has been much talk on the news about Spring festival and spring spheres all in attempt to separate christianity from the egg hunts and bunny. And for the first time I noticed chocolate Jesus fish along side the chocolate easter bunnys. Its almost as if the chocolate companies are trying to find a way to melt easter and Jesus together. Before I go on keep in mind that I grew up in a secular household (but I was allowed to go to any church I wanted). To me Easter has nothing to do with Christian religion. Pictures with the Easter bunny, eggs hunts and easter baskets is totally unrelated to Jesus's resurrection from the dead. The resurrection is a big part of Christian religion with no mention of a bunny helping him or chewing at the grass near him. These should be two seperate holidays-maybe bunny hunts on Saturday and resurrection celebration on Sunday. I say forgo spring spheres and call them Easter eggs! Happy Easter everyone!!