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Wire and Milk By: gunderpants
Rating: PG, for non-sexual nudity
Summary: Alice Longbottom liked to smooth turmoil out with the bristles of a hairbrush.
UnforgivablesBy: zeldadestroy
Rating: PG-13
The Naming GameBy: meteoritecrater
Rating: G
Word count: 100
Amelia Bones/Emmeline Vance
Broken DatesBy: ceria_taliesin
Word Count: 200
Rating: PG
TearsBy: Aluela
Enemy of LoveBy: Janine
Rating: NC-17
Warning: blackcest, breathplay, angst
Summary: Not all love stories have a happy ending. Contains DH spoilers.
Andromeda/Eileen Snape
Inflammatory WitBy: bitterfig
Summary: As eighteen-year-old Andromeda Black prepares to defy the conventions of the Wizarding world by marrying a Muggle-born wizard, she reaches out to Eileen Snape, the pureblood witch who married a Muggle. Enchanted by the passionate writings of the young Eileen, Andromeda hopes the older woman will be a role model for her. In the end, she is, though not in the way Andromeda imagined.
Beta Reader: Nzomniac
Word Count: 2647
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Mild yuri and violence, suggestions of child abuse/neglect.
Still WatersBy: Corvidae9
Rating: PG
Word Count: ~2005
Summary: Cho is sidetracked by an impractical, disruptive, and wholly irresistible crush.
Red and WaitingBy: Starrysummer
Rating: R
Length: 1800 words
Summary: She's eleven, and seven years stretch before her, dissipating into disappointment. And a quaffle to the head, and a red-haired girl, blowing away with the wind.
Toujours PurBy: Pogrebin
How It Feels to Face a DragonBy: Bow
Word Count: 1100
Rating: PG
An Inter-House RivalryBy: V.M. Bell
Summary: It isn't hard for Cho to find the little redhead after the match.
Rating: NC-17 for a wee bit of violence, non-con, implied wall!sex
Word Count: 409
Hyacinth GirlBy: Lilith Morgana
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 360
The Finer ThingsBy: Abaddon
Winner Takes AllBy: callita
Rating: Soft R
Warnings: Angsty, mention of slash
Summary: In that split second, Ginny finally realises why it is her thoughts have turned to Cho so often in recent months.
Hopeless By: Delz
Summary: War can do the strangest things to lovers.
Categories: Darkfic, Drama/Angst
Butterflies Don't Belong In NetsBy: caffeine_pills
Rating: PG
Stopping TimeBy: foreword
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Luna/Cho
Summary: Her hair was like ink against parchment and Luna wanted to
trace the words of her heart across her skin.
We Have Lost EvenBy: Rose Eva
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: minimal angst, I suppose.
Summary: We have lost even this twilight. No one saw us this evening hand in hand
while the blue night dropped on the world. Cho goes through the phases of mourning a lost love after Luna breaks up with her. Marietta helps ease her pain in a sexually-platonic way.
Army of OneBy: 22by
Rating: PG?
Length: 1171 words
StupidBy: acidpop25
Word Count: 741
Summary: "It was a stupid idea."
Tell Me a StoryBy: jazzyjello
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Marietta can't help thinking that Cho is beautiful when she cries.
Length: 2,600 words
Progress/Effect: Crying Too MuchBy: reality_free, _unrealistic
Rating: R
OblivionBy: Lix
Rating: Soft R
Word Count: 6100
Once Divided, Twice WholeBy: crazylittleme, vnilla
Rating: PG-13
Pride vs. Prejudice By: bittersweet_lullaby
Rational RomanceBy: holidayonice
ReperationBy: Switchknife
Wanting, DreamingBy: acidpop25
Rating: PG
Summary: Cho is less a Ravenclaw than the others.
Between Two MoonsBy: Rose Eva
Rating: R
Summary: Post-Hogwarts: I tell you once to start smoking; that it really helps to calm the nerves, and you say, ‘It’ll kill me, though.’ I say there’s a lot of things that’ll kill you before smoking does, and you don’t talk for the rest of the day, not until I get you in our room and make you talk, make you cry out my name with my tongue on your hips, your legs, everywhere, just so you’re not screaming. Pansy POV.
