
Dec 26, 2004 16:51

nyehhh...I finally got off my lazy arse and post an update...-___-

ANYWAY, Yesterday was CHRISTMAS and I had a fun timeeee~XD well...obviouslyyy!XDD
I got lotsa presents...and I still got one from Santa Clause!XDD
eh...I got Japanese candy and a Hello Kitty toy from "Santa"...AHAHAHAHAHA!!!It's so obvious that it came from Daddyyy~XDDD
hmm...yet I still play along...I was all "WAAAAHHH! DAD! Santa went to Japan before getting my presents! So he just got my presents there!" XDDDD
Ne...Dad still thinks of me as a little girl...^___^
But hey...I'll always be his little Aya!XD

Among all my gifts...what really struct me was that I got a globe CD from dad...@___@
He said it was my fault for only telling him (with the help of Krystal!XD) now that I liked wFL...especially Lead...;O;
Cos if I told him earlier he said he'd buy the BRAND NEW ERA DVD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!;____;
*starts crying*
Since he didn't know...he just bought me a globe album...-____-
I don't even really know globe and their songs...>___<
but...at least I got something eh...J-popyyy ne?^___^;;;

Well...I tried calling gwanny Serene yesterday after opening my gifts...but damn, the line was always busy...>___<
Maybe its cos she was using the internet...

So...I just decided to call Krystal...gawd...I was so damn shocked when she answered the phone!!!!@___@
The minute she said "yeah, this is Krystal." I was like DAMN. WHAT AM I GONNA SAY???@___@
The only thing that popped inside my head was "A-Aya desu."~ >___<
Eh...I only had 8 mins to call abroad...>___<
Gyaaaahhhhh...I payed 200 pesos (4$/eh...8 Australian dollars) and all I get is 8 mins.???????X___x
Dammu you PLDT Touch Card Service.........-_____-
Oh well...I bought a new card to call Serene, Krystal, Dara or even maybe TSUMI!!!
So yeah...IT WAS FUN!
And I look forward to having more fun by NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!HANABIIIIIIIII~^O^
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