I'd probably wind up in politics except I wouldn't get very far

Mar 30, 2018 13:07

So as we near the end of the fiscal year, all the government agencies are scrambling to spend their budgets so they qualify for the same amount next year. This is dumb. We're basically training people to waste their money just to hit certain breakpoints for no good reason. Meanwhile, school funding has been frozen and an at-risk teen drop-in centre downtown is shuttering their doors.

Meanwhile-meanwhile, I've got this project at work that in reality should only cost $20k, but because it's going out for official blah blah and everything has to meet whatever fuzzy codes, we are now staring down a $350k project. The infuriating this is that this project really doesn't need to happen. At most it's going to benefit a single guy, but he doesn't even want it to happen because it will make his job more difficult. The whole project is to essentially stupid proof parts of the building.

So I've got this wacky idea: How about instead of stupid proofing things, we put money into the schools to make less stupid people? Cancel this one project and that's a half dozen teacher's salaries right there. How about if all these big agencies are so hellbent on spending their allotted budgets each year, give them the ability to spend that excess at year end on the nearest educational whatever of their choosing. Yeah yeah that'll require someone not corrupt and greedy overseeing the money. People suck. One problem at a time.
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