S ABKGHPUH ODFNVND:WSJF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

May 10, 2006 21:39

OKay, you dont have to read this, but there are references that Alix Elsen will get and Courtney Dunn will get. Other than that, go for it if you want

1. So far who did you talk to the most today?
Alix Elsen. That girl is amazing, and even though she took a chunk out of my foot (which never actually bled but still hurt like hell), we have so much in common. It's crazy...right down to our crazzy ass brothers.

2. What is the best name for a butler?

3. What is the thing you are picked on most about?
Not always being right...I HATE IT.

4. What was your last weird encounter?
I saw my ex boyfriend on the way back to school from our Service day...awkward when he didnt recognise me.

5. Do you remember the part from Bambi when Bambi learns to say bear?
Can't say that I do.

6. How many good friends do you have?
That depends on what you call good. Best..maybe four. Good, maybe fifteen...I dont know it all depends.

7. What's the weirdest thing you have ever eaten?
Jellyfish. It's DISGUSTING. Robert knows what I'm talking about. Chinese food in Japan. Jellyfish tastes like cold rubber, baccon, and the ocean's salty sand. It's gross beyond words.

8. What color are your socks today?
I wasn't wearing socks today

9. What is your favorite word that starts with the letter G?

10. Who do you blame for your mood today?
My mother. Just so you know, I HATE THAT FUCKING BITCH RIGHT NOW. I also blame Hope Stevens, some of my friends and Alix Elsen, but in only the best of ways. Cause eventhough she can't articulate worth shit, it still makes sense, and I am at least trying to work things out in my head, with myself now.

11. If Ricky Martin had a trademark what would it be?

12. What is something scientists need to invent?
I agree with Alixs "something that would fix everyone in the worlds' problems. now wouldn't that be nice?" That or a perpetual motion machine

13. What is the closest object to your left foot?
My right foot.

14. Who is your favorite Golden Girl?
King Midas' daughter...that sucks for her.

15. Do you have an inside joke that has to do with numbers?
no, but I have one that has to do with a tub full of potatoes...dont ask

16. What is the longest amount of hours you have slept in a row?

17. What story do you tell most often?
That time at band camp....haha jk. probably YMA or NYLC. something like that.

18. How do ugly people make you feel?
THat depends on who. I can feel either fucking mutated or pretty fucking hott...it depends.

19. Where is your mother's hometown?
Portland, OR

20. Where was your father's hometown?
Portland, OR

21. What are the posters on your walls?
I dont have posters on my walls.

22. Say two words that rhyme.

23. Do you use online terms in real life?
ONly to be annoying...So no.

24. What do you think people think of you?
That I am annoying and loud and I go to some rich preppy school so I must be rich and preppy. AND LASKFHJIOUGHIJKLDSFNIJRHG - - - - - - I HATE PEOPLE RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

25. Do you think this year will be better than the last?
I have high hopes, but no not really

26. Who is the 1st person on your incoming call list?
Vanessa, vanessa, and oh look!! Vanessa. I wish I had a boyfriend.

27. Do you know who Salad Fingers is?

28. What is the stupidest thing you have ever done?
I dont do stupid things.
Jumped off of a roof onto a trampoline and into a pool.
Walked around SE portland on July 4 at 130 in nothing but a bathing suit. I'm suprised I wasn't raped.

29. What is your favorite commercial of the moment?
My least favorite is anything that mentions, APR Financing or low monthly payments

30. What are you looking forward to?
Graduating. MOVING ON. Getting a car. Going FAR AWAY FROM MY MOTHER. Getting high for the first time... I have no idea why that came out. My birthday

31. Have you ever cried because you thought you were ugly?

32. Who did you kiss today?

33. What do you like to do when you are alone?
Listen to music, daydream/fantisize, draw, sing.

34. Who are your 2 favorite characters on Full House?
The musician uncle and the funny uncle

35. What is missing from your life?
A lot of things.  A boyfriend, freedom, a car, a social life, good grades...a lot of things

36. Would you be ashamed if you wore hippie clothes?

37. Grab the closest book, what does the 7th sentence on the 23rd page say?
"But finally, my mother finished cutting the vegetables and she reached into the box and drew out a sparrow, its feet dangling from the bottom and its head poking out the top." she goes on to wring its neck which is ironic, cause that is what my mother is doing to the sparrow of my LIFE

38. When was the last time you slept with a stuffed animal?
Last night.

39. If it was your last day on earth what shoes would you wear?
either fuck-me-boots, rubie slippers or the sexiest pumps I could find

40. Do you own a Super Nintendo?
No, but I own an original Sega

41. What do you think of Law and Order?
I love it. SVU and original. None of this CI crap.

42. Can you name all 7 dwarfs?
Dopey, grumpy, happy, sneezy, sleepy, bashful and Doc.

43. Have you ever pretended to be Jewish?
Um yeah, I am going to marry Sam, Bej or Zack, just so I can be jewish

44. What was the last thing you thought you lost, but ended up finding it?
My self esteem...oh wait. ITS STILL GONE.

45. What were you doing at midnight last night?
Sleeping...but do you know where your daughter was???

46. If you had a ball of clay what would you mold it into?
A ball.

47. Do you have any famous relatives?
Robert David Cooper - one of the four ORIGINAL mountaineers on Mount hood. Ya know Cooper's spur?? Yeah, that was named after him...Cooper mountain as well in fact.
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