Dessicated Dodo Party Location thoughts

Apr 21, 2014 20:58

I posted this to the Minicon 49 event/group on Facebook since some people only really do Facebook, figured I'd post it here since some people primarily talk Minicon on LJ. Would love to hear thoughts from folks on this. Am I alone in missing the Monday party at con hotel? Are there out of towners who'd stick around longer if the party was there? Am I just more wary of crowded parties than others? I'm genuinely curious what folks think.

Anyway. What I said:

I hear the Dessicated Dodo party tonight is crowded, which seems to be typical. Once upon a time, for financial reasons IIRC, a decision was made to move the Dessicated Dodo Party (a.k.a. Dead Dead Dog party) on Monday night from the con hotel to the home of a local fan. This seems to be the way things have been done now for quite a few years, despite different people running the con and so on.

I really miss having the Monday night party at the con hotel. I found it was easier for non-locals who were still at the con hotel to attend. Also made it easier for people who had time to wind down post-con on Monday to find people to hang out with at the hotel. I think it sometimes led to more volunteers being around and grabbable for help with final move out and tear down bits on Monday. May also have led to more people deciding to get rooms at the hotel on Sunday and/or Monday nights.

I should think that paying for one of the big suites (like the bar) wouldn't cost too much to make this do-able. We usually had a good group of people who helped pack up the last of the consumables late on Monday night or early Tuesday morning when the party finally ended/wound down. My husband (Kevin Austin) also pointed out that even if the con just kept one of the cabana rooms, there'd still be room for people to hang out and possibly game in the Garden Court area, provided the hotel was cool with that (as in there wasn't another group coming in to use that space on Monday).

Of course one also has to be considerate of hotel guests on Monday night and be quieter to avoid noise complaints, but in my experience by Monday people are generally quieter or could be convinced to be quieter. Monday night party generally doesn't go as late as Sunday night's.

Anyway. I mention this, while it's fresh in my mind, as something to think about for next year and future Minicons. I know I've passed on the Dessicated Dodo party more than I might've in recent years due to knowing it'd likely be very crowded and I figured it was more important for concom and non-locals still around to be able to attend.

dessicated dodo party

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