Deux Jeune FillesBy: bokkie
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Sexual Content
Fly UpBy: visoka
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 470
RollercoasterBy: Begnan
Rating: R
StraightBy: Mieko
Summary: "Straight in, straight out had been Percy's way. In. Out. In. Out. Whether it was his fingers or his tongue or his cock, it was always the same. No change, no imagination. No clue. No pleasure. In fact, one could say it was a STRAIGHT line of consistent nothingness."
Categories: Drama/Angst, Romance
Daphne/Tracey + Blaise/Theodore
UndergroundBy: acidpop25
Chapters: 11
Summary: In a wizarding world where homosexuality is not only abhorred, but illegal, not everything is quite as it seems. Set in 6th year.
Beautiful ThingBy: animimares
Word Count: 4500
Summary: When she looks at herself in the mirror, she sees a body bulging from chocolate and too much whipped cream. Perhaps it’s about time she tries to lose a few pounds. Eloise hates her looks. Always did. Now she is going to do something about it.
Warnings: Eating disorder themes. Angst all over the place. Weird writing structure and weird story telling.
Emmeline Vance/Tonks
The Fixed Foundations of Her Stubborn HeartBy: Victoria P.
Rating: Adult
Summary: England expects that every man will do his duty. ~Admiral Nelson
Emmeline Vance/Marlene Mckinnon
Various FicletsBy: eudaimon
Comme la PluieBy: Pogrebin
SyntaxBy: Lilith Morgana
Rating: R
Words: 1100
Summary: Because Fleur is Helena and never denied what she wants. Language, smoking and the dream of Paris.
Flowers in the WindowBy: Dulcinea
Rating: PG, no real warnings.
Summary: Fleur and Ginny come to an unexpected understanding over a bouquet of flowers.
No Defense For YouBy: Dreiser
Summary: Its the seventh year at Hogwarts and Hermione discovers she reallyis quite feminine but oddly, she has no interest in boys, only in the new Professor for Defense Against the Dark Arts who has a mysterious connection to her.
The French GirlBy: giventofly37
Rating: PG
Summary: Perhaps, he thinks as he tries to swallow a large piece potato, they do things differently in France.
I Could Have Been WildBy: Lilith Morgana
Rating: Soft R
Summary: Her infatuations have always been embarrassing for everyone involved.
Beautiful ThingsBy: ??
Buying TimeBy: sugartits
Words: 1,480
Summary: Pansy can’t understand why she’s not the centre of the universe.
Rating: G
Twenty QuestionsBy: Janine
Rating: NC-17
Words: 2, 997
When Ink Turns To Absinthe (1st part) -
Suck The Poison Out (2nd Part) By: wishing_wounds
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: bondage, breathplay, initial dubious consent, dirty talk, D/s, Fleur's partial Veela transformation
Summary: It always paid to have the juicy news.
Angels Will FallBy: animimares
Word Count: ~ 31.700
Rating: Light R.
Warnings: AIDS-themes, character death, angst.
Summary: Life lay open before their feet, but then everything changed…“Padma,” Lavender says - voice tiny and sort of broken - and the use of her given name convinces Padma that she will not like to hear whatever Lavender has to say, because Lavender never calls her Padma unless she is angry or scared, “I’m HIV-positive.”
Image of YouBy: angelic1hp
Rating: T
Genre: Romance/Drama
SundressBy: Rhoddlet
Leather and CigarettesBy: Zel Saihitei
Rating: M
Genre: Angst/Romance
StorybookBy: Arsenic
Rating: R
Summary: Ginny wants the fairytale. Sorta.
Tit for TatBy: Arsenic
Rating: PG
Summary: Ginny figures out what she wants
Like a Good BookBy: Kyra Cullinan
Summary: This is what it's like to lose.
