'Cause I've been fussing with it for three days starting it over and over and over again, therefore it has no color - but color seems to be a deterrent to me. I have absolutely no idea what to do with it, it seems. Personally I like my sketches as is, but it'd be -nice- if I could color them all pretty =/ Ah well.
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Comments 14
Oh my icon? XD lol thanks. It's one of my aborted attempts at my sunny/blue doodle.
You've got Aid with his hands all tucked up, EEEE!!! And Hot Spot and 'Bolt are definitely the best big brothers ever *nods* I love Hot Spot's expression - he looks like he's gone all melty inside too ^_^
I agree that your sketches work very nicely as they are, without needing more color. Those little touches of red here are just right.
Hee - I love Hot Spot's dorky smokestacks - they remind me of big table legs, stuck to his head XD
You write 'Aid so cute and snuggly - I love that he sleeps with his hands all curled up like that. He may not have been the last one online but he's definitely the Pup of the pack.
Table legs *giggles* Yeah they do.
*ponders* Why... would a firetruck have smokestacks...? I've never seen them with 'em before.
his antennae-thingies are terribly hard to draw *points to own icon* i can sympathize
ARE they antennae? Wormie thinks they're smokestacks, I kinda think they're nozzles for his water hoses =/ I'unno what they are. Meh.
therefore brain says they're antenna in mech form
the only way this could be better is... wait.. nevermind, it couldn't be better.eeeee!
I will now watch you, if you do not mind.
I have to mention I'm happy you got Spot's red optics down ^_^
Anyway - Nah I don't mind if you watch. X3 And thanks! <3
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