Oct 19, 2007 02:57
kenapa gw berasa kesepian mulu..even in the crowded places..
I feel happy with my life, but sometimes I feel lonely, it is not anybody's fault, nor my fault.
okay,i am used to loneliness..
I just cant sleep at night trying to figure out why I feel lonely while i am happy.
What is missing in my life?
Something is missing, but I just couldn't figure out what it is..
gw dah berusaha mengalihkan fokus gw ke kerjaan-kerjaan lain,
terutama ke dateline skripsi gw..
for almost 5 months am friends with insomnia and ciggaretes..
konsul ama bang reza yang juga psikiater juga ga membantu..
gw capek harus minum ativan mulu tiap malem supaya gw bisa tidur nyenyak
gw capek pretending everything okay with me,
but the truth i wasn't that okay,,
i just need someone who want to share his/her shoulder to me when i need someone beside me..