
Mar 12, 2008 20:38

I'm not dead. I just realized I haven't posted in forever.

Nothing too new. My roommate and I upgraded to a two bedroom apartment. No longer sleeping on the couch. I got a bed back in December. It's the best bed I've ever had. I'm so happy I have it. The sheets are fabulous too; they're made of that "feels like cloth" stuff. Makes me not want to get out of bed sometimes.

Same old same old on the job front. I still work for the retarded Christian bookshop. I still don't have a girlfriend.

The only good thing is that I'm starting to do more and see more. I'm going to go to a few concerts and stuff and reconnect with old friends. Give my social life a boost.

I've developed a new love-music. Well, it's not new really. It's an old love I've come to rekindle the fire with. iTunes is my new best friend.

Shah. So much time has past. Seems like not so much has happened-but it has. Huzzah.
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