(no subject)

Feb 06, 2012 07:49

So it is really, really hard for me to say this, but unless some brave soul would like to take up the mantle of MiniMerlin for 2012, it looks like we're not going to have one. I've been holding off on making a decision, hoping that my life would calm down enough that we could just have one a little later than usual, around late April or May, but it looks like that isn't going to happen. Between my new job and training and moving, my life is so up in the air right now that I honestly have no idea where I'll be in a few months. And the way all this stress is affecting my health means I don't really relish the idea of adding more stress on top of what I've already got.

I'm so sorry to let you guys down. I absolutely LOVE MiniMerlin, seeing you all makes me SO INCREDIBLY HAPPY, it is literally the HIGHLIGHT OF MY YEAR. It kills me to think I won't get to have that this year. This fandom has given me SO MUCH, and I relish this little chance to give back and add to the love. Believe me, if I thought there was any way I could do this without turning myself into a nervous wreck, I would do it. But it's just not in the cards this year, unless you all are willing to wait until, like, September or October.

If there's anyone in fandom who would like to take up the mantle this year, I would be more than happy to offer any help I can, in the form of notes and things from past years. If you're considering it, it is an AMAZING, fun thing to do if you enjoy planning parties and such, but just know this: It is a LOT of work, WAY more than you'd think at first. I was unemployed the year I planned it all on my own, and I still struggled to get it done in time, though realistically part of that is because I had limited internet access for about a month of the time I was planning.

Again, you guys, I'm sorry. You have no idea how much I wish circumstances were different, but I hope you understand.

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