This is a wow entry and a bitch fest. If you dislike either, move along. Poyre - read at your own risk, not about you but you may not wanna see me bitch about our guildies like this.
So, 2.4 brings a new 5man that virtually no one played on the PTR it seems. The writeups on bosses at wowhead are pathetic, wowwiki is marginally less useless but still mostly not worth reading yet. The loot lists are empty on wowhead even (or were last time I looked).
Its a fucking hard instance. It is obviously tuned for people already in Kara, it follows the new trend in Blizz dungeon design where "hard" means the entire group takes a metric fuckton of damage all at once. The second boss can be a real cockblock, even understanding how he works it requires communication between DPS and people who really understand their class (mages knowing when to iceblock out of the debuff, for example).
I do actually really like the instance, and while I think the gear isn't as good as it should be for the difficulty of the run there is some nice stuff with stats you cannot obtain anywhere else outside of late T5 and beyond raid zones or the new very expensive badge loot that you can't even buy yet.
The reason I hate the instance is my guildmates became cockhats the instant it came out. Some very overpowered groups waltzed through the place, and a few really crass people decided to link every fucking drop into guild and brag about how quickly and easily this stuff was obtained. Then when people with less gear or less skill wanted in they got ignored. Now all of this likely would've been survivable had the overgeared folks not started playing favorites with which undergeared players they chose to "drag through" the joint. Compound this with no one seemingly being willing to explain that these people WERE being dragged through, and you suddenly have people who everyone knows are sub-par players with sub-par gear strutting around in guild chat linking the sexy loot and talking about how easy it is.
I'm pleased with the response my more delicately couched presentation of this issue has gotten on the guild forums, it seems like this is more New Shiny disease than any intentional exclusion of people. Doesn't change the hurt and upset tells I got all night Tuesday and a good chunk of yesterday, though hopefully I was able to offer some perspective to people to help them feel less upset.