and sometimes you need a thug

Oct 22, 2017 01:58

So here's a situation: My friend A had her car broken into a couple weeks back. Unknown at the time, but the thieves stole her spare key (yes it was stupid of her to keep that in the car; that's another matter entirely). So for the past couple weeks, they have been passing by setting off the alarm and likely trying to get back into the car to see what else they can get. As you can imagine, this has been causing a great deal of stress and anxiety for A, especially before she realized they had the key. The police have been no help, because there is no evidence for them go to on.

So enter E, who is a childhood friend of A. No one particularly likes E, not even A... but she feels safer with him around, because E is a thug. E is not a smart man, E is not a well spoken man, E tends to drink far too much, for E is a thug. Today the alarms goes off once again, and E flies out the door and chases down the would-be thieves and throws the first punch. Being outnumbered does not go well for E and he is hurt for his efforts, but still, I gotta admit that there was some satisfaction there. In knowing that here is a dude who knows you have been suffering, and will literally throw himself at the problem. A man who's only real understanding of comeuppance is martial punishment. The human equivalent of a guard dog that you point at a problem.

I don't particularly agree with his methods, and in some ways he may have done more harm than good... but I have to admit, I feel a little safer with him around too.
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