Long time

Nov 26, 2005 12:33

Haven't written here in a while.

Day before Thanksgiving.
It was hectic. Had to drive into L.A. to pick up film. I was pissed because two of the guys that I took film down never bothered to show up and give me their money. I called them up after class [main reason for me hauling ass out of bed that day-was to pick up the money] and asked them about where they were. They weren't coming down; what does that equate to? I had to fork out money for their film. Fun fun. The drive down to L.A. fortunately wasn't that bad, but it is physicall draining to drive down there. If anyone thinks this is crazy, that's because they've never driven down there. It takes a good hour to drive down there and you have to be on edge the whole way there. If not then some idiot will ram into you.

Then I get a call from the librarian. Apparently we have a new T.A. Unfortunately she gave both my shifts next week to the new kid. O.o She called to see if it was ok; of course she had that "I'm telling you, not asking you" tone so what could I say?

I'm really tempted just to quit this job. I know it's nice, but if the bitch cuts back on my hours [it only seems to be my hours, not the other T.A.'s-so much for being a longstanding T.A. here] I'm really am not going to be bounded to stay. I'm going to really start casting around my net for other places. I'm tired of having no standing here. I need the money. The whole reason why I'm putting up with so much shit from the librarian. It she can't even give me the hours, then fuck this shit.

Went to see the new Harry Potter film. I was disappointed by this film. The photography in it was horrible. What's worse is that the cinematographer has done some decent films; really no excuse for the horrible photography. If the lighting got any darker all we would have been looking at was a blank screen. The music in it wasn't memorable at all. The screenplay was horrible. I understand they had a lot to condense into one film; but it just felt like they were cutting it up. They didn't prioritize the important points of the book at all. The story felt like they were cutting huge chunks out and weren't trying to glue everything together. The direction in it was really attrotious. The director didn't know how to direct kids or young teenagers and it's glarringly noticable. At times it felt like the kids were reverting back to behavior from the second movie. The editing; I don't know why the editor thought speading up segments would be funny. It's not. It's utterly annoying.

All in all, Harry Potter 4 was a flop.

Then I tried driving around to look for food. No one was open. I tried Bostom Market. When I walked in there was a big ass line and they didn't have any chicken. I walked out and went to the grocery store across the way. While I was there, this Hispanic guy tries asking me about clubs. I told him about a few bars and explained I wasn't into the whole club thing. Then the real reason why he was talking to me comes out. He tried asking me out on a date. That freaked me out. I told him I was with someone and walked away. Fortunately Shelby called so hopefully this visual thing made it seem like I was with someone. Thanks Shelby for your perfect timing.

Yesterday I stayed in at home. I disslike going out on Black Friday.

Today has been cute so far. They started working on the apartment above me. I found this a bit baffling since the obnoxious neighbors still haven't moved out all their shit. O.o Shouldn't they wait before working on all of that stuff? Apparently not. So I got to listen to that all mourning before I left for work. Of course now I'm at work. My hopes of no one coming in have been dashed. Last year, no one came in. wtf? Why can't people stay the hell away this year?

I honestly wish I were back home. I'm sick and tired of being here at school, work, California, film school.
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