Warnings: Very unhappy
Courage is the PriceBy: Lilith Morgana
Rated: PG-13
Warnings: Angst, war-fic
Silence By: Plumeria
Genre: Angst
Rating: R
Summary: What happens when you fall in love and can't tell anyone?
The Definition of InexperienceBy: I'm not sure...
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 5000
Warnings: none
Summary: Ginny was subtle, all right. And Hermione was already in too deep when she realized she was being seduced.
Post BellumBy: Lolaraincoat
Summary: Hermione visits the Burrow after the war is over
Genre: Drama/Angst
ObscenityBy: isilya
PetalsBy: Corvidae9
Rating: NC17
Word Count: ~1365
Summary: Luna resorts to an unconventional method to make sure Ginny isn't lying and is rewarded appropriately.
And Everything NiceBy: Thistlerose
Summary: girl talk
Word Count: 1270
DaisiesBy: gm_weasley
Word Count: 1000
Rating: G
Summary: It's sunny outside, and Luna thinks that it's the perfect sort of day for a picnic. Ginny isn't sure that she wants to go, and she can think of a hundred reasons not to, but Luna thinks of a thousand reasons why they should go, and, strangely, most of them make perfect sense.
In BetweenBy: emei
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 2000 words
Warnings: Nothing very explicit.
Summary: No matter how long she keeps the golden coin pressed between the palms of her hands, it does not grow warm. Ginny/Luna forrosehiptea.
InstinctBy: Kyasuriin
Rating: PG
Summary: Ginny feels like someone else has jumped into her body and decided to fall in love with a girl.
PromenadeBy: corvidae9
Rating: PG at most
Word Count: 1000
Summary: Ginny and Luna take a walk down Diagon Alley.
Six Impossible Things That Happened To Ginny Weasley Before BreakfastBy: Thistlerose
Word Count: Approx. 3,300
Rating: PG
The Red RockBy: ryttu3k
Warnings: Slash... another one that would give the entire thing away. Sorry!
Category: Ficlet, angst?
Rating: PG to M
Summary: Luna finds herself in Australia, and wanders, and remembers.
Waiting For ErumpetsBy: florahart
Rating: PG
Words: 700
Will You Feel Alive At The End of It?By: bennadonnalin
Rating/Warnings: PG
Word Count: 1,400 or so
Summary: In the coldness and loneliness of the edges of a war, Ginny realizes how little she sees.
Winter EyesBy: mondayagain
Rating: PG
Warnings: flangst
Word Count: ~2150
Summary: Loneliness is abundant during the winter holiday at Hogwarts.
Just Like Flying"By: Isis
Rating: NC-17
Girls Don't WankBy: likecharity
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: None
Summary: Ginny doesn't believe that girls wank. Luna teaches her otherwise.
Trespass Sweetly UrgedBy: thistlefics
Rating: R
Word Count: 1500
Summary: Ginny follows the butterfly.
Cigarettes and Lakeside ConversationsBy: Kate Bolin
Summary: What, exactly, do two girls discuss during a lakeside smoke break? Why not everything?
Rating: PG-13
Another MidnightBy: volsi
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 4426
Warnings: Uh, wall!sex.
Summary: Ginny really resents Pansy's presence at Grimmauld Place. After several tense, she decides to do something about that.
Bare Feet and Grass StainsBy: ignipes
Rating: PG
Summary: The summer stretches before them like a blank parchment, ready for anything.
Oil and WaterBy: crazylittleme
Rating: NC-17
Warning(s): Hatesex, general darkness.
Summary: Hatred draws even as love does.
The Stars That I Watch You Flying OverBy: Thysanatos
Rating: NC-17
Wordcount: Exactly 500
The Trees On The LakeBy: kabal42
Rating: NC-17
Wordcount: 2016
Warnings: BDSM, low in dialogue.
Summary: Pansy is restless and annoyed and she knows just whose fault it is! But doing something about it is quite different...
War CrimesBy: mondayagain
Rating: hard R
Summary: War Crimes are any of various crimes, such as genocide or the mistreatment of prisoners of war, committed during a war and considered in violation of the conventions of warfare.
