Dec 08, 2009 21:08
This holiday has to be one of my best holidays I've had, a large part because of the awesome company I have. Have hung out with Aslam, Qinxin, Yuhan, Yuxin, Qiumei, Jolene, Xiawei, John (HAHAH I've been making super last minute dates with John), Zaiyuan, Andrew and Benedict! Did I miss anyone out o.o Will be meeting Eugene and Kenneth they all prolly next week to celebrate Eugene's belated bday too. And I'll definitely have to meet Kesin etc and Mandy too <3
Seoul Garden with Andrew, Zaiyuan and Twin was insaneeely good although the monetary cost was so not worth it. Thirty bucks for a Sunday dinner :\ HAHAHA but these three good friends made the date super duper fun! We said so much about our Swiss Cottage memories etc and updated each other on our lives. Andrew is one sick dirty-minded ass -- I have never known that he was LIKE THATTTTTT GOSH! :O Twin told me smthg which made me laugh because she had made a mistake like I have, just that it wasn't so deep. And I think the scars we both had have faded already, right right? >:D Helped Zaiyuan with something *hints hints* and I bet he's totally indebted to me. (Mr Tan, I know you're umchio-ing while reading thisssss) EHhhhhh really very sorry Twin, if you got scolded by your ahbu after you reached home >_< It was pretty late and Twin's mummy called etc. Late it may be, but it was definitely fun ttm!
Had Batam OCIP from 24th to 27th of December. Honestly the accomodation and eating conditions were way better than what I had expected. I thought it was a community involvement project? I thought it was suppose to let us rough it out. I had expected some slum-like hotel and horrid packet lunches -- supposedly, real volunteers have to really get out of their comfort zones to fit into the harsh conditions by staying in slums with the people they were going to extend a helping hand to. My roomies for the trip were Yingxuan and Lydia and they were great roomies HAHAHA. I even dreamt of me and Yingxuan riding on a roller coaster ride LOL. I also got to know Lydia and the Little Mermaid better :) But the two of them ahhhh, kept teasing me non-stop ack ack :$ Painting the walls of the classrooms (which do not really appear like classrooms) were kind of tough. Being an avid Sims 3 player, I thought painting was somewhat easy like what's portrayed in Sims 3 -- with a click of a mouse and TADA the walls are coated with paint! Scrubbing the floors were a bit tiring too. Legs were sore after 5 mins or so but taking turns with the other girls made it much better. I like the little kiddies. I prefer the other satellite kiddos who ran into the school after school ended :) My kawans! A kid asked for my number so that they could contact me but they have yet to call yet. AHHHHH can't wait can't wait though >_< Aiyaaaa on the first day of OCIP I kept thinking that Yuxuan the bittchhh was present so I kinda of kept turning my head to search for her. Alamak. Hehehe I have to thank Yingxuan for lending me her phone to make calls and texts to Aslam because I missed him so much D: HAHA I'll pay you the phone bill on the first day of school ;) One thing I won't forget during the nights in the hotel was that... Yingxuan kissed her phone because her wallpaper's a photo of Teukie LMAO. Hardcore. Yuhan, you've got a love rival.
Taiwan trip was pretty good and I've bought like one k plus worth of stuff for myself. Not including food and snacks. I wholly didn't believe myself either. Lots of uncles who smoke. Girls who all try too hard to look like one another. Most of them look like they came out from the same factory moulds -- which most of them can't pull it off. Taiwanese are very friendly though! Like Parisans. The service they offer is superb too. Buildings in Taiwan are made of bricks in response to the typhoon problem so they tend to look very dull and sort of rundown. Oh well but I like the weather (chilly but not very cold) and refreshing air there. Ugh but I know I won't be able to get used to the food there on a long-term basis. I met Genesis (I saw him but he didn't see me since I was on the bus alr) and Weihui there. Geee what a small world huhhhhhh. Like we don't even see each other in Sg but TAIWAN?!?! Oh and I got to know how much a failure Singapore's efforts to recycle and conserve have been. Sigh sigh, double sigh :\ After I came back from Taiwan on Sunday, I couldn't believe that my mum asked if I want to join her to make a trip to Korea then Hongkong this week. Wha- wha- what! :O Thanks for the fab offer, but no thanks.
Hehehehe I went to watch New Moon with Jin and Yuhan after spending some quality time with them at Jin's house! John ah, he promised to watch the movie with me but ended up asking me if he could go watch it with others first. HAHA but I'm a good BFF so I can understand (k wth damn thick-skinned). I'm really apologetic towards Jin cos I was supposed to reach her house at nine to go run at the stadium but I was utterly exhausted that I only woke up at 9.15am :X Hahaha oops. Jin made relatively good kimchi soup with a lot of vegetables (I love I love I love). New Moon was.. okay I guess. I felt soooooo sorry for Jacob, bummer. The entire show, like Twilight, was quite monotonous and, definitely anti-climax. The ending was so very a turn-off. "Bella, will you marry me?" *music suddenly, very abruptly, stops* Everyone in the cinema were like *OOOOHHHHH* --> whuu-uuuhhhtt -_-" Okay. $7.50 was still pretty well-spent considering my eyes got a feast :) Kristen Stewart's soooo pretty, after Emma Watson. Yuhan was going bonkers over Taylor Lautner while Jin insisted on her Robert Pattinson. Thou shall not fight with them. Kristen Stewart FTW!
Hmm one more month plus till school reopens. Very often, I awe at the rate time passes by. Next year's gonna be a lot tougher than this year I guess, not just in terms of academics but life as a whole. My goals keep changing; my ambition has changed too (because of much consideration + feedback by a few adults). Sidetrack: I haven't been done with this blog post since hours ago because I'm instant-messaging people HAHA. Not complaining. I'm happy hehe. Had an awesomeeeeee chat with Guang and Kaining esp! :D)
I miss Jolene's presence + I'm desperate to have her fill me in on *inserts subject* HEHEHE. Come back asap Jolene!
To sum it up, life's terrific now :)
Friendship isn't about whom you have known the longest.. it's about who came, and never left your side.