
Apr 17, 2009 17:19

Don't want to spoil anyone,(so I won't),but...damn! It's only the first episode and already so heartbreaking.
This drama really is about the acting.Because the setting is simple,about ordinary people and so the whole thing relies heavily on actor work.At least,I think so.Not saying that the plot is bad-not at all.But with scripts like this it's important that the actor can convey his feelings to the viewers.And I think with the current cast it has a great potential.
And the racist stuff...I just.I will never understand how can you treat people differently because of their skin color or anything.I mean-we are all HUMAN for God's sake!
Poor Jun,I I think he'll have to suffer a lot as Vito(or Bito? you guys,how do we spell his name?).

Can't wait for the HQ,because Keyhole sucks XP

Also - the long hair.DO WANT.Too bad it's a wig :P

matsujun deserves his own tag, スマイル, people are stupid

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