Word Count: 3,640
Warnings: slight object insertion
We Hold Empty NamesBy: Sioniann
Rating: PG-13, warning for dark themes
Summary: Ginny is Pansy's responsibility now, and Ginny is in control.
Word Count: ~2500
Women Are Made of SteelBy: lady_maybe
Rating: PG
Summary: Pansy wants to fight; she doesn't care who she's fighting for.
CrimsonBy: Aldiara
Summary: She’s fifteen years old and knows about the inherent human affinity to fall. She knows that everyone can be corrupted, even those who believe themselves corrupt already. Only purity has limitations; taint is infinite.
Categories: Darkfic, Drama/Angst, First Time, Violence
Matching-Muff MatrimonyBy: eloiselovelace
Rating: NC-17/NWS for explicit descriptions and depictions of sex.
Length: 22,500 words, two drawings.
Summary: It was a comfortable marriage of inconvenience, really, given how much they hated each other.
Warning: Character death, but it's Voldemort, so I don't think anyone will really mind.
DisappearBy: losselen
Rating: PG-13
An EducationBy: toft_froggy
Rating: R or NC-17
Summary: Leaving home, Ginny finds solace in an unexpected place. Post-Voldemort, cross-dressing and underage!Ginny (depending on where you are).
Ginny/Tonks + Remus/Tonks
Night VisitorBy: Marla666
Summary: Ginny visits Tonks late at night. Not for a little chat. Femmeslash. And non-con implied.
Categories: Alternate Universe (AU), Darkfic, Non-Con, Romance
GoodnightBy: violetion
Rating: PG
Word Count: 2083
The Eating Habits of SnakesBy: confiteor_3
Rating: NC-17
Genre: General
Length: 1566
Summary: Hannah gets an unusual assignment from Professor Hagrid. One that leads her straight to Pansy Parkinson.
TriumphBy: emei
Rating: about R
Warnings: Don’t expect fluff just because it’s Valentines.
Word count: 460
A Temporary Solution To Exam JittersBy: foreword
Rating: R/NC-17
Summary: Romilda has always wanted to do a Prefect.
Warnings: dub-con, canon manipulation
All The Things Susan SaidBy: holidayonice
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 1390
Hannah's WhispersBy: kissingwhispers
Kissing Hermione GrangerBy: foreword
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: ~4808
Warnings: femslash, dubcon, questionable use of Polyjuice potion, student/teacher, riding crop, voyeurism, some humiliation kink, some het references (but strictly speaking no heterosexual sex).
Summary: Lavender's fantasies lead her into something completely unexpected. (Lavender/Hermione, Snape/Lavender, reference to Ron/Lavender.)
Undoing An EclipseBy: crazylittleme
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Quite simply, Luna loves Hermione and vice versa. But sometimes simple things can be difficult.
Warnings: Lots of fancy language! I do get carried away.
A Different Sort of Pest ControlBy: Fictionalaspect
Rating: NC-17
Summary: There's only one way to get rid of an infestation of Sniffering Snortwigs, and Luna knows just how to do it.
Warnings: Mentions of toys.
Tipping the NymphaeBy: goneoffthelump
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Wherein Hermione learns about the birds and the… birds.
Warnings: Um, see pairing and rating.
Claim: Hermione/Luna: Hermione doesn't believe in nymphae - until they infest her pubic hair and Luna has to go in after them…
SymbioticBy: Dulcinea
Rating: R
AgressionBy: alice_and_lain
Category: Angst, angst and a thimbleful more of angst. What else would you expect from me?
Rating: Either a hard R or a light NC-17. I can't decide which.
Summary: A story of questions, lies, and anger. Set at the end of OotP. Yeah, I know, it's a crappy summary.
'Excuse me, but'>
By: Silvia Kundera
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Let me tell you a love story.
Handful of HollowBy: Miss Mona
Summary: A character-driven romance, revolving around an extremely uncommon pairing. Millicent Bulstrode and Hermione Granger star in this slow-moving tale of their sixth year at Hogwarts...
