this is super hilarious..
few hours ago, eunhyuk got attacked by a bucket load of water while he was sleeping!
hahaha! their game is still going on strong..
first donghae was the one attacked.. then shindong..
and now eunhyuk! and his was the worse.
donghae was attacked with a bottle of water..
shindong with a water bomb..
and eunhyuk.. a big bucket of water! haha.
hilarious.. poor eunhyukie.
cheerios to team heechul shindong sungmin and donghae. haha.
at least heechul took away his iphone if not eunhyuk'll have to say bye to it. XD
oh i just love suju bond.. how they play pranks on one another..
how much fan service they're doing for us. haha.
how they smiled, laughed and joked about it after the attacks.. ^^
and the members tweeted about eunhyuk's attack too after posting up the vids. haha.
read it from the bottom. :) credit to: allkpop
Heedictator (Heechul): For this game, the person who poured the water is the innocent one while the person who slept is the bad guy ke ke we let you go even if you didn’t say that you felt fresh~ you would’ve been in deep trouble if a different team attacked you ke ke clean the backstage room well, it’s small
AllRiseSilver (Eunhyuk): The attacked person has to clean up…ke ke ke it was tiring trying to clean up the sofa and the floor ㅜ ㅜ the whole room just got clean ke ke ke ke ke ugh why did I sleep again? Why? Why didn’t I know? Ah frustratedㅜㅜㅜㅜ I was too out of it to say that I felt fresh…sorry ke ke ke ke I feel fresh!!!
We are Super Junior!!!!
ShinFriends (Shindong): The masterpiece finally came out!!!! Fresh clip!!! Everyone you feel hot right!!!????
donghae861015 (Donghae): Our Eunhyukie got caught hehehehe This is the best. Eunhyuk we are what?? hehehe We are Super Junior!! I love you hehe
Heedictator (Heechul): No words are needed ke ke ke I am such a well mannered king for taking away his phone ke ke ke Is it my turn now.. ke ke
myblacksmile (Sungmin): Eunhyuk..were you absent minded after our failed first attempt? ke ke A huge picture came out! Puhaha..sorry I love you ^^
watch the videos..
sungmin's cam,
heechul's cam,
shindong's cam. XD
main credits to: myblacksmile, heedictator, shinsfriends@twitvids
sub-credit to: pinkninjaish@youtube for uploading the twitvids onto youtube!
twitvids fail to load no matter which browser i use. i wonder why.