My twitter bio is still accurate:
Christ Follower, wife, mom, ooh shiny!
Nicholasville, KY ·
Okay, so the link is pointless, considering how long it’s been since I’ve written. But the twitter bio is better than my Live Journal bio. See aforementioned lack of writing.
Shiny might be the most telling part of the description. On the surface, I love bright colors and the shiny. Digging deeper, I’m easily distracted and many things catch my eye/attention/energy.
My ongoing/enduring characteristics/interests include a mildly complex family structure, worship, depression, singing, reading, TV, Sci-Fi, fandom, handcrafts like knitting, tie dye and beading. For groceries and healthcare I work a low-stress job that takes advantage of my years of keyboarding and my OCD tendencies, er, that is, an eye for detail. It also allows me the privilege of listening to audiobooks & podcasts while I work. Professionally, I have out of date programming skills.
My current distraction is a broken ankle. I slipped on Sat 25 Jan, had surgery to put screws in it on Tue 4 Feb, and I got this hard cast (at least it’s purple) on Wed 26 Feb. At one point I almost started posting again with the title “why yes, my ankle is STILL broken.” But then I listened to a podcast
The Seven Things You’re Supposed to Talk About and found out that my health is boring. :)
This has been an entry for
The Real LJ Idol writing competition, the Final Season,
Topic 0 : An Introduction.