Hour FollowsBy: philethia
Summary: Hermione is captured, Lucius is a bastard, and Narcissa makes everything a little more bearable.
CartographyBy: pogrebin
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Drama
Summary: "Ten years after the war and England�s ley lines are still snapping, and you can�t do magic unless you want to blast your fingers off." Finding your way back with a map that leads you to different places than it did yesterday. Believing in the way things are supposed to be and watching the world change underneath your feet. Padma/Hermione
Some Things Are Things Are Meant To Be - inell
CompleteBy: inell
Summary: With her, she felt complete
Rating: Any Age
Word Count: 1040
Art - Mieko Belle -
ArtBy: Mieko Belle
Rating: PG
Summary: When beauty transcends its own boundaries, it becomes art and has to be immortalised on paper. Hermione sketches Padma, and can't think why her friend's looks suddenly affect her so much.
Literary FixationBy: nibbednib
Words: 810
Rating: R-NC17
...adicted to...By: Mieko Belle
Rating: R
Summary: Slytherin. Whore. Teenage Death Eater. Lesbian? Label Pansy Parkinson any way you like. She doesn't care any more. Pansy/Malfoy, Pansy/Hermione.
A Helping HandBy:Inell
Summary: Hermione does a spell that goes a bit wacky and Pansy lends a helping hand
Rating: R
What a Wonderful World Part One>What a Wonderful Wolrd Part TwoBy: Mini Luv
Rating: R
Summary: An attempt at rattling Hermione Granger goes terribly wrong, leading Pansy to a painful conclusion.
Flawed PerfectionBy: Amberly
Warnings: Explicit Sex (I think it's explicit. Others may disagree)
Summary:Narrated to Pansy, who has no real clue what's going on. She's only sure of what she wants.
Of The Inclination Of EnmitiesBy: luciademedici
Summary: Of enclosed spaces, the thick musk of dust and old parchment, and the sweet, perfumed fragrance of flesh warmed beneath the palms of one’s enemy.
Rating: R
Word Count: 1,326
Warnings: Mild exhibitionism
L'Ile des Deuxiemes ChancesBy: inell
Rating: Adult
Word Count: 10835
Summary: It was meant to be a short holiday from a stressful situation. Instead of simply finding escape, though, Pansy ends up finding herself and learning that second chances are precious.
Pansy The VictoriousBy: Lucia de'Medici
Summary: Stealth Week in Slytherin is a competition that pits the house members against one another. It is a test of wills and wiles; and only the most cunning can win.
Word Count: 2,340
Rating: R
Paper Faces On Parade (Part One) Paper Faces on Parade (Part Two)By: Dulcinea
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: A little silliness, a little surreality.
Summary: Hide your face so the world will never find you.
RoundsBy: corvida9
Rating: R
Word Count: ~2340
Summary: Things that are good: Pansy as Sixth-Year Prefect. Things that are bad better bad better Sod it. Better than entirely bad: Rounds with Granger.
The Disassembling of Hermione Jane GrangerBy: elle_rouge
Word count: 7,952
Rating: R
Warnings: Mentions of het, nothing really beyond that.
The Unusual, Exceptional, and Statistically Remarkable Hermione Granger, Age 21By: magnetic_pole
Thirty=EightBy: The Last Good Name Left
Warnings: Explicit Sex
JealousyBy: Inell
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Pansy is jealous
The Beetle at PlayBy: hijja
Rating: *quite* NC-17
Warnings: um... kink, spanking, toys, BDSM, with a touch of ambiguous consent
Summary: The title says it all, really...
The Dracula ExposeBy: Wishing_Wounds
Rating: R
Word Count: 2,704
Warnings: vampirism, femmeslash, mentions of torture and non-con, character death
Summary: Hermione grants Rita a rather illuminating interview.
True Form (part 1)By: julia_fractal
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Explicit f/f sex, mention of character deaths, and loads of angst.
Total Length: ~7700 words
Subject Matter: In the midst of war and loss, Hermione tries to uncover Tonks’ true form.
