Surprise Unlimited

Dec 22, 2010 17:08

November 28th, 2009: I posted about a friend who I miss and who I am no longer am in touch with

December 22nd, 2009: Less than a month later she contacted Randy via Facebook and said that ever since she'd been on Facebook she'd been trying to track me down and then asked him to forward her email address to me saying that she'd love to connect with me.

Either she felt how much I missed her through the ethers, or maybe she pops in every so often and reads my journal (this is not likely, though she used to know my LJ address... and there was this anonymous reply from a post back in 2008, or maybe someone who knows both of us saw my post and mentioned it to her, or maybe random coincidence. Whatever the case, I was delighted that she wanted to be in touch!!

December 23rd, 2009: I sent her a nice email updating her on my life... The Four Winds, my job teaching, efforts to have a baby... and letting her know how much I missed her and how curious I was about her life.

December 24th, 2009: She replied to my email letting me know she would reply to my sweet update in the next day or so and wished me a Merry Christmas

January 15th, 2010: After not hearing back from her, I sent her an email saying that I would still love to hear back from her.

January 15th, 2010: She replied back, thanked me for the reminder and said she would write to me after the weekend was up and she was finished with a bunch of work.

February through September, 2010: Crickets

October 21st, 2010: Receive an email from her that says...

Surprise Unlimited:
    Friends, I recently found a very good site.It can offer you so many kinds of electronic products which you may be in need,such as laptops, gps, TV, cell phones, ps, MP3/4, motorcycles even several kinds of musical instruments and etc..

its quality is very good. And the website is promoting their products these days, so they have very good price and big discount now. This website also sells tv,motor,laptop and so on. The promotion will keep 30 days .
I hope you have a good shopping mood!

Complete with html code and poor writing. For those who don't want to wade through the HTML gooblygock above, here is what the email says:

Surprise Unlimited: Friends, I recently found a very good site. It can offer you so many kinds of electronic products which you may be in need, such as laptops, gps, TV, cell phones, ps, MP3/4, motorcycles even several kinds of musical instruments and etc.. A its quality is very good. And the website is promoting their products these days, so they have very good price and big discount now. This website also sells tv,motor,laptop and so on. The promotion will keep 30 days I hope you have a good shopping mood! Greetings!

October 21st, 2010: Send her an email that says:

Based on the message below, it appears someone might have broken into your email account to send out spam mail.

Just wanted to let you know in case no one else does. Make sure to change your password to something new... best if it's at least 6 characters or more, can't be found in a dictionary, and has at least 1 number in it.

Hope you are well. Still wishing for that update email you promised from so long ago. : )

Current: I never heard back from her. So either she has been forever locked out of her email account due to it being hijacked, or maybe she has become a professional spammer complete with poor writing and she was too embarrassed to let me in on the truth, or maybe she just simply snubbed me.

It makes no sense to me why she would contact me wishing to connect and then to never follow-up with that. What has changed between her first contact one year ago today, to now? Did she just change her mind? Or did "whatever it was" that made us lose contact in the first place come into play? Is she angry? Doesn't care? Too busy? Rolly eyed? Or maybe thoughts of me don't ever cross into her orbit. Though for a brief time a year ago...

It just makes no sense. And I still miss her.

And I have no choice but to let go and trust that... (the old cliche)... everything happens for a reason.

I can't force her to want to be in touch with me... even though a year ago out of the blue I was given a small shimmer of hope.

miss you, a look back

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