Apr 12, 2004 22:25
back from fighter practise and here to post...
and the people said "YAY!"
well not really, but I like to pretend they do.
life is being very odd right now.
this online school thing is fucking me over so hard. actually my procrastination and complete lack of work ethic is what's doing it, but I'm going to pretend like it's not REALLY my fault, which I know it is.
as soon as I can get this junk done I don't really have to worry about anything, I mean, graduation? I only have one academic class, grades aren't so much an issue.
Prom? like that matters ne? I'm making a kimono out of duct tape ( a tribute to orren ishi ii. ^_^) SCA? SCA is the LEAST of my problems, SCA is one of the few things keeping me sane right now. probably SCA and gaming. because I can just go and have a good time and not have to live up to people's expectations and other such bullshit.
I'm trying desperately to take back my life after 17 years of servitude.
17 years of trying to be the best at everything- because I was not allowed to make a mistake.
I think that has kind of fucked me over, just the whole "you are not allowed to make a mistake, you are not allowed to have a days rest because rest means you aren't doing enough, you're not allowed to say no to any volunteer jobs offered to you by church because you HAVE to be this perfect example, you HAVE to save your mother's name in the church by being the responsible kid that you're brother didn't turn out to be. oh and by the way you are shit because you sin, which is human nature." thing.
anyway, wow that was kinda melodramatic.
so this weekend was good
friday I went ot Rocky and it was all sorts of fun, "aislinn" heh. the show was really great, it was all sorts of fun since we actually got to eat afterwards this time. I had a blast that night though. then saturday I ACTUALLY GOT TO SLEEP IN! WOOHOO! okay I shouldn't be as excited about that as I was, but that's the first saturday in a bout five months I've gotten to sleep past ten.
all because I quit set crew.
yay leaving the drama sucakge behind.
then saturday I got to game with my dad, (I won! evil will always triumph because good is dumb!) then I went over to Rybo's house and Him, Brian, Norby, David, Logan and me all played Magic, and let me tell you how much i need to build some adequate group game decks. and Logan and Brian gave me a ride home (thanks Logan!) and I attempted to do some schoolwork. Have I mentioned how much the above group of people rocks? because they all do. (Rybo is responsible for the Mars Volta kick I've been on lately >_< but it's all good because the kid produces some kick ass artwork.) Anyway, so this is me leaving the drama bullshit behind. This is me realizing that now is the time to leave behind a LOT of shit that I don't need.
So sunday I get up and do the easter thing.
church = me performing because I was forced to, me singing with the choir, because I was tricked into it (don't ask....) and a sermon that didn't inspire anything but sleep. "Jesus DIED! HORRIBLE TORMENT! you all suck you stupid sinners! but god loves you! And....here's the offering."
sunday afternoon I saw a horrible movie.
and hung out w/ my brother yay and stuff.
then came taco bell, all sorts of fun, almost wound up in New Orleans, but then decided that I need to graduate. damn.
so here I sit.
typity type type.