You and Me and the RainBy: eudaimon
Rating: R. Most definitely R.
Word Count: 8896
Warnings: Character death(s).
Summary: Love is watching someone die.
Hestia Jones/Tonks
Wild GirlsBy: la_onza
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 1200
Warnings: a bit of language.
Summary: Hestia thought of her friendship with Tonks as a healed wound, but the prospect of seeing her again forced her to remember.
ColoursBy: eudaimon
By: DebbieB
Not Quite FullBy: kinky_kneazle
Rating: G
Word Count (if applicable): 2,400
Warnings: None
Summary: Wouldn't it be great if your best friend wrote your New Year's Resolutions?
When Thighs AttackBy: accio_arse
Rating: NC-17
Length: 5,200
Summary: Hooch’s thighs have been the subject of an unfortunate prank and McGonagall must help her. Silly PWP.
Warning(s): Unfaithfulness, magical teeth, bad language, wizarding porn, object insertion
The Two BroomsticksBy: glossing
summary: "Oi, Hooch! Rosie here wants to know what Sapphic is."
rating: NC-17
A Is For...By: animimares
Word Count: ~ 31.700
Rating: Oops.. *blushes* Forgot this the first time around. Mmm, light R.
Warnings: AIDS-themes, character death, angst.
Summary: Life lay open before their feet, but then everything changed…“Padma,” Lavender says - voice tiny and sort of broken - and the use of her given name convinces Padma that she will not like to hear whatever Lavender has to say, because Lavender never calls her Padma unless she is angry or scared, “I’m HIV-positive.”
Purple Petals - millieweasley -
Lily/Marlene Mckinnon
In The Bleak Mid-WinterBy: Anon (was for a fic exchange, if this is your fic please say so :D)
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 2913
Warnings: none
Summary: During the winter of 1979-1980, war makes two women reach out to one another.
Dreaming and the Lifted VeilBy: Tess
Summary: Narcissa Malfoy remembers Hogwarts: life, love, and Lily Evans.
Rating: PG-13
The Lost Prophecy About the Woman in WhiteBy: Snegurochka Lee
Rating: R
Words: 6,000
Summary: A prophecy made during the First War about a son not yet born - yes, you've heard it all before, but not quite like this. As Narcissa prepares for her wedding and McGonagall seeks to stop it, Lily must decide which one of them to trust.
Warning: Gratuitously mixed-up chronology
Snow White and Rose Red - by: crazylittleme -
Measureless To Man -
Crossed Lines - hazelhazard -
Crossed LinesBy: hazelhazard
Rating: PG-13
Warnings/Summary: Crossdressing, mild femmeslash. Narcissa wants to catch a boy's eye, but suddenly finds a pair of feminine ones much more appealing.
Strange Heart BeatingBy: philalethia
Rating: NC-17
Summary: The beginning to the end. It could have been a fairytale, if perhaps it all had happened differently.
Talio ReddoBy: jamie2109
Wordcount: 11,200
The Promise of SomethingBy: Dulcinea
Rating: NC-17
Oui, Oui: a Love Story - Luna/Fleur - by: Agustfai -
Players - Luna/Millicent - by: Isis -
Blue-IceBy: acidpop25
Rating: PG-13
Summary: "Dance," she repeats, and pulls me to the floor by the wrist.
BubblesBy: acidpop25
Rating: R
Word Count: 1,338
Summary: Luna wonders why it is Padma never just does what she wants.
LaughingBy: acidpop25
Word Count: 289
Summary: "She was laughing."
Warnings: character death
UntitledBy: kissingwhispers
Bottle CapsBy: jazzyjello
Summary: Whenever Pansy passes Luna in the hall, Luna is staring ahead, as though in a trance. Her blonde hair is even more unkempt than usual, her eyes wider and emptier.
Length: 2,500ish words
Rating: PG-13
A Taste of NightBy: Rose Eva
Rating: R
Summary: The birds of night peck at the first stars that flash like my soul when I love you. Luna muses over her curiosity of what love tastes like, hate feels like, and her love for Pansy Parkinson.
