(no subject)

Dec 06, 2006 01:19

Just a thought that occurred to me during a conversation with Princess Belle:

[ PRIVATE ; unhackable ]
Holy glowing balls of faithful shit. Men are complete dumbasses.

[ PRIVATE to Mickey, Donald and Goofy ]
Mickey. Donald. Goofy. If I'm here, and you're all here with me, then... who's guarding Disney Castle? D: Prior to your arrivals, I was at least somewhat secure in the knowledge that there was still one of you guarding the place. Donald, please tell me that you at least left Daisy in charge before coming here. Please don't tell me that it's Chip or Dale who're in charge of the place. There won't be a castle to go back to if they're the ones guarding it.

Thank goodness Maleficent's only a child now.
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