A couple months back a coworker suggested I read the book Twilight. Look, I haven't even read the Harry Potter series so why would I read another series of books thats now a movie? Well she gave me the book anyway and I read it in two days..then the next book in a day and by the end of the week I had read the whole series. I still haven't seen the movie but thats ok. I even got Gopher to read the books! Skip ahead to now and both Justin and I got a Sony E-reader. We are trying to downsize our library into SD cards. And it turns out you can get library e-books. So we have been doing that and it turns out there are tons of popular vampire related series of books. I just started one called Switch: My sister the Vampire Series. Its meant for preteens..but its cute. And i read parts to AJ when he'll listen. He's prefers his books with pictures. Back to Twilight, in case your wondering I'm Team Edward -well actually Team Leah but thats not a choice. I like her spunk.
So what books would you recommend for a good fun read? If they have it at the library as an ebook I'm all over it (with ebooks you get 2 weeks and then it automatically comes off your computer-NO LATE FEES!).
And so I leave you with this question "Do I dazzle you?"