Fallen Children of the SunBy: animimares
Word Count: 2482
Rating: PG-13 (vague mentions of violence and death)
Summary: She wonders idly what became of the fairytales her mother told her at night; of her porcelain dolls which could be thrown against the wall without breaking into pieces. She recalls being a happy little girl in pink, frilly dresses - what became of that Pansy?
FlickerBy: acidpop25
Word Count: 203
Summary: "Someone might see."
Rating: PG
Just a Case of Fenestra FiggsBy: eliminate
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Parkinson stares at Luna in what could be disbelief, but Luna chalks it up to Wrackspurts, though it is a little too early in the year for them, if Luna thinks about it.
Of Ribbons and HonestyBy: peskywhistpaw
Word Count: 1,236
Rating: G
Summary: Pansy sits in the library with her legs folded beneath her, not crossed, because that’s hardly proper when one is on the floor. Not that existing anywhere near the ground is proper, but she can stray only just so far from what she has been taught all her life. That’s why her back is straight, even though she would rather lean it against the case of books behind her.
Pax VobiscumBy: animimares
Rating: Light PG-13
Word Count: 1.288
Playing PretendBy: animimares
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: A little het, character death (somehow) and angst
Summary: Pansy has seen the prostitutes’ area in Moscow and she has seen the poverty of American society’s forgotten quarters - she has said goodbye to too many things. In the beginning she called it freedom to be on the run; but after watching herself die twice she has to reconsider what freedom really is...
Speaking TermsBy: jazzyjello
Summary: Luna sits in Charms class and tries to think of how to seduce Pansy.
Length: nearly 2,000 words
Rating: PG-13
Trick or TreatBy: antoshevu
Rating: R
Summary: Sometimes your life plays tricks on you--and whether it's a treat or not is all in the eye of the bloody beholder.
Warnings: Lots of gen; some softcore sex.
WrittenBy: animimares
Rating: R
Word Count: 15.600 (will probably fall in two “chapters”)
Summary: Perhaps, she thinks and her heart skips a beat, her feet almost not touching the ground in her hurry to reach the owl and unfasten the scroll of parchment attached to its leg… and her “perhaps” becomes a “yes” dying on her lips as her eyes follow the sentences, spelling out her fate. A letter awakens memories and forces Pansy to reconsider the act she has chosen to make of her life.
Warnings: Heavy angst. Not explicit violence.
Night Sky (Deep End Remix)By: corvidae9
Rating: R
Word Count: ~5250
Summary: Pansy never thought she'd be the misfit of Slytherin house.
The Dark Side of the MoonBy: animimares
Word Count: 5.396
Rating: PG
Summary: They tell me my name is Luna Lovegood. It’s not all that bad a name I think; though I’m not quite sure what it means. Who is Luna Lovegood? I asked one of the Ladies this but she didn’t answer me; instead she gave me one of those smiles they have all given me since I woke up.
When The Melody of Hope Died OutBy: animimares
Word Count: 1.308
Rating: PG
Summary: She must have dozed off...
Hurt For Me
By: srichard
CatharsisBy: holidayonice
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 620
Summary: Pansy is left alone in her seventh year when Draco doesn’t come back.
Cigarette Butts and Beer Nuts By: Lucia de'Medici
Summary: Their routine is systematic - a bar, a few too many beers, and ritualistic man-bashing.
Rating: R
From The Tents of Katar - rinsbane -
Schools of ThoughtBy: Switchknife
Some Girls Are Bigger Than OthersBy: Victoria P.
Summary: Millicent has found a way to get what she wants.
Rated: R
Change Your Taste In MenBy: Dulcinea
Rating: PG-13
Natural DevelopementBy: Ursula
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Millicent thought belonging to Slytherin could only mean one thing: a sophisticated career as a journalist, or maybe a spy. Unfortunately, her looks are against her, and so is Parvati.
Genre: Humour/Romance
Siren RisingBy: crazylittleme
Rating: R
Summary: Pansy never learned not to trust women in the water.
