Gah, my beautiful silver fob watch from
stephmog is broked.
I'm doing 7:30-20:30 shifts Wednesday, Thursday and Friday so I can't even buy one until Saturday.
This presents a genuine problem, how am I meant to take my patients' pulses?
Poop. I'm not nearly revised enough on cardiac meds either, I still can't read an ECG as well as I'd like and the subtleties of a chest X-ray still elude me.
I'm surprisingly nervous about my placement tomorrow, these guys will remember the me of three years ago; the bright, eager, shiny new student, full of answers, well ahead of her peers due to HCA experience and science A-levels.
Now I'm a cynical shell of my former self, desperate to finish and earn some money, no longer shining bright among the rough but catching up behind my peers, hanging on half-heartedly, a means to an end.
Without so much as a working fob watch.