Writer's Block: Everything That's Fit to Print

Sep 18, 2008 10:51

On the subject, I think print news, books, and other forms of the written word will never vanish. The computer, while convenient, is not an optimal way to view large amounts of text. The eye strain alone has made book-readers avoid electronic forms, but in my mind there is another reason.

It is wholly satisfying to turn the page.

The feel of the paper between your fingers as you grip the novel adds a tactile sensation that computers cannot replace. There is something endearing about a well-worn, dog-eared paperback. It lets you know its history with every little tear and broken binding. Older books, bound moulded leather and Papier Mâché, have a scent that speaks of centuries of knowledge. Maybe I am just sentimental, but the feel of a good book in my hands can never be replaced with hard plastic and metal.

I got off track for a moment with my musings. As for newspapers? I feel relatively the same way. Although they leave you covered in ink and create no small amount of recyclable trash, a fresh newspaper is quick and easy. You can flip through to your favorite section or meander through topics you might not search for online. Most of the time the paper is lighter than carrying a laptop (forgetting of course, the Sunday news!) My last high point of paper news is you can't rip out the crosswords out of a computer and do them on the elliptical, potty, or other such place.

Paper, it's what's for reading.

writer's block

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