Happy 1st Birthday to MiniMCR!! :D

Sep 16, 2006 00:00

MiniMCR's birthday present was a new layout picture! So check it out!

The cake was large and daunting

But eventually they worked it out

It was worth the wait.

For anyone with Frank/Mikey problems, Frank now has the swept across fringe, and Mikey's is spikier. And Frank has STRIPEY ARMS in his Black Parade outfit XD Hope that helps ^_^

Thanks to you guys for reading my comic, it started off as a little joke and ended up...lasting a year! Thanks to the commenters, the lurkers, my affiliates, and my friends who bug me to make a new strip XD. And LJ, for hosting me, although they may not really notice, amongst the millions of LJ's, haha.

I'm now heading off to uni, TODAY! No more photo-toons when I'm there, as I have no digital camera. And I want a digital slr canon 350D right now, so I need an odd £450 spare. Hm. There's a large chance that won't happen. However I DO have internetz, a laptop and a graphics tablet, so there should still be toons. I don't know how often, we shall have to see when I get ahold of the old timetable :)

I'm seeing MCR at Nottingham in november! Anyone here going?

ps. Yeah, I posted this at midnight. What a loser XD

minimcr's birthday

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