Empty world reflects in your eyes.

Apr 14, 2008 22:42

I'm feeling so weird right now.It's like something's missing.Sadness and emptiness.Though nothing bad has happened.I just feel that I need something more in my life.More excitement,passion,feelings.Any kind.I want to FEEL.

Maybe it's spring depression,maybe hormones.And my iPod is playing slow songs with those stupid,meaningful lyrics,that are making me think...I don't want to think anymore.I wish I could just take a vacuum-cleaner and suck everything out of my brain.

I want to talk to someone about this,but when I call my friend and we get to the conversation,I realize I have nothing to say.I just can't express it in words.

Don't talk.Just hold me and be by my side.CAN IT BE DAKISHIMETE TIEM NOW,PWEASE?
And I have decided to give up.Though I hadn't even started anything.It doesn't matter anyway and even the thought was stupid to begin with.Maybe that emptiness comes from this decision?Who knows.

I'm really sorry about this depressing entry.It's really not that bad.I just had to let it all out.

なぜだろう わけも無く涙溢れる
なにも持たず ありのまま

stupid me, hormones, my life is weird

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