Warnings: Unromantic Slytherin sex!
ImperiusBy: Snegourochka Lee
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Sort of dubious consent but not really; one small reference to fisting; enormous HBP spoilers
Words: ~8,700
Summary: While Draco holds Rosmerta under a spell, there is more to her relationship with another Malfoy than meets the eye.
TutoringBy: jazzyjello
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Getting a crush on Pansy bloody Parkinson was not supposed to happen. At all.
Usually It RainedBy: Duckling
Rating: PG-13
DissipateBy: Pogrebin
China DollBy: Reila
Rating: PG
ShiftBy: furiosity
Genre: Angst
Rating: PG
Warning(s): Second-person. Implied character death.
Length: 1000 words
Summary: Once upon a time, there were two girls who were close, and then they weren't, and then they were again.
Pansy/Susan Bones
Perfect, WhiteBy: mia_ugly
Rating: R
so she turns on herselfBy: mondayagain
Rating: PG
Word Count: ~500
Warnings: character death
Summary: An ending to an era of many dinners.
More than one femmeslash pair
as means the moon By: crazylittleme
Rating: Hard R to NC-17
Word Count: 2340
Warnings: Sex, angst, all things good.
Summary: There is a beginning, there is an end, and then there is Luna.
Pairings: Marietta/Luna, Luna/Cho
Come ShotsBy: Kate Bolin
Pairings: Hermione/Various
Springtime's Idle GamesBy: starrysummer
Pairings: Pansy/Various
Rating: R
Warnings: underaged sex (fourth year), alcohol use, dubious consent
Summary: Pansy hates Hufflepuffs, but she loves games. She's good at them, too, she knows.
A History of Love (In Seven Parts)By: acidpop25
Pairings: Luna/Various
Rating: PG-13-R
Summary: "Boys can be silly sometimes."
Goodbye In Three ActsBy: Don't Know
Pairings: Ginny/Luna, Luna/Hermione, Hermione/Ginny
Rating: NC-17
Summary: An exploration of three girls and the way that love and the war affect them.
Warnings: Character death, oral sex, vague reference to masturbation
Love In ExcessBy: minx
Pairings: Katie Bell/Various
Rating: T
Red Ribbons BindBy: foreword
Pairings: Ginny/Luna, Narcissa/Bellatrix, Bellatrix/Ginny
Rating: NC-17
Summary: The red didn't dull with time. It was still sharp, still slicing through her dreams with memories that didn't belong to her.
Warnings: character death, vague references to torture, hurt/comfort, mild bondage, semi-voyeurism by use of pensieve, smoking, dark fic
Word Count: @3,100
Tonks/GabrielleBy: blue_onion
Educating The GovernessBy: twilightsorcery
Pairing: Pansy/Hermione
Girl's Night InBy: la_fono
Pairing: Mermaid/Fat Lady
LesbosBy: tripperfunster
Pairing: Luna/Hermione
Luna LovegoodBy: _odella_
PossessionBy: kasche
Pairing: Pansy/Hermione
Power PlayBy: xbloodsugarsx
Pairing: Narcissa/Bellatrix
QuietlyBy: andreanna
Pairing: Cho/Hermione
Can't Find Links
Hidden In Plain Sight
The Lesson - by: dixi19
Burning - By: Rose Eva
Ladytron - by: Tarie
You According To Me - By: celeria
I Cannot Get Out, Said The Starling - by: Bichan
For Beginners - by: taffetablue
Bone Mother (part ¼) - Bellatrix/Andromeda + Andromeda/Ted -
Magpies - Bellatrix/Andromeda - by: crazylittleme
The Sporting Life - Blythe -
Oui, Oui: A Love Story - augustfai -
Outside of the Parenthetical - Sioniann -
Perfect Enough For the Both of Us (and no one will ever see) - starrysummer -
Prepossesion - foreword -
Untitled - ishafel -
We Both Go Down Together - incognito -
How Soon Is Now? -
Thinking Of
By: